[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] "Don't keep things from me. If it effects me then I should know, otherwise you're leaving me in the dark which can...be dangerous right? Can't help if I don't know shit either," Daniel had a point. But where would she start her explanation from? Aileen let out a deep sigh. "Okay, so a few weeks ago, did you get a strange e-mail? One about having less than a year to live and with a bunch of rules?" Aileen started, "A couple of us got that email, and I thought it was just a prank. But all of a sudden terrible things started happening and we eventually met with the 'person' behind all of this. A witch. I just met with her a few moments ago, in fact." The girl paused again to get some air. Too much talking for her, but she had to do this. "She caused the storm and flood in Bellhurst and has killed several of the email recipients already. This witch...we're all pawns on her 'gameboard'. If you break her rules, you'll die. You can choose not to believe me, but now that you've witnessed what she's capable of..." Aileen dragged the last part of her sentence on. If you break her rules you'll die...'Do not tell anyone about me' That was ironic. But for some reason, Aileen wasn't panicking. Death didn't seem to scare her anymore...? She didn't know. Over the past few days, something had changed about her. Was it the new environment? She couldn't think of anything else to tell Daniel. All that was left was her roommate's reaction. [ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] Quin took a few moments to think about the situation to herself. After awhile, she started typing on her phone again and showed Cristina what she had decided. You are right. It is better for us to keep to our room. Staying in their room it was. It would probably minimize the amount of problems they would encounter anyways. Would . . . you be too opposed to letting me use your text device? "O-oh of course!" Cristina replied. She walked over to where her keyboard was charging and pulled out the cord. Can't believe I forgot about this already... She had been using it for six years and over a course of a couple of hours with a voice, she had already forgotten about it. She handed it over to Quin. "Operating it is pretty straight forward. Just type whatever you want to say and hit enter," she explained. When she had first gotten the device from the hospital, they had explained it to her like that, too.
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Aileen watched as she saw her own body fall backwards onto the floor. Whoever was in her body didn't seem to know what exactly was going on either. She had concluded that she was in Daniel's body, so the person in her body, was most likely Daniel. It wasn't a difficult deduction. Unless this body switching is more complicated than I think it is... "O-okay...so I've tripped before but...not like this...and I've been off everything for ages now so... So seriously, what the hell is happening?" her roommate asked. It felt almost as if she was talking to herself in front of a mirror. This was all insane. "Well, it's probably the work of-" Aileen stopped herself mid-sentence. Did Daniel know about Crestatia? Was she even there when they held the meeting? No. But if Daniel wasn't involved, then she wouldn't have switched bodies, right? Perhaps she had gotten the email, but hasn't met with her yet? "Regardless, we should figure out how to deal with this," Aileen said changing the topic. Daniel would probably ask about what she had said earlier, though. How would she explain everything that has happened to someone, though?
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] Quin was incredibly kind-hearted and did not seem angry at all. She continued to reassure Cristina, which helped cheer her up to an extent. She was still apologetic. When Cristina felt her own hand on her shoulder (technically Quin's shoulder), and saw that Quin was trying her best to smile, Cristina decided to do so also. It was the least she could do. Cristina watched as her roommate began typing on her phone again. When she held up the screen , Cristina read whatever it said. Come, we shall discuss what to do next. How long, do you think, this body-switching ordeal will last? Would you like to do anything today, or merely wait this out? Until the Coordinator gets bored of this, of course. But that wasn't what Quin meant, so she did not voice her opinion out loud. Cristina tried to think back to the meeting that she and a couple of other people were forced into. She hadn't spoken: a) because she didn't know what was going on , b) because she wanted to listen as closely as possible and c) because she couldn't. Had the Coordinator said anything about body-swapping? No she didn't. But she did say something about the game getting closer to a draw. Was she doing this to see who would go insane first? "I'm not sure how long this will last...I would say one or two days until the Coordinator is satisfied, but I could be wrong," she stated. Now as for what to do for the day... "Do you feel well enough to leave? I think it's safer just to stay in our room, but it's up to you..."
