It's my birthday YYAAAYY!!!!!!
I break hearts and in return I lose my light. How's that for being a b****?
We're at war with other brothers.The women and children wait for there men to return.The drangons in the mountains have awaken,looking for there new home and riders.The fairies have arised from the forest and play with the Children. The village's have lost all life, the only thing that rages is the fire and the smell of dead bodys Storyline-Kima lost his family to a group of Knight walkers when he was still a child and is now looking for a way to find out the truth.But at the same time there's a war to be fought.The creaturs have awaken,and the dragons are looking for there riders of hell.The war will contine till These Hell riders are gone. This is a Fantasy RPG you are able to be creatures Name- Age- Gender- Creature- Bio- Creatures-Elf,fairi,human,centaur, dragon (and anyother creature) Name: Heather Age: Unknown Gender: Female Creature: Fairy Bio: Heather loves to play around and trick people. She goes through mood swings fast. And can get jelouse very easily. Pic: Name- Sharix Age- 15 Gender- female Creature- vampire (if it's allowed) Bio- she can easily fool people with her angelic look- a kind of form she possesses, she is a serious fighter and won't stop at anything sometimes, she usually enjoys battles Name- Tina Age- 11 Gender- female Creature- half angel half human Bio- she was brought up in heaven until the age of 5 and brought down to earth ever since that..........she has been a loner... Name-Kyanru Age- 17 Gender- male Creature- A morpher, he can morph into any animal Bio- he came from a small clan of his people but they were all kiled and now he is the only one left. Name- Blaze Age- Unknown Gender- Male Creature- Half-Demon/Swordsman/Samurai/Vampire Bio- Brought into the world by darkness, creating havoc in his special way, around the age of his mid-hundreds, he was becoming more human with emotions and feelings, less demon than human was his way of showing that he was never a demon after all. Pic- Name- Reed Age- 18 Gender- Male Creature- Half Demon, Half human Bio- Reed, accomponied by a lone phoenix, travels devastated world in hope of finding a light, and seeking revenge on those who killed his brother. He is usually happy and care free, but can get really serious and in the thick of battle is an unparalled force. He has the ability to control shadows and water. Name-amy Age-16 Gender-female Creature-half vampire half human Bio-a vampire tried to bit her when she was two but it it only managed to get one fang inside her before her father chased it away so she can leave in sunlight garlic and crucifix's have no effect she can only die if a stake is drived through her heart (and i don't mean the food) pic-
The Organization is having a pool party and everybody is invited!! Just grab your swim suit and COME OVER!! It starts at 8:00 so tell everybody and come right OVER!! You can be anybody you want We are still taking members 1)kams48-sora 2)myoblivion-namine 3)Nexit@h XIV-Marluxia 4)AnimeGirl104-Demyx 5)Roxas-Riku 6)Emo Pengwin-Roxas 7) 8) 9) 10)
The rain hit her face like small kisses, the wind made her hair look like snake trying to slither away. “Hey dinner!” A voice shouted “Coming!” she replied as she grabbed her sword and walked back to camp “Where have you been? A man in a gray suit of armor said as he took a bite out of his biscuit “Outside I needed fresh air” She said as she grabbed a chair and sat beside the man. “It’s poring rain and your outside getting air?” “Yeah and?!” She sat there watching the men in the room eat there hot soup and biscuits. “Your just like your brother, you know that?” The man said as he put down his bowl “Dad duh you’ve told me a million times I know..god” My brother pasted away when I was 13. He was the top ranking soldier her in the Crimson fate. That’s the name of our clan. We were once followers of the king, But he soon past away some time ago. My brother then took over and helped our fallen clan and worked hard to help put back the way it was. My father love my brother so much, that’s when father took me and began to train me in the Crimson Knights. I worked hard just like my brother, but that night when he went out on a distress call he never came back. Days flew by and nobody knew where he was. Father got worried and I panicked. Father sent out men and a week went by. The came back, covered in blood…my brothers blood. I was devastated, I cried almost every night for him. “Hey Twi off to bed!” My dad said as I got out the chair “Ok I’m off to bed then” I said as I left the great hall - StarShine Kingdom- “Like that, there you go.” “Really? Like that?” “Your doing great