Night High! ~ the Demon Hight School Demon Night High! School finally Open to all Demons!Please visit the Administration Office with any problems. Are school is held open for the creatures of the Night. Working hard for our students to get the right education! [Demons include: Fairies, Soul Reapers, Skellingtons, Ghosts, Vampires, Goblins, witches, werewolves, andcross speicies, Angles! School Uniforms: * to lazy to explain uniforms, sorry* If you would like to JOIN, please PM me. Or post it here. Classes: Magic Class Physic's Class [PE] Free period Lunch How not to kill a Human Flying class Electives: Music, Drama, Choir, Guitar Class, and Art Rules: *Must ask USER CONTROLLING CHAR FOR PERMISSION to kill their character. *No yuri please, yaoi's fine with me. But don't get caried away! * No God-Moding * May Have up to 4 OC's Buildings: A: Classes B:Electives C:Student Clubs D:Sports Area E:Cafeteria F:Administration Offices G:Teen Room, Arcade, pool H: And The Dorm Application Name: Age: Gender: Apperance: Classes: Type: faerie, demon, etc. Personality: Other: ___________________ Name:Koronto Age:15 Gender:male Apperance:tall with messy black hair Classes:guitar Type: ware wolf Personality:nice when its not a full moon ____________________ Name:Ketsu Age:17(he looks that old but is really 3,000) Gender: male Apperance: Classes: (in order) Magic, How not to kill a human, Guitar, Free perod, Art, P.E. Type: vampire Personality:calm, very artistic, can control himself around humans surprisingly well Other:has many animal guardians ___________________ Name:Angel Age:16 Gender: Female Apperance:She wears a clacket over the uniform.(clacket is a jacket/cloak...thing...) Classes:PE, Magic, Flying, How not to kill a human, Lunch, music, free Type: Spirit.....or...ghost....whatever you call it. Personality:Quiet but only when she's bored or wit someone she's not fond of(so she's talkative and hyper with friends) Other:She can use two swords (ghostly swords...) and she's still learning to be solid when needed and transparent when needed. ____________________ Name: Kain Age: 15 Gender: Male Apperance: Classes: Magic, Physic's Class, Music, How not to kill a human, Art, Free Period, Type: Demon. Personality: He's the lazy, calm guy who likes to get as much sleep as he can in a day, but he doesn't mind a little noise every once in a while. He also catches on to things very quicly. Other: He wears an eye-patch over his left eye because it's the source of his demon powers (ex: control over fire). He also carries a harmonica in his pocket. ____________________ Name: Sharix Age: 15 Gender: female Apperance: she has bron layered hair with highlights and she has indigo eyes- but can sometimes turn blood red Classes: How not to kill a human, Physics Class, Magic Classes, Arts, Flying Class,Free period Type: vampire Personality: she is shy, not much of an in-the-know person, she doesn't really easliy get mad but if you make her REALY mad you'll regret it- either she brings you down with words or hurts you physically Other: she likes to draw and read books Name: Tanoa Age: 17 Gender: female Apperance: Classes: magic classes, chior, magics, Physics and Flying Class Type: fearie Personality: she has a calm sweet voice which makes her a calm person, she is quite wise and she also likes to meet new people, she is usually quiet Other: she knows how o speak in a certain kind of language used by some fearies, she is a nixie _____________________ Name: Nowa Age: 17 ( 400 years old) Gender: male Apperance: Classes: Magic, how Not to kill a human, flying, guitar, Type: Demon Personality: doesn’t care about anything, not much feeling in live, looking for something exciting to do Other: loves to use magic on humans, draws, and likes to make friends from time to time _____________________ Name: Fling Age: 16 Gender: Female Apperance: Classes: Drama, Magic Class, Physic's Class [PE], Free period, Lunch, How not to kill a Human Type: Dark Fairy Personality: A