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: body-switching madness] Cristina read what her roommate typed up on her phone. Body switching. How do you feel? Are you well, anything out of place? After reading this, the girl shook her head forgetting that she had a voice to use now. "It feels odd, but I guess it's something I will have to get used to until this is over," she said slowly and quietly. She was still getting used to dynamics. The last thing she wanted to do was start screaming at someone by accident. Cristina went on to read the next line. It seems that I am a bit sick, myself. Sick. Oh no. Cristina bit her bottom lip. "I-I guess you already know," she started, "I'm uh...pregnant." She paused for a moment. "But to be honest, I have no idea how it hap- never mind..." Explaining it like that could be misinterpreted."The nurse...knows of my situation, but I haven't met her yet, so if you ever feel terribly ill, seeing her is an option," she continued to explain. "I'm sorry that I tell you earlier...it's just that this is not something you want people to know," Cristina apologized, "I know how terrible it feels, but please bear with me...I'm sorry..." She looked down at the floor. What if she hates me now? She probably does. We were just starting to get along too.God this is terrible.
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: ] After Aileen had glanced at the letter, she found herself back in her room lying down on the bed. Something felt different, but decided to shrug it off. She shivered and realized that she was no longer covered by her blankets. Had she kicked them off in her sleep? There was someone standing by her bed though. Aileen opened her eyes slowly to adjust to the lighting. It...looked like her? Aileen rubbed her eyes. Probably just seeing things after that meeting- oh god. She shot up. Why am I staring at myself? Aileen looked around the room. She had been sleeping in Daniel's bed. Please tell me I- Aileen ran her fingers through her hair. It was a lighter colour and a shorter cut than she had. Oh my god please no. The girl looked down at her body. This was definitely not her. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. She must have looked crazy. This was driving her insane. [ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] Cristina found herself waking up on the wrong side of the room. That's odd? Did someone move me? The girl sat up, with her legs hanging off the bed and stretched upwards. For some reason her arms felt longer and so did her legs. Growth-spurt? Normal. She, then yawned, as she did every morning, but it was different. When she yawned...sound came out of her mouth..? Am I hearing things? The girl decided to test it. "..Hello..?" she whispered to herself. Then she tried repeating it a bit louder, "Hello?" What the hell is going on?! It's not that she wasn't happy that she could speak- she was- but she wasn't supposed to be able to. The car crash six years ago had damaged and destroyed everything. There was no way that she could. She looked around the room for Quin, who she couldn't find, but there was someone else there. Blonde hair, short, and were those her pajamas? Cristina was beginning to realize what was going on. This is...not normal. Well time to use this voice... "Q-Quin," she stuttered. Six years without voice and she had already forgotten how to use it. She took a breath in. "That's you, right? What's going on?" she asked quietly.
but I like my treehouse :I let's just renovate it c:
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: ] What in the world? Waking up, Aileen found herself seated at a round table with several others that she recognized. There were a few that she didn't, though. Were they students of the Academy? Aileen turned around to look behind the chair. The walls were rounded and transparent. It seemed like it had snowed because it was completely white outside. Aileen turned back around to face forward and rubbed her eyes. Was she dreaming? She blinked. Nope. Where was she? It didn't seem like there was any way out either. Even if there was, standing up and walking out would garner too much attention for her to handle. Aileen looked down at the table. She hated these kinds of situations. Circular tables? They just made it easier for everyone to pay attention to and stare at you. She started fidgeting in her seat. All she could do now was wait to see what would happen. [ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] Cristina woke up feeling different. A lot different. Lately she had been getting used to pregnancy and the like, but today it felt like something had changed drastically. After realizing this, Cristina realized that she was no longer in her dorm room anymore. What's going on?! At first Cristina felt as if she was in a hospital room, her surroundings being white and all, but she realized that that wasn't the case. The walls were actually transparent. She was sitting at a white round table, one normally used for discussion. She found it hilarious how she was placed there. It's not like I can speak. Whoever put her there must have been out of their minds. But I wonder...how did I even get here? She decided to patiently wait to see what would happen. It was probably the safest option, considering the fact that she didn't know what was going on.
