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  1. Shuhbooty


    Your new god.


    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Dec 20, 2008, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Shuhbooty
    Aw, it's awesome. With Jim Carrey in it. It's funny as hell, I was watching in all night on ABCfamily. x3
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Dec 19, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Shuhbooty

    Now.. when to start bombing of colors?!
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Dec 17, 2008, 41 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. Shuhbooty
    Ahaha, TAFFY and I came of of these, because I couldn't finish half of it she made up the rest and I thought it was beautiful! :3

    I saw a Flicker of Colors in the sky
    So I looked way up high
    The clouds covered my view,
    But I looked hard to see past you!
    Reaching my hand out
    I called to you
    I looked past those dangerous eyes
    To find out
    You were part of a rainbow
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Dec 17, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Shuhbooty


    Anyone heard of these guys?
    I love there song 'Tomorrow' by them.
    I really love these guys, how about you?
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Dec 13, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Music
  6. Shuhbooty


    Has anyone seen this show on ShoTime?
    It's soo awesome! I just can't wait for the next season.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Dec 13, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Shuhbooty
    Wow... first thing, I really feel stupid for making this... V.V
    But I have like no one else to turn to. See here are a few things, I've been helping people out for like my hole life, right? I'm always the positive thinker.
    But lately I've been thinking about everything in one big rush. And I'm starting to hate myself.

    I'm not sure on what you would call it. But I hate my friends in life. I'm sorta confused on my sexuality and that's fukking wrong if you ask me. I'm not sure how to say this.. like since I'm so helpful to other people. Give things, take time out of my life to help there, so that they don't do the wrong this and all.. and here I am.. feeling left out. When I go for help they shun me away. They don't give a sh!t about me. I ask for something, they turn me away.

    It's like a respect issue, I guess... I feel so hurt inside... the other day... I wanted to kill myself. I had the knife out and everything..[I feel like crying]
    But I was so chicken to do it. And now your probably thinking I'm a 'attention grabber' or something, right? Heh...

    And here, with my parents.. I'll be honest.. I tried a drug a few mouths ago... and I told me mom cause the cops cause they caught us. And everytime I go to them with a problem.. they too shun me away, saying that 'I'ma drug user and they don't give a sh!t." I told them it was a one-in-a-life-time-thing, and next thing I know, at Thanksgiving they tell- well my dad- Tells everybody, and get this, afterward's, when we were leaving, I was saying good-bye, thinking that they would have forgotten about the hole thing... and they don't even look at me. No good-bye, no later.. no nothing.
    I go home..and just forget about it all... hoping to anyways.

    I wanna start a new life, where nobody knows of my sins.. where nobody knows me, and my past... but I'm not sure...on what to do with my life anymore....
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Dec 7, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  8. Shuhbooty
    Okay, I need some help here. I can't tell if it's the game disc or my playstation or what!

    I'm playing the game, right, and when I talk to Nel, to go to sleep and contuine on with the game it says "Loading from Disc". The music contiunes playing for about a second or so, and then it stops. And just stays that way for like ever.

    Is it a rip off, broken game? Or what?
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Dec 2, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Shuhbooty
    Well, since there isn't one before. I'll make one now.
    Be far, and no spoilers for the virgin eyes, yes?

    Then me your thoughts now!
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Nov 21, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Shuhbooty
    Yeah, hello. I'm now officially back from the hell I was in. I'm leaving what ever I had.. or, whatev, right?

    Well, how's everyone?


    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Nov 21, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Shuhbooty
    I think you should pay up now. >/
    I have a family to feed, jeez.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Nov 7, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Shuhbooty



    Is stoned.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Oct 30, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shuhbooty

    The Human race can't help it...
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 8, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shuhbooty

    Metro Station

    Omfg, I ****ing love these guys! Control is like my fav song and the Shake it Video is my fav.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 8, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Music
  15. Shuhbooty

    : )
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 8, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Shuhbooty
    ..Right, and there's this on dance at my old school... so I have the thought of going there and... I crash that party. xD

    The principal was ALL over me.. xDDDD

    And everyone was all like "OMFG? WTF STONER?!"

    Yeah, then I did your mom. :sly:
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 8, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Shuhbooty
  18. Shuhbooty
    Fills the mind with wonderful things
    Not all are wonderful some,
    Grieving, happy, disappointing

    Leave you hungry for more
    Feeds you knowledge
    Feeds toy desire, hope
    Leave you mischievous

    Been around for some time
    From the beginning of time
    Walls of unspoken language

    Are of different taste
    Romance, Blood, joyful, loathing
    Distasteful, mystery, Death

    We've all fallin in love
    With some small thing in this world
    And it's all in one word


    I know that some of the words don't flow, but I've been so out of it, when it comes to poetry that... I've lost my touch... V_V
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 6, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Shuhbooty
    When you read? I know it's weird but me and my friends were talking about it the other day. When I was reading the twilight book I was eating banana's. (yesh I know that book again)
    And since I'm reading the Breaking Dawn, I'm like eating bread... >_>
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 5, 2008, 38 replies, in forum: Discussion
  20. Shuhbooty
    As you read? It's weird, but I've always wondered what other people listen too as they read. Or if they listen to music at all.

    For the Twilight Series I've always listened to Papa Roach - Forever. (I started listening to it around the release of Eclipse.)

    Besides that, I normally listen to:

    Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack
    Utada Hikaru
    And some Techno and Screamo music. xD
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Aug 5, 2008, 34 replies, in forum: Music