little quiet at first, wont talk to anyone. Then the rest you'll have to find out. Other: N/A _____________________ Name: Shikaru Age: 15 Gender: Female Apperance: Classes: PE, How not to kill a human, Magic class, Flying class, Free Period, Lunch, and Art. Type: Witch and Demon Personality: She's artistic, strong, organized, honest, responsible, ****ytical, calm, creative, practical, and independent. Other: Her mother was a witch, her father, a demon. She's never really been accepted by society for being a half demon. Either she was too strong, or too weak. She could never be inbetween. That hurt her...A lot. She was sent to this school because she always 'acted out' in her other schools. __________________________ Name: Tengi Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: click Classes: Drama, Guitar Class, Free Period, Lunch, PE, and How Not to Kill a Human Type: Werewolf Personality: Friendly and cheerful. She loves full moons, and when she transforms she becomes a complete wolf, although she's a little insecure about this. _____________________________ Name:Derainia Age:15 Gender:female Apperance: Classes:Advance Language Arts Type: Vampire Personality:Unlike other Vampires at night she drinks humans blood coming into their homes but her family moved for the 5th time and she is shy and sweet ______________________________ Name:Precious Age: 17 Gender: female Apperance: Precious Classes: Magic, PE, How not to kill a human, free period Type: faerie, demon, etc. Personality: shy but beautiful Other: very smart _________________________ Name: Corina Age: 16 Gender: Female Apperance: Classes: Magic Class, PE, free period, how not to kill a human, lunch, flying class, Choir Type: Witch Personality: She seems kind and sweet, but she acts a bit wary and almost disdainful sometimes. Although she seems kind, there's something strange and engimatic about her, that makes her magnanimous character almost reluctant. Other: She always carries a sword somewhere, but she will not show anyone how it fact, she came to the school with a mission but what that is she does not quite say... ___________________________ Name: Keta Era (goes by Key) don't ask... that was a name of someone somewhere.... Age: 15 Gender: Female appearance: Classes: Magic Class, Flying, Choir, PE Type:Angel Personality: You all know me well enough, but: thoughtful, can be evil, and over emotional.[/QUOTE] Name: Lynn Age: 18 Gender: Female Apperance: Classes: Magic Class Physic's Class [PE] Free period Lunch How not to kill a Human Flying class Art Type: faerie, demon, etc.: Demon Personality: Cold but not shy Other: none [You may pick your classes, the way you want them to be] Teachers: Merlin: [Magic Teacher] Mickey: [PE Teacher] Teacher application: Name: Apperence: Type: Personality: Other: ____________________ Name: Andrew Apperence:Wears casual clothing......sort of..... Type:spirit Personality:Funny and laid back. Tries hard to make school entertaining... Other:......uh.....he can control fire....except it looks blue.... ___________________ Name: Lesh Apperence: Typw: Vampire Personality: Funny, always doing something to get her introuble, student Assistant, working for her father. [who owns the school] Name: Suzuki Age: 12 (570 years old) Gender: Female Apperance: Classes: Magic, Flying, Art, Free Period and Music Type: Witch Personality: cute, funny, loves to help people and heal things Other: Flying teacher ___________________ Dorms: Dorm 1: Are the Vampire dorms Dorm 2: Are the Fairies dorms Dorm 3: Are the Soul Reapers dorms Dorm 4: Are the Ghost and Witches forms Dorm 5" Are the Goblins and Werewolves dorm. [If you do not like your dorms please put in a request for a change with someone else. You may share a dorm, put it must be with the same gender] Ranks: Based on student abilities. They will Travel to the Human world on missions. Missions with be desided by your Teachers. Rank A Students: Rank B Students: Rank C Students: Rank D Students: The Demon Squad Name: Komugi Age: 16 Gender: Female Apperance: Type: Demon Personality: Evil, likes to bring unpleasant pain to people for fun Other: the Captain of the Demon Night Squad [Owned by KairiXRiku] Name: Tutu Age: 15 Appearance: Type: Demon Personality: Joyful, helpful, hate’s mean people Love’s flowers Other: Second Commander of the Demon Night Squad Name: Momo Age: 17 Appearance: Type: Demon Personality: Shy, giggles a lot. Laughs at a lot of weird things and loves making friends. Other:Owned by Kairi9020