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] The pair decided to walk back to the dorm. Cristina was greeted by the cold once again when they stepped out of the coffee shop. Has it gotten colder? She could see her breath in front of her. Other than the cold, today was great. She learned new things about her roommate and instead of walking alone, she had company, which was also nice. Once they returned, both she and her roommate got ready for bed. Before slipping into her bed, she plugged in her phone and keyboard to be charged. A day without her keyboard would be terrible. She couldn't begin to imagine all of the frustration she would have to deal with. She lied down facing Quin. "I had a lovely time with you, Cristina. Perhaps we can do something else tomorrow," Quin suggested. Cristina smiled and nodded her head. It's nice to have someone. Not too long after her roommate fell fast asleep. Cristina mouthed a 'Good Night' and closed her eyes as well.
LOL OMG HI . w-well you're old in 3 weeks pff get new internet for your birthday c:
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] " It may take . . . a little while to adjust to our new home, but I do believe that I will fall in quite well with this new routine, however unexpected it may have been," Quin replied. She didn't seem completely satisfied with moving here though. Understandable. The news was abrupt and none of the Bellhurst students had much time to prepare. Even Cristina didn't want to move out of the orphanage to attend school at the Academy. Her roommate continued, "My cousin, Harley, he had come here with me, too. He seems to be more accustomed to these things, but I wonder how well he is adjusting? Surely better than I." Ah, Harley. Quin let out a small laugh and Cristina smiled. Quin looked at her phone, as if she was checking the time. They had been sitting at the table for awhile now. "I'm sure it won't take you too long," her device began, "but it's starting to get late, so shall we head back?"
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] "The Visual Arts, I see. I think I would like to look at some of your art when you have the chance to show me. That is, if you are willing to showcase any, " Quin began to reply. I haven't really shown anyone my own work. No one had ever asked to see. In the past she had handed in assignments for Art class, but those often had a common theme or guidelines to follow. The works in her sketchbook were...scattered. Often it depended on how she was feeling, making her sketchbook somewhat like a diary. It wasn't that she was reluctant to show Quin; she was just wary. Quin continued, "As for myself . . . Music, I play the violin and piano. I am also quite intrigued with the social sciences, such as psychology and sociology. I like to ponder over the human mind and how it reacts in certain circumstances ad such." At this point, Cristina nodded and began to create a reply, "Maybe I can show you sometime back at the dorm. Also, those sound like interesting subjects." It suits her. It just felt like those subjects were ones Quin would enjoy. "I have never lived in a dorm before, have never attended a boarding school that I can remember, it is a bit new to me. What do you think?" Quin changed the subject. This must be an interesting experience for someone who hasn't lived in a dorm before... Cristina remembered the first time she moved into a dorm (technically orphanage) six years ago. It was lonely and it took her months to adapt, but that was probably because of what had happened before...Cristina found herself going into deep thought and stopped herself to reply. "I was actually living in a dorm before we switched campuses, so it isn't anything incredibly new," the machine recited, "Are you getting used to it here?"
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] It was chilly outside and a bit colder than Cristina had thought it would be. Maybe I should have worn tights. She never really dressed for the weather. It was more for appearance. She tried to keep her teeth from chattering, and for the most part she succeeded. She and Quin did not talk very much on the way but when they did her voice trembled. So when the two stepped into Ishmael Coffee, she breathed a sigh of relief. It was nice to be out of the cold. They made their way to an empty table and sat down. Upon taking their seats, Quin checked her phone. It seemed that she got a text from someone. Cristina was curious as to who it was, but decided to let her have her privacy and gazed over at the menu. She wondered what she would get. A small green tea latte and a chocolate chip muffin? Sounds good. When Quin finished texting her reply, she looked up and started conversation, "What do you think of the school, so far? I have heard that the . . . the headmistress is a force to be reckoned with. What classes are you interested in taking?" Cristina looked back over at Quin and then began typing in a reply. Before hitting enter, she spotted a typo in one of the sentences and made a face while she corrected it. She hit enter and the machine recited, "The Academy is huge. But there are only a few places that catch my eye. Namely the Heliocanthea and the Astronomy Tower. The other places are just so typical. As for the other students, I haven't had a chance to meet any of them, so I can't really comment on that...Is that so? Maybe we should stay away from her then..." Cristina smiled, "I would have to say that I'm most interested in taking Visual Arts and Biology. How about you?"
