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  1. Shuhbooty
    I'm not sure if this was suggested before and I an understand if it gets booted(also, is this where I would post this??), however I would like to suggest maybe a snail mail thread? (due to the age groups we get) and maybe the older kids if they want the pen pal can do so?

    Been dying for a pen pal myself, so I figured I'd suggest it.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jul 6, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. Shuhbooty
    I've finally started it! And I'm just getting passed Castle of Dreams and I feel like I'm missing stuff? Should I focus on something? Do level caps on my skills get higher then 3? What's the point of the D-Links? Are Ven and Aqua's story different? (I started with Terra).

    I'm in love with these babies. ;A;
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jul 4, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Shuhbooty

    What to eat?

    I'm going to be house sitting and I was asked to make a shopping list for what I want to eat? (two weeks worth)
    And I'm coming up short for dishes.

    View attachment 44870
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jul 4, 2016, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Shuhbooty

    Futbol RP?

    My younger sister is intently playing KH2 FM 2.5 and I'm watching the matches I missed from the Euro games last week on my DVR and all of a sudden I just pictured Goofy running down the field "ahuckin" as he tries to score.

    And now I have this idea of KH going street gang style to be the best futbol team ever.

    Anyone interested? Doesn't have to be KH based we can do an ideal hardcore crossover characters or OCs. I'm really feeling this Europe street gang cigarette smoking drunk smashing futbol related RP.

    EDIT: After some thought, I'm defiantly more open to the crossovers with whatever characters people want to use. I imagined Katherine (From Catherine for 360, PS3) stalking around trying to hunt down Vincent at bars and challenge his current girlfriend to a match. !!!!
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jul 3, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Shuhbooty
    Over the last 3 years I've taken more time to write about myself (in ways to cope but it's actually grown on me to the point I want to write down everything). When I was upset roughly a year and a half ago I started writing a piece about "i thought my life would be something else" blah blah and I wrote 4 pages worth. I'm thinking of picking it back up and and finishing it but i can't seem to find the emotional state (the one i was in when i wrote it in the beginning) to start writing it again.

    Should I stick to it being a "true story" or should i through fiction in there?

    Here is the first paragraph:

    " When I was younger, I never thought my life would be this way. I thought I'd be in college by now, still experiencing what it felt like to have butterflies for the first date. To actually make plans with old, and new friends. I envisioned my life to be stricken with worry about if I'm going to oversleep for the following days exam, or procrastinating with that short notice English paper. Although now, it feels like I've wasted such valuable time. Time, I could never get back, because I wanted to follow something.. Something new. Something unpredictable, something that didn't require some one else rules, but my own. "
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jul 2, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  6. Shuhbooty
    So after a few days of going over what I wanted to read first (I can only read one book at a time) I decided on the PLL series by Sara Shepard. I finished the first book yesterday and I'm on book two now. I've also seen the show up till season 6 and always wanted to read the books.

    Here is a brief description of the show/book:

    As time has passed since Alison, then the queen bee of the bunch, went missing. Spencer, Aria, Hanna and Emily have gone on with their lives, though they've grown apart. As the years go by, each girl finds herself facing a new set of challenges when anonymous text messages from "A" threaten to expose all their secrets -- both old secrets the girls were sure only Alison knew, and newer secrets developed after Alison's disappearance. Who is "A" and how does he or she know the things he or she knows? Based on the series of novels by Sara Shepard.

    - via google​

    It starts off when the 5 girls met in 7th grade until one night, Alison goes missing. For 2 years the girls went their separate ways until they start getting creepy messages from "A" whom talks about the secrets they shared with Alison. As they reunite at Alisons' funeral that's when things get even more creepy. And the series carries on about dark secrets and how much the 4 girls didn't really know each other.

    View attachment 44860
    (book one is called 'Pretty Little Liars')​
    The series was started in 2006 while the show that was produced by ABC family was released in 2010 she continued to write up until 2014 ending the series with Vicious (total of 16 books)

    if you've seen the show then I MUST recommend the books also. Last night I was just going on and on to my sister about how the show changed up some stuff (this is obvious please don't point it out). And I adore the original concept for the girls in the book verses the show. I really want to talk about the Hastings family the most though- for they are my favorite out of the bunch. And all I want to do is talk about Wren and Spencer. (insert emoji here)
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jul 2, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Literature
  7. Shuhbooty
    So for the past hour my sister and I have been looking for the guides for the games we have, and we're looking for the BBS guide (because we already own KH1/2 original guides) and SHE wants to collect them, but I want to actually use them because from guide reviews says battle system seemed complex? And people got the guide for it.

    Anyways here is the guide we found on Amazon, and I believe it's for the PSP version.

    Our question would be: If we got this copy here- would it matter ever though we are playing the FM2.5 version?
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jun 30, 2016, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Shuhbooty
    I've been going through the forum to see what books I might be able to pick up that I haven't read but there isn't anything new posted, so I understand if this needs to be deleted.

    Also, I'm filing out paper work to start volunteering at my public library and I noticed they didn't have ANY book lists/recommendations for kids/YD and I'm also building a list for the children. I get the opportunity to read to kids and depending on the age I can pick the book, so I'm super excited to help out and do something I haven't done since middle school.

    I'm looking for books that haven't been popular or on a readers list for the past 4-5 years.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jun 29, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: Literature
  9. Shuhbooty
    I've picked up the DS version a year ago and I've finally wanted to complete the game (never watched spoilers or anything so idk what i'm expecting here, so no spoilers please).

    I'm stuck on either days 171/172 and I'm paired with Luxord to find the 5 Pink Concertos in Wonderland and I can't find the 5th one. I've gone over and over all the rooms I could enter and it's been over an hour now. Any help?
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Jun 28, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  10. Shuhbooty
    So I'm really into starting up my youtube channel, and what better way for helping me promote, is pixel art!! I've been dying for days to get a start on making pixel-art but I wasn't sure on where and how. SO after some good research I couldn't find the right kinda "tag" to help promote my YT channel in a cute way so I made some.

    This is my first ever pixel design, so I'm looking for some pointers. This is also my first first gif/animation with said art style.

    Great CC is appreciated!

    Sorry for the links, they are gifs and I couldn't figure out how to use the BBcode or the HTMLs to show them properly.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Apr 23, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Shuhbooty
    If this is in the wrong section, please let me know/move it.

    Continuing on, here are some idea's I've had for an RP I wanna do. Last time I submitted an idea for like a League of Legends RP. I had some people respond and I've got fresh ideas for that, but not right now. I wanna talk about these.

    So I've been thinking of doing a KH/Star Wars twist RP. I mean it dawned on me. Light and dark is present in both and how cool would it be- to be a keyblade warrior with the power of the force??? Yay/Nay? (watching Star Wars and playing Unchained X was not a good combination!)

    And or maybe some sort of Harry Potter Rp. But I want something along the back story. I don't want to do the main story line or nada. I'm talking about an OC and people can RP as teachers/main characters but with a great- idk, twist. If my OOC Autumn just started and turns out she's to be the greatest potions teacher in her life time- then i wanna RP her life in school and events etc. I'm really feeling like a wizard.

    Anyways, I was hoping to bounce off some awesome people here and maybe get something cool going!
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Apr 22, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Shuhbooty
    I bought a ps3 today. Needless to day I'm very please, and im getting an xbox one >>>>>>

    Asided from that I bought thief and my only problem is I can't read any of the tiny lettering on my TV. I'm now forced to watch videos because the ign walkthrough doesn't say what buttons yo press to do certain moves, equipt items, etc. qq

    Someone donate ffx/xtwo to my cause ty
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Apr 19, 2014, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shuhbooty
    Today I sobbed grossly as my free 48 hour crunchyroll premium membership expired. Tummer has changed my life ;---; -withdrawls-
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Apr 6, 2014, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shuhbooty
    This is a personal thing I do and I wanted to just expand it a bit more. But every morning I could post a simple word of the day. There are actually a lot of words, for word of the day and after some time I've found the right site. Its very informative and fun, i be actually used most of the words I've learned last month on an essay I submitted last week. >> Just wanted thoughts. ~
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Mar 26, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Shuhbooty
    I think this should be a top 10 questions as well @Krowley but what are some summons you would like to see in KH3? Do you want the same ones from KH2 or 1? New members? Explain. :3

    I would like to keep:
    • Stitch
    • Tinkerbell & Peterpan together
    • Simba
    • Cloud
    To have:
    • Maximus (from tangled)
    • Odetted (as a swan from Swan Princess)
    • Kida from Atlantis
    • Maleficent
    I also think that after beating the game you can unlock Mickey as a permant summon.
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Mar 26, 2014, 22 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Shuhbooty
    Along with the movie club I've made a huge list of things I'd like to submit or try out. @Plumenkranz closed it down for inactivity and every now and then the last book you read thread gets posted in and maybe with the recent titles posted there we can throw in the voting bowl. I too feel like the literature thread should have more love xD
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Mar 26, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  17. Shuhbooty

    I probably should have done this with my Avatar Rp but oh well, I can have that one deleted. But yes, as the title says, would anyone be interested in it? Roleplaying as one of your favorite champions, we can actually roleplay it out from either what tribe you came from (freljord ect) or we can RP a 5v5. Thoughts?
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Mar 20, 2014, 16 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Shuhbooty
    • ιηтяσ •
    Water, Fire, Earth, Air.
    Many years ago these nations lived in harmony, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. a 100 years pasted and two water tribe children discovered the new Avatar, an air bender named Aang. Side by side Lord Zuko and Avatar Aang defeated Lord Sozin and ended the 100 year war, together transforming the Fire nation colonies into the United Republic nations. A society where benders and non-benders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony. Naming the great capital “Republic City”.

    This is the time of Avatar Aang, where the city is still premature and thriving. New technologies come forth, new bending skills and pro-bending. A bending school along with a non-bending school is just built. Children are unaware of their dangerous and discrimination futures.

    ((• мυsт яεα∂ •))

    I would like to stretch this RP out to Korras time and and death (and longer)in saying that here are a few things before i get down and dirty.
    I am not picky when it comes to length, but because of the seriousness i require a minimum of three paragraphs per post. You can have more then one character, but the same rule applies. You can also be any character from the show but you must PM me first. I have fine detail i would like to get across in this RP. Remember this is when Aang forms his council and helps guide Republic city. Betrayal and screwsup will happen, lets make this interesting and realistic.

    I understand when we all can't be on at the same time and can't post everyday. But you must post every three days, if something comes up and you can't I understand just PM me and let me know. I hate it when I see people online that are in the RP and never reply. I will kick you out if I see this.

    Unless you are born within Republic city or came from one of the fire nation colonies you will require a journey script before posting. I want everyone to know how everyone got here and why even if we all don't meet, the idea is nice. Did you want to make a name for yourself? Did you hear about the pro-bending games? better education? something along that. Once you've posted it you can start in the thread.

    Cars haven't been invented yet. Having that said, if you want to build them you can. keep in mind legit time spans. if you wanna team up with a partner, you may do so. Post here your ideas or pm each other and then let me know. Same goes for everything else. If you want to own a factory, what does it produce? how do you produce it? things like that.

    • Pro-bending teams have not been made. this idea came from underground benders wanting a true sport. in saying so, this means we need a spokesman, and a full team manager and gym leader/trainer. remember that the gym and arena has not been built yet.

    This is a PG-13 RP. As much as I wanna R rate it, I won't. Simply because its more funny when everyone loves each other, but they're so prude about it. (no pun intended). kissing, groping, touching of the arm, ect are acceptable as long as its PG-13. no dryhumping or explicit nudity. (i hope thats pg enough)

    so lets begin.

    ((°• σvεяvιεω •°))

    @ As stated before if you would like to be a character from the show please PM me before posting.
    @ You may have one or more characters.

    @ You can be and pretty much do whatever you want as long as it follows guidelines

    @ A journey script is REQUIRED with your Character sheet.

    @ Unless you wish to RP Aang I will be filling his role.

    @ I will be updating this thread often. please make sure to check it.
    @ As always follow the rules and guidelines posted. No god-modding, vulgar language and harassment. (as in you seriously don't like another player and you attack him).

    ((°·• σтнεя •·°))

    Pro-pending rules:
    *Three man team
    * Each player can only use one element.
    * Proper gear is required: helmet, face gear, padded and fire proof outfits


    Avatar: The Last Airbender:
    Legend of Korra Main Characters:

    (( • sιgη υρs • ))
    Appearance: (a banner is not required but one would be nice,)
    Bending Element: (if you are a non-bender you may put none)
    Job: ( if you won't have a job throughout your RP please put none)

    Pro- Bending sign up sheets:
    Team Name:
    Team members names:
    Theme song:

    Councilmen sign up sheet:

    Bending Element:
    Why you think you're fit for this role:

    Congratulation! You have made it to the capitol; Republic City. Please stop by and visit our Dance Hall! You are now given a pamphlet of Republic city (please see map above). Here is were your journey begins..

    As you make you're way through the crowd, you can't help but overhear a broadcast on the radio.
    "Welcoooome all! For those of you who haven't heard, we are recruiting policemen and seeking Council members! If you are interested please stop by our City Hall! Thank you and have a Republic day!"

    With all this said, let's begin. c: If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to PM me!
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Mar 19, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Shuhbooty

    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Mar 18, 2014, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Shuhbooty
    Halloo and welcome. c: I figured I'd join the bandwagon on this artsy stoff ( Inspired by @Ryuko Matoi ). I'm learning when it comes to editing so CnC is much appreciated. And if you do please keep in mind that I prolly have no idea what you're talking about and if you could provide links. c: (I just play around with lighting and textures and.. crap xD)








    Before: [​IMG]

    After: [​IMG]

    Now here is some of my traditional work. Mind you, I've never used color pencils on my artwork before and I'm very unsatisfied on how it turned out. :c I have other project I've worked on just haven't posted it yet. So I'll also keep this thread updated.

    Traditional work:





    A ex-friend of mine gave me some CnC for the last piece here (Dynasty Ahri) and I'd like to point out her freaked out hand. It was difficult and took loads of mounts of research to get it the way I wanted it to be. xD Her face seems weird to me, and I was told that her hips and legs were unproportional. But when I did the outline it was just fine, so idek. loool

    Anyways thats all I have of right now. I post my stuff on tumblr which throws me off because I forget to post it on DA. (I have a tablet, as of right now I hijacked my friends computer to do this.) I shall post more later. c: To be honest making this thread has inspired me more to draw and create more things. xD As always CnC is much appreciated!

    EDIT: This was stated before On Ryu's thread that if this is in the wrong spot feel free to move it and such. ;--;
    Thread by: Shuhbooty, Mar 17, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics