Holy SHIZ I've never seen anything so dirty nasty and ugly in my life O____o besides bra- I mean my mom :'D
Ash, what the HELL is an Alpaca...?
GOOD LETS GO >8D I mean ... erm... yeah... what would your girlfriend think of this? xD =D
Aww, ruin the fun. :\
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lolololol lets git at it! YES! Thanks for agreeing Darrelcakes!
lolol it raped your mind too hard throwing off your concentration D8<! that is all. (:
Wait where have I been? D:
lololol It didn't work on Miele until I told her exactly how to do it;; stare at it for exactly two minutes and then glance away. EDIT: @ kid hero: Then apparently you are fat if you know so much. YAY FOR FAT MEN WITH BOOBIES :'D
NO KIDDING. I can see her boobies D: That biznatch srsly needs to git a bra. D8<
But it will be! HUZZAH! I have friends too, y'know.
42! :'d
Hey darrelcaekz? how would your girlfriend feel... if we went and got drunk one night when I come to live with you? :3
I think Orange gets butthurt over everything, love. Right Orange, dear? <3 (I'm JKing you, Orange lol)
Congrats, you fail at spelling. Anything else you'd like to prove to us?
but thanks, love <33
its *hugglesnugglecuddlewuddle* :'D
yeah it took like a minute for it to start bobbing up and down just stare at it for like two minutes and THEN look away. lol.
Yeah, and when we cross over we're telling God that you should go to hell :3
my god every time i look away she turns a different way!