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] Quin agreeing to accompany her to the coffee shop made her happy. She was tired of going there alone, especially after seeing so many people going with their friends. They made her feel lonely. So when her roommate told her that she would come, Cristina's smile grew. She hoped that she didn't look stupid though. While her Quin was getting ready in the bathroom, Cristina put her usual things in her bag: her phone, keyboard, sketchbook, wallet and keys. She also took this time to walk over to her closet and pick out what she would wear. After staring at the clothes in her closet for some time, she decided to pull out her tan cardigan and a skirt. "Whenever you are ready to go, I will be waiting." Cristina nodded and made her way to the bathroom to get ready. She tried her best to be quick. After getting dressed, she brushed her blonde hair until it was as neat as possible and wore her read bow. There were always a few strands of hair that did not cooperate but she left them for today. Can't keep her waiting too long. Stepping out, she put on her coat and also put her bag over her shoulder. She had one hand on the wall for support as she slipped on her flats. Cristina then looked over at Quin. She grabbed her keyboard from inside of her bag and typed, "I'm ready. Let's get going." She smiled and gestured towards the door. Perhaps I should keep the keyboard in my hands.
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] "No, none that I have determined. Is there something in mind you want to do?" Quin replied. She seemed back to normal at this point which gave Cristina some room to relax a bit more. Maybe she would spend the rest of the day with Quin today. Where could they go? "To be honest, I didn't really have anything in mind...but now that I think about it, would you like to come with me to the coffee shop on the edge of campus?" She tilted her head and smiled. What if she doesn't want to go? While waiting for her roommate's response she added, "It's okay if you don't want to go. I could always go alone, or we could go somewhere else." Cristina did not want to make it seem as if she was forcing Quin to join her, but she would definitely appreciate the company.
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] It wasn't any of my business. I knew that I should have just left it. I should have just pretended that I didn't see anything and ignored it. Quin had thrown herself under her blanket and Cristina felt terrible about it. They had just met. She didn't know what made her think that she would be able to learn everything about Quin in less than a week. Quin hadn't asked about why she was mute so why did she ask? She wanted to apologize, but using her device would just make the apology sound ridiculous. This is one of the times where she really wished she had her voice. The girl opened her mouth to at least try to get a sound out. Nothing but air. All she could do was sit there. She felt useless. Why? Quin emerged from hiding and explained, "Excuse me . . .It was an accident that happened from when I was very young. Severe rope burn, and as you can see, it has never quiet healed." So it seems that she has had her own share of accidents as well... With each word, it seemed as if she was regaining her composure. For this, Cristina was glad. If she hadn't, there would not have been any way she could console her. All she could do was sit there and watch. Without a voice she was of no help. Quin spoke again, "It was a very long time ago." Cristina nodded. There were just some things that people wanted to forget, and perhaps for Quin this was one of them. She decided not to pry any further into the matter until Quin wanted to talk about it. She tried to think of something else to talk about. It was silent in their room for a moment until the clicking of Cristina's keyboard started as she typed, "Do you have any plans for today?" She had a small, reassuring smile on her face. She was just trying her best to change the subject.