Not much, something I cooked up being so bored. I stud there, holding Back the tears I was meant to shed. I wondered why I was all alone. Or why there was…red…sticky ink- no…not ink….something, but not ink, was everywhere. But not just on the floor. But on me too…my hands, my face, my cloths…..What…have I done? Where was my family? Where was my mother, so I could cry on her shoulder? …where? Shots were fired “ Bang, Bang!†I heard, with the whimpering of shredded tears. I felt something heavy and hard ram into my chest. I flew forward, my knees hitting the ground. The sticky ink was poring out fast. Like a waterfall, with no ends. I heard more shots fire. The heavy things ram into my left thigh. More of the sticky ink. My teeth grinded against each other. My heart raced. Was I going to die? Was this the end of me? “N-no!†I replied. The red ink flew out from my mouth as I spoke the works. “I’m n-not going t-to di-die here!†I screamed out. I lifted myself up from the sticky ground and jumped around to face my killer. I saw his eyes. Filled with tears, red too. Just like the sticky ink. “Blood…†I whispered. That is all over the room. All over my. All over the man. He lifted his weapon and another bang rang threw out the room. The last thing I heard, before I saw the blackness cover my eyes. I awoke outside, Inside of a hole. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I thought I was dead, that last shot should have killed me. I crawled out from my small hole and saw a bright light hit my face. I threw my hands over my eyes instantly. “ The sun.†I said as I breathed in and out. I sat up, shocked I rubbed my hands over my chest and thigh. “The shot wounds! There gone!†I screamed at myself. Happiness filled up in me. I jumped up and began to dance with joy. I shut my eyes close and spun around.
Anyone miss me??? I've been gone for like, months. I've missed everyone here T.T [It's like me second family here]
“ Renji! Renji!! Has Orihime called yet?†I yelled across the room, well more like down stairs. “ No, not yet! Stop asking! I’ll tell you when!! Geez, Rukia, your gonna eat my ear off, I swear.†I sighed, I doubt she was able to hear that. BANG! “What did you say?! EHH!!??†A metal pan, is what she used this time. The sticky blood ran down my head like no tomorrow. “ I’m…sorry…ACK! NO STOP RUKIA!!!†A few more times to the head, more blood flying everywhere. Which means I’ll have to clean up. I sighed deeply again. After I heard her stomping feet go up the stairs(and still twitching) I just looked around at all the blood she managed to eat out of me. Last time she hit me so hard, I was in the hospital for about a week!! She’s evil!! T.T CUT!! CUT!!! (some random director runs threw the screen of the story) What was that! I thought this was a love story?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??!!! (Renji walks in, still bleeding) Uh…uhhhhh… *still dazed from Rukia’s blows* tiger? …uhh.. (Rukia fly’s in with a drop kick to Renji’s head) TIGER THIS YOU SON OF A ***** AND ****** head!!! WHATâ€S THE ***** is your PROBLEM!!! ***** and ******!!!!! >.> (Out of nowhere the story continues with Orihime’s view….with Rukia still eating Renji) “Orihime? You going out with Rukia still?†flipping the channels to the TV. “Yeah, why? You want me to go?†Dropping the remote, Ichigo ran to Orihime. “Well…not really…†(Byakuya then stops the moment and says a few words) Byakuya: ….*nods* Renji: tiger..