[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD ♪ OOC: none] Cristina woke up feeling under the weather. Both the pregnancy and the body switching had taken a huge toll on her body and health. The girl sat up holding her head with her right hand and with closed eyes. She looked over at the other bed in her room. It seemed as if Quin had already gone out for the day. Perhaps she should go out as well. She didn't want to stay indoors all day, especially if she did not have any company. The fresh air might help me feel better... Cristina went to look through her closet, but then remembered about the snakes that were possibly still lurking around the academy. She decided to wear the same outfit that Quin had lent to her the day before. It's safer this way. She walked into her washroom to get changed and ready to leave. After putting on her shoes, she grabbed her bag, but paused to look outside the window. There, Carmine, was sitting on the branch alone. I'll be back later. With that, Cristina walked out of her room. She locked the door behind her and proceeded to walk to the dorm exits. When she opened the large doors, she immediately felt the icy wind brush against her face.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD ♪ OOC: none] Walking into their dorm Cristina sighed. It's good to be back. In more ways than one... Back in their room, Cristina pulled out her sleepwear from her closet, got changed and ready for bed after Quin. Her roommate went to sleep before her, bidding her a good night. Cristina nodded and smiled as a reply. She was too tired to use her speech keyboard. Though she had spent most of her stay in the hospital resting, she was still tired. Probably a result of combined pregnancy symptoms and stress. Cristina hoped that things would be better in the morning, though she highly doubted it. Supernatural things like this...Do they ever get better? Without doing or thinking about anything else, she found herself lying down on her own bed and dozing off.
44[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD ♪ OOC: none] Quin told the nurse that she would check Cristina out as well, without letting her know beforehand. Cristina didn't mind, at all, she was just glad that she would be getting out of this place very soon. Not long after, Quin commanded the nurse to take Cristina back to her room, which she did. After helping Cristina sit back on her hospital bed and helping her carefully remove the IV tube (which was incredibly painful in Cristina's opinion), the nurse bowed politely and walked out of the room, probably to tend to her other duties. After all, she wasn't just there to babysit Cristina. For awhile Cristina just sat on her bed looking out of the window. Not long after, however, she heard footsteps entering her room. She turned her head around, and saw Quin, changed and holding a bag. "Hello again, Miss Cristina. Are you ready to leave this god forsaken place?" Quin asked, closing the door behind her. Cristina nodded. She was definitely ready to leave. Quin placed a bag next to her hospital bed, "I brought these for you." Cristina nodded, and Quin walked back out the door to wait for her outside. Cristina got off her bed and changed as fast as she could. The outfit that was chosen for her was her favourite colour, but the outfit itself wasn't one that the girl would choose to wear on a day to day basis. She was not a big fan of jeans and did not own any in her wardrobe. Being pregnant, the jeans were very tight around the waist and although she didn't particularly love the outfit, it would have to do. After all, they were planning to return to school, where the crazy, venomous snakes could still be. She would have to keep all of her skin covered, and a dress would not do that. Cristina grabbed anything that was hers and shoved it into her bag, finding her speech device in the process. She kept that in her hands. The girl opened the door and walked outside to meet with Quin. "I'm ready, let's go," her keyboard read out.
80[