Kylin.” “Hey brother?” Kylin said as he put down his training stick “Yes dear brother?” Kylin Fate is my name, I’m the servant here at the Star Shine Kingdom. My brother Toya Fate is the Kingdom guard here and the Star Shine kingdom. I work Hard here with my brother and he trains me so that I can become on of the Kingdom guards with him one day.” Hey you boy other there!Come over here now!” I ran over “Yes how may I help you?” SLAP “You do not address my that way Boy! WE CLEAR!! I knelled down before him and apologized.” That’s what I thought boy, now leave me.” Kylin got up and walk quietly towards Toya. ”Ok time for bed” Toya said as he grab Kylin’s arm and took him home. “Are you ok Kylin?” Toya ran to the bathroom and grabbed a few ointment and Came back out “ Yeah I’m fine he didn’t slap me hard this time.” Well he’s just a-grrr” Toya always got mad went someone touched .” Well please just go off to bed then..” Kylin grabbed a cup of water and went to his room. -Sky Kingdom- Twi was outside early as the clouds were once again clearing out the sun.” And yet another rainy day..” She signed heavily. ”It’ll be like this for awhile” A voice said “ Yeah I know Kima it’s raining season.” I replied as he stud next to me still wearing his pjs. “ Well what do you want?” I said as he looked down at me. “ Your dad wanted me to look for you. Just wondering where you are I guess” I stud up and looked at him. “ Thanks I’ll go see him then.” I tired my sword to my side and walk to my dads tent This is chapter 1 chapter 2 coming soon so what did you think? I worked hard on this chapter
This RPG is baised off the FanFic-Crimson Fate Storyline- The Crimson clan of the Twilight Kingdom Have lost there best Knight and have set out to the Star Shine Kingdom to gain A new leader,but one of there best Knights has run off and is looking for a way to Star Shine by herself to Find her own Knight (sorry can't tell you anymore or i'll spoile itXD) If wanted to join please the following Name- Age- gender- Description- Weapon- Name-Twilight Age-16 Gender-female Description-A knight with Blue and black armor,Hair short with a tail(hair style) Eyes blue and always has a black cloak Weapon-A long blade with a dragon as the Handle Name- Marina Age- 17 gender- Female Description- blue hair that goes down to the middle of her back worn in a sort of "half-ponytail," green eyes, wears light blue armor Weapon- A battle-axe with butterfly-shaped designs carved into the blade. Name-Dawn Age-16 gender-Female Description-A Mage with deathly pale skin, light blonde hair down to shoulders, wears an oversized navy blue cloak. Weapon-Wields a staff three inches taller than her that has healing and destructive magic. Name- Dax Age- 15 Gender- Male Description- 3A24h+age_scale:5 Weapon- *In Pic* and The Crimson Blade Name- Zero Age- 13 gender- Male Description- Despite his young age his fighting skills and sword skills are amazing he can take out a whored of warriors in 20-25 seconds Weapon- 3 cursed swords pic of swords-
This story is basied off my imagination,with romance and action please enjoy ______________________________Chapter 1 The rain hit her face like small kisses, the wind made her hair look like snake trying to slither away. “Hey dinner!” A voice shouted “Coming!” she replied as she grabbed her sword and walked back to camp “Where have you been? A man in a gray suit of armor said as he took a bite out of his biscuit “Outside I needed fresh air” She said as she grabbed a chair and sat beside the man. “It’s poring rain and your outside getting air?” “Yeah and?!” She sat there watching the men in the room eat there hot soup and biscuits. “Your just like your brother, you know that?” The man said as he put down his bowl “Dad duh you’ve told me a million times I know..god” My brother pasted away when I was 13. He was the top ranking soldier here in the Crimson fate. That’s the name of our clan. We were once followers of the king, But he soon past away some time ago. My brother then took over and helped our fallen clan and worked hard to help put back the way it was. My father love my brother so much, that’s when father took me and began to train me in the Crimson Knights. I worked hard just like my brother, but that night when he went out on a distress call he never came back. Days flew by and nobody knew where he was. Father got worried and I panicked. Father sent out men and a week went by. They came back, covered in blood…my brothers blood. I was devastated, I cried almost every night for him. “Hey Twi off to bed!” My dad said as I got out the chair “Ok I’m off to bed then” I said as I left the great hall - StarShine Kingdom- “Like that, there you go.” “Really? Like