***** the ******!!!! *still dazed and bleeding* Rukia: <Eating ramen> Director: Waiting for the moment when Ichigo takes Orihime up to the room. Byakuya: *clicks the play button* Everyone: YAY!!! ^.^ Ichihime ~ “I Hate it when you leave me alone…Please…don’t leave me tonight?†Orihime, pulling herself into Ichigo’s big muscular chest. “If you want me to stay, I’ll stay.†CRASH CABOOM!!! (big hole in the roof, glass all over the ground) Ichigo & Orihime: UHHH!!!! *confused, at how the moment didn’t turn out the way as planned* Unknown dude: “Orihime! I’ve come for you!!!†Ichigo: Eh…er…and you are- (Orihime cutting off Ichigo’s sentence) Orihime: Ulquiorra!!! OMFG!!! You have kitty EARS!!! Everyone: Gasp!!! *shocked as hell itself* Ichigo: ….You again!!! *points finger* Random flashback: *At the Men’s 50% off sale on old Navy cloths* Ichigo: “Yesh yesh… I’d look very good- Well hot in this pants…oh and this shirt…yes, yes…very nice *evil grin* Ulquiorra: *walks up and grabs from hands* Mine!!! MINE!!!!! * evil, unhappy face* <Orihime cuts in> WAIT!!! But Ulquiorra always has a unhappy face * makes a random unhappy face Like Ulquiorra always dose* Ulquiorra: DO NOT!! *smiles* Everyone: OH GOD!!! MAKE IT STOP!! I’m BLIND!!! I’ve seen the light…oh god…I Ichigo: OKAY!!! We’ve seen the light, now continue DAMMIT!!! Ulquiorra & Ichigo Flashback ~ Ichigo: Uhh…what the **** is you PROBLEM!!!! .*Grabs Kon from out of nowhere and then a puff of white smoke covers the Old Navy store, with all of a sudden NARUTO SHOWS UP!! Naruto: It’s not my q you damn ******s!! Ichigo: Oh yeah, sorry. Anyways Ichigo is now a soul reaper, fighting Ulquiorra in the Old Navy store (NOTE: anything they damage, the random bystanders can see ALL!! 0.0) 3 hours later Store, is completely demolished. Ichigo back in is human form. Ulquiorra crying cause he never got his eyeliner. And Kon, missing all the women he “chatted with†Cops: Okay, who was it? Ichigo & Ulquiorra >> RUN!!!! *caught by, the popo, and is never again aloud to shop at old Navy* -End Flash back- Orihime: *blink, blink* Uh, is that why you have all girl brand cloths??! Ulquiorra: Orihime… Ichigo: Uh.. Ulquiorra Runs up, pushes Ichigo and grabs Orihime, goes poof in the random white smoke and fly’s away* Kon: MY ORIHIME!!! *tear* NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! -2 minits late- OOOOOOO!! -Cuts off- Everyone: What the… Rukia: Our plans…T.T Renji: My nosebleeds…. Ichigo: My girlfriend…*cries, and dose nothing* End of the Ichihime moment- -Hitsugaya’s office- “Matsumoto!!! WHERE THE HELL IS MY TEA!!!†Matsumoto is as drunk as ever, running around with Hitsugaya’s “tea†Matsumoto: *giggles* “Right here big boy†*so drunk, she forgets who she’s talking too* Hitsugaya: “Finally! I thought I was gonna die from thirst!!†*Working so hard, cause Matsumoto is to drunk to even see her own boobs!!!* Matsumoto: *giggles like crazy, maybe it’s hormones???* Orihime Random Moment: *with her big lunch, sitting next to Ulquiorra, watching the scene with the rest of the Arrrancar group* Hormones?! Please!! *shoving popcorn into her mouth* and speaks random nonsense, because Aizen thought it would be a laugh to have her drugged. Everyone: *rolls eyes* Ichigo: Stop having nosebleeds over my girlfriend!! MAN-WHORE!!! Renji: MAN-WHORE!!! Your one to talk!!! You where like, with every chick HERE!!! Ichigo: *shot down by the truth* Everyone: Burn… Ichigo: What can I say? I’m just to good looking. So HOT btw, that the women want me more *evil laugh* Renji: *grabs his random popcorn that he stole from Kon, and chucks it at Ichigo’s “Oh so beautiful faceâ€* Ichigo: MAN-WHORE!!! *jumps at Renji with a drop kick* Renji: *As dazed as the boobs of Matsumoto herself* Director: *Claps His Fan Around* OKAY OKAY!!! Ramen break people!!! -After a long time….and done eating ramen, and Renji FINALLY stops bleeding *rolls eyes* We pick up our story with Orihime, and The Arrrancar! ^.^ ________________________________________ >> What do ya' think???
