Thanks for the info, tips.
lolz YAH :'D
Yah I better nao (:
naw, I'm worried o:
Well I am :'D
I'm sorry ._.
*HEADDESK* This was clearly a joke, people. Come on, learn to read the whole post, that way you would know you have just been roll'd
What are you doing with my bread? Making some type of beef sammich I presume?
xDD So I work for you now, huh?
And exactly what are you going to do with my lotion and bread? *Hands over bread but hesitates with lotion* B-but ... *starts to cry*
It's called look down. As in, right under Jerome's comment about my grilled cheese sammich.
Because I dont like the grease or bread toasted like that D:
M'kay then I get to lick your sexy ear *licks ear*
lol just kidding I hate grilled cheese
lol I cant remember the last time someone gave ME a grilled cheese sammich <.< >.>
LOL I hold you and you lick my ear? Is that the civilized match? xD
Oh no. No reason to suspect her at all. No way. I HAS HURRIED BACK TO YOU! *runs into arms*
I'm alright, but really tired, thanks. You?
brb, love. DDDD:
lol I'm not exactly sure how to respond considering it's dad.