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none] Upon hearing her name, Cristina looked up from her sketchbook and over at her roommate. She placed her sketchbook and pencil in her lap as she reached over to grab her keyboard. "I am well. And you?" Cristina smiled as the mechanical voice recited. Quin moved and sat up in a way that her legs were now off of the bed. But there was definitely something strange about them. Scars? It looked as if both her legs had been tied up with rope. Cristina caught herself unconsciously frowning while observing her scars. What happened? She didn't know whether she should ask or not. Asking her about a private matter could be considered rude. But as a roommate I'm supposed to care...right? With a worried expression, Cristina used her right hand to point to her roommate's legs. This way if Quin wanted to tell her about it she could, or she could just leave it.
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: none]Cristina woke up in the morning feeling somewhat normal. She was definitely feeling a lot better than two days ago. Yesterday's full day of bed rest was definitely worth it. She rolled over to face Quin's side of the room. It seemed that she was still sleeping. She had returned late the night before, after all. Cristina had heard the door open and close in the middle of the night. Cristina wanted to speak more with Quin but, her roommate was sleeping so peacefully and soundly that she did not want to wake her. Cristina got out of her bed and grabbed her sketchbook out of her bag. She decided to draw the view from outside her window. There was a cardinal sitting still on one of the bare branches of the tree outside. It's pretty. She did her best to capture the bird's beauty. She was glad that the bird sat still on the branch and did not fly away in the middle of her sketching. She smiled. Art...I hope the baby likes art too... She sighed and continued to sketch as she waited for Quin to awaken.
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: Been busy this week, but should be able to post more often soon.] Aileen saw familiar faces, but decided not to go up to them. Instead she took a drink and stood in the corner of the room. They looked like they were having fun and she only thought she would ruin it with her awkwardness. She wasn't exactly 'friends' with any of them, which would make it even more weird. I shouldn't have come here... She stood in the corner for awhile longer, and then left the party. There was nothing for her to do there. Still, she was glad that she got out of room for the day. Aileen spent a lot longer at the party than she had thought she had. It was dark outside. She did not get to meet any of the Academy students at the party, but she decided to leave that for an other time, probably when classes started up again. She was in no rush. It wasn't like she needed to make friends or anything. Even if she did, there weren't enough days to spend with them. It would all be a waste of effort. Because she was alone she walked quickly to her dorm room. It was quieter than usual outside. Perhaps everyone was at the party. Reaching her dorm, she sighed and opened the door. She walked to her room and tired, she just fell back on her bed and fell asleep.
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: ]By the time Aileen had woken up, Daniel was not in their room. She shrugged it off and got out of bed. Walking towards the bathroom, something on the table caught her eye. It was a flyer about some party that was going on today. Had Daniel left it here? There's nothing better to do, so I guess I should go... Anything was better than sitting around all day long. She showered and got dressed to go out. Aileen looked over the flyer again. It didn't have any specific details about dress code. Assuming that there was nothing particularly special about the party, she dressed in what she would normally wear. After lacing up her boots, she left her room, locking the door behind her and began looking for where the party was being held. Once there, she noticed that it was a bit crowded. Aileen looked around for any familiar faces. Daniel was probably here since she had brought in the flyer. She didn't really want to make any friends, but it would be nice to talk to some of her acquaintances. The girl hoped that she could find someone quick so that she wouldn't look lost and gain attention.
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: Sorry, Saxima. I'm being forced to sleep by my parents ;~;] The girl smiled as she waited for her roommate's response. She felt as if they had a lot in common even though they had not known each other long enough to determine that. Quin was kind and soft spoken ...And nothing like the clown of a roommate I had before. Suddenly, Cristina felt a pang of pain on the left side of her head. It felt as if something heavy had been dropped directly on that spot, but it was obvious that nothing had. She pressed her left hand against her head and typed with her right. This significantly reduced her speed, but it would have to do. "Sorry do you mind if we continue this tomorrow. I would love to have a longer conversation, but I am not feeling very well at the moment. I'm really, really sorry," her machine recited. She hoped that Quin would understand. The machine did not do a very good job of portraying her emotions. She only realized afterwards how much that phrase could be misinterpreted. She lied down and closed her eyes. I hope this isn't from the pregnancy...Maybe I should go to the nurse tomorrow...She did her best to ignore the sudden headaches and went to sleep.