After a looong talk with JapAnimeFanatic, we made a funny contest, on "The Best Nobody". You make a nobody and show your fellow KH-Fan's on this fourm. On what you think your Nobodys are. These Nobodys are not Like the Org.13 ,they are the lower rank Nobodys that Sora fights in the game. Rule's- 1) No KH Nobodys 2) No pictures,drawings, description's ect. that from deviantart, (that are not done by you) 3)No lookalike 4)No CHEATING!!!! xD Acceptable Nobodys- Must have the following- A description(pictures would be nice) Attacks(1-3) , Defences, Element(s), Weakness, and Rank(boss, minor, ect.) Example- ( Done by JapAnime, and KairiXRiku, picture found at Deviantart) ~~~~~ Name- Sound Wave Pic- Attacks- Soundquake: When this Nobody claps their hands, a burst of soundwaves goes in the direction that the hands are pointed and knocks down every person in the area (Not Named) Defences- Sound Barrier: The Sound Wave takes the cord from his heardphones and connects it to the ground. Giving him a barrier of sound. Element(s)- Sound Weakness- Hitting the headphones Rank- minor ~~~~~ Judges- JapAnime and KairiXriku Winners- (posted after all Nobodys are in) Runner up- Due Date-8/26/07 ( August. 26, 2007) Any questions, Concerns please PM KairiXriku. KairiXRiku-Thanks for viewing this thread and everyones(fighting) Nobodys. JapAnimeFanatic- please keep things appropriate both- and have FUN! ^____^
Did anyone miss me? I haven't been on much for the last 2 weeks...did anyone miss me?? T_T btw- I'm bored xD
Claw, scratch, growl, Blood. Power of the human Howler's of the moonlight. Creatures of the darkness Bite, suck, drink, lovers. Strength and knowledge Teeth as bright as starshine Shadows of the darkness The protectors of all shadows and nightmares. _________________________________ I was listening to Disturbed, when I thought of this. Weird and stupid I know. It goes really good with all the undead and creature books I've been reading latly. So what do you think? hehe :sweatdrop:
I was moved by his charm I was touched by his looks I was speechless by his voice …what is this feeling? He would sing to me, to help me sleep at night He would call me name to make me smile He would do something reckless to make me laugh …I don’t understand this warm feeling? We hold hands as we walk We hugs me when nobody is watching I say his name and he smiles He takes hold of my face into his hands. My face grows warm, he moves closer His lips touches mine, …and I know this feeling is…love. ________________________________ I made this, this morning. It was raining and I felt sad yet happy because it was quiet. So tell me what you think.
Storyline~The creatures of the night have awaken,wanting to take over the last of the human-race.The zombie's return from they gaves,wanting blood,the vampire bats have grown from there cave's.The wolf's..are out for blood.The earth...has turned into a waste land,nothing lasting but one town with very few people.And a underground clan that has survied for centures."The Knight Slayers" (I'm not very good at Rps,so help me out a bit?) _______________________ Sign Up Sheet- Name- Gender- Age- Weapon- animal-(if wanted) _______________ name:Ellen gender:female age: 15 weapon: a large black blade with silver designs animal: an artic fox named Crystal Name:Tacole Gender:Male Age:15 Weapon:A Black and Blue Broadsword Animal:A phoenix named Legon
I wanted to know if any of the member's here know they are?If so what's your favorite: Song: Member: Video: Mine: Song: Fith is the Beauty Member:Reita Video:Zetsu
Has anyone ever read the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer? I love the series! EDITS:Off the opening of the Forth book, I've opened another thread for discussion about it.] After we've all read and talked it over, we can begin chatting about it in here. This thread only talked about the first three books.
I've been here for months but never Introduced myself. My name is Faith,I love to do sports,watch anime,read and play video games.I like FF KH and,Love Utada Hikaru.I watch; Fruits Basket,Bleach,Naruto,Chrno Crusade,Peacemaker,and Chobits.(to many to list) I read alot of manga like; Bleach,Naruto,Fruits Basket,Absolute Boyfriend,Hanna-Kimi,Ceres-The Celesual Legend,Ai****eruze Baby..mostly anything from Shojo Beat and Shonen Jump. And I love to draw and write Fan-Fic's. Oh and I like to read Fantasy,Action,Romance and Fiction book also. I listen to every type of music but country and Jazz And there you have it. All about me=3
Has anyone read or seen Blood and Chocolate?? I started reading it yesterday. Cause the movie come's out June 12th.
Is there something wrong with the site?Because it logged me out just 5 minute's ago and it didn't let me log in again.I was freaking out.I was like"I won't be able to get back on!! Oh GOD!!!" And then I waited.I logged on again but this time I clicked the 'Remember me' button at top and it let me in??? Is it just my computer or this site??
look she went emo on me..I mean come on being emo was fun for a time but then she goes and make's fun of meT^T
OK who's your Favorite?I've been fighting with my mom and friends.They Say Orlando.But I say Johnny Deep. But I wasn't invited D=
Axel sat in the corner as he usually did and watched the men go in and out of the bar. He sat up waiting for the right time to go get something to drink. “I wonder if Roxas will be here tonight?” He said as he pulled out his cell and was looking through the phone book.” Can I get you anything?” A woman said. She was wearing a cute little bunny outfit. With a Minnie skirt and a pair of bunny ear’s and paws. “No thanks, I’m good.” He said still going through his phone book. “Ok then” She hopped away back to the bartender. Not many people come here. Just some rookies from that have know idea why there here. Axel got up and walked over to the bartender and ordered a beer. “ So he’s not here tonight?” he say. “ He had to work late I guess.” Roxas worked as a Video Game Designer for Namco. “ Well he’ll be here” “I hope so. I don’t want to call him, cause I have no idea what he’s doing, But I want to know.” Axel grabbed his beer and sat back in the booth in the corner where he was at. His jacket sat next to him folded. He opened his phone again and looked at all the photo’s he had Zexion take of him and Roxas. His favorite was Roxas and Him in high school at a dance. Roxas was wearing his white half buttoned up shirt and a pear of baggy black pants. And Axel was wearing his black pants and a white man tan top with a red button up shirt. “The last dance me and Roxas went to heh” It's not much Please tell me what you think
I'm having trouble making a FanFic.Because of my lack of ideas,on what our readers like to read.I would like to know what you guys like in our FanFics.Or what you would like to see in them.I was woundering if you guys could give us ideas on what you would Like to see in our FanFics.
The boys and girl of KH have to start school somewhere right?Well this is where it starts!We have caryons and colored paper and GLUE!!:D Can be any character yourself or the KH characters- KH Characters- Sora-kams48 Riku -Rikus#1fangirl Kairi-AnimeGirl104 Hayner- Pence- Ollete-JapAnimeFanatic Seifer- Namine-namine_of_kh2 Sephiroth-ukali_rules (and any other character if forgotten) Org members- Xemnas:Gharanth Xigbar:KingdomHollow Xaldin: Vexen: Lexaus: Zexion:khchick55 Saix: Axel:kairiXriku Demyx:Jordier0xs0x Luxord: Marluxia:Nexit@h XIV Larxene: Roxas~Rox~my~sox Roxas:Emo Pengwin Others-