The sky is blue Just like my shoe Who must, who be? Mountains be gone, mountains be tall I travel around, but never shall I fall Who must, who be? Never Lands my game But it's just a shame.. Who must, who be? I'm not sure, how my journey will end But I know I'll meet it's end Who must, who be? -------- Well, I did this during math class. I was bored, and I was going for a sorta rainbow poem, but it didn't come out that way. xD And it's a epic poem. CnC. <333
D: Titles says all. I'm more of a JB fan. Cyrus sucks, I'm sorry fangirls! *hinds* Don't kill me. I mean, come on, that song, "fly on the wall".. ugh.. it was scary. D:>
Who else should be welcome here? D:
Since our first one failed, because of me.. [ because of me not informing everyone ] Here's the first IchiHime Family Art Contest. <3 We are NOT accepting any more work. You'll just have to wait it out till the next contest. D: Sorry, so without further ado, here's the entries. <3 Contestant one: Violets Orihime Contestant Two: TAFFY's Ichigo Contestant Three: Skittles Nel
=DDDD MWHAHAH! The Star is here! <333333333
And I'm the most colourful whore thing on this forum! =D
Well, lets start from the beginning. I'm eating some ramen, when my mom gets this call form my daddy. *two hours later* I find out that my dad almost got layed off from work, and that he just might loss his job because of who the eco. is going. D: And then, I get this other call, to babysit from my uncle, as my parents, grandparents and my uncle and his wife go out to have fun tonight. So I'm sitting here, waiting and waiting for my ride to come, and my daddy come's home. And he brought dinner for the family, ect ect, right? And we find out that over this past week, his job laied off 250+ people, and like 5 of them where his best friends, that have families. *flashback to Christmas Eve* My dad stars crying... a grown man.. beings to ball his eyes out... because he thinks he's not good enough to support his family. And I'm just completly oblivious, and have no idea why [till my mom tells me later] *New years* So.. right now, I got back from my grandma's house, and she's drunk, but she tells me, that my dad is going into a depression.. and he's thinking that he's not good enough for us.... and I start crying. *Christmas Party* My dad left my Grandparents house early. He got upset, because he couldn't but what me and my sister's wanted.. he LEAVES because my grandparents got us better things then he did.. To be honet.. I'm... I'm really scared on how this years gonna go.. and I don't have any real friends, besides my mother and sister... and this site.. I'm not sure on what to do anymore.. *cries*
D: I really hate this thing.. I meant to draw her in like a sideways pose, and it didn't come out right. AND THE COLOURS SUCK! D< They.. were with marker. I am to redo it, and post it clean soon.. http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s313/Fayt360/Drawings/DSCF3238.jpg
Who the fuck do I gotta sleep with to get some? D: Sign up sheet here! =DD
Well, I did this a few days ago. :3 CnC please. http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s313/Fayt360/Drawings/DSCF3237.jpg EDIT: Sorry for the small glare, it was from the flash from teh camera. >_>
Well, i have no scanner, so a picture is due here. :3 I'm not really sure about this character. No Name nothing yet, any idea's would be great. <33 I drew it yesterday, and Added the finsihing touched today. CnC please. <333 http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s313/Fayt360/Drawings/DSCF3231.jpg
I've just got the soundtrack, bought it off some friend. But I was wondering, what's you favorite song? :3 I'd have to say "Daughter of the Great Summoner". <333 What's your favorite? :3
omfg! my praiers have beed answered!!! <333333 =ddd
>_> Well... this week we only have two entries. Dx I'm sorry, but yes, it's between TAFFY and Violet. :3 Here are there awesomeness work. <3 TAFFY's :Ichigo Violet's: Orihime
Well it's one of my videos. It was for Kairi~Sora, for her birthday. :3 Well Here's one thing.. YOUTUBE EAT IT! D: It's ugly now, and I hate it. So yeah, Tell me what you think.
D: I know the name is weird, but this guys aren't that bad. xD Anyone ever heard of them? I love there songs: Melissa and Koyoi Tsuki ga Miezutomo. :3
I didn't see a thread about this band, but if so, please delete. x] Yet, again, again... Another favorite band. I love there song Yura Yura. :3
OHHHHHHHHH!! I have volumes 1-5 and I can't get enough of this manga! I love the artwork and the story line. =DD Anyone else read them? :3
By Amelia Atwater Rhodes. Anyone ever read this book? Or any of her books at that? :DD I've just started reading it, and i'm almost done with it. What do you think of it?:3