that?” “Your doing great Kylin.” “Hey brother?” Kylin said as he put down his training stick “Yes dear brother?” _________________ chapter two - StarShine Kingdom- Kylin Fate is my name, I’m the servant here at the Star Shine Kingdom. My brother Toya Fate is the Kingdom guard here and the Star Shine kingdom. I work Hard here with my brother and he trains me so that I can become one of the Kingdom guards with him one day.” Hey you boy other there!Come over here now!” I ran over “Yes how may I help you?” SLAP “You do not address my that way Boy! WE CLEAR!! I knelled down before him and apologized.” That’s what I thought boy, now leave me.” Kylin got up and walk quietly towards Toya. ”Ok time for bed” Toya said as he grab Kylin’s arm and took him home. “Are you ok Kylin?” Toya ran to the bathroom and grabbed a few ointment and Came back out “ Yeah I’m fine he didn’t slap me hard this time.” Well he’s just a-grrr” Toya always got mad went someone touched .” Well please just go off to bed then..” Kylin grabbed a cup of water and went to his room. -Sky Kingdom- Twi was outside early as the clouds were once again clearing out the sun.” And yet another rainy day..” She signed heavily. ”It’ll be like this for awhile” A voice said “ Yeah I know Kima it’s raining season.” I replied as he stud next to me still wearing his pjs. “ Well what do you want?” I said as he looked down at me. “ Your dad wanted me to look for you. Just wondering where you are I guess” I stud up and looked at him. “ Thanks I’ll go see him then.” I tired my sword to my side and walk to my dads tent _________________________________- Chapter 3 “Hey dad Kima said you wanted to see me?” I said as I walked in and sat down next to my dad “Yes, I have a mission for you. “ Mission? I hardly ever get missions, Twi thought to herself. “A mission? What kind? What Am I after?” The last mission I went on was with brother…I wonder what I’ll be doing. “ We’ve received a letter from a Knight at the StarShine Kingdom. We’ve been in contact for some time now. We need more men, I’m sending you to retreat some new recruits. You up for it?” “What’s new? A mission sounds fun right now, I’m up for it.” StarShine Kingdom is the place where I was saved from. Going back as a knight sounds fun, but sucks. I bet know one remembers me anyways. “So when do I leave?” I asked as he packed a bag for me. “Tonight, is that alright?” Tonight? Ok this is weird. ”Sure I don’t see why not “ ______________________________Chapter 4 Twi walked back outside once more and glanced around. “ I wonder if I will ever come back here…” Twi stud there thinking about all the memories she had with her brother here at this kingdom. “What do you mean by that?” A man replied from behind her. “Kima how many times have I told you no-” She stopped. “Oh…heh sorry I thought you were someone else.” A man wearing a silky white shirt that was half way buttoned up, with a pair of armor legging stud there looking at me with his palely green eyes. His white hair moved swiftly in the wind. “Ack…ummmm…h-how may I help you?” Twi said as she jumped around to face the young man. His tanned skin gleamed off the lifeless sky. “I’m sorry my name is Robin. Robin Hyde, your father send me to escort you to the StarShine Kingdom.” He looked a little older then she was. “ Well I don’t need a escort, I can do well on my own thank you.” Twi growled in his face, and walked back to her dad’s tent furiously. “You never told me I was having company.” ________________________________Chapter 5 Twi stud there clenching her fists together. “ I didn’t need to.” He replied quickly almost cutting off her sentence. “I’ll be fine on my own” Twi never liked people. She always thinks they would get in her way. “God I’m not a little kid anymore dad”. Twi sat down thinking to herself. ”This is no joke Twi. Your life my be on the line here.” Her head lifted. “What do you mean? Why what’s happening? Dad your not telling me the truth, WHAT”S HAPPENING?!!” Jecht stud up angrily “You will do what your told and that FINAL!!” Twi tilted her head and looked into her father’s eye’s. They turned cold, a cold brown color. The color that came upon him, when they found my brother. “…I’ll be leaving now” Twi walked out of the tent and looked around. The tents were all lit with light and laughter. The clouds rolled in quickly and it began to sprinkle. “So?” A familiar voice said. Twi didn’t budge, she just stud there letting the rain hit her. “So what?” She said as the man moved closer to her. “So are you ready?” She shoved her arm’s into her pockets and turned around “Not really. Why do you want to leave so bad, Robin?” Her eye’s were bright blue. She stud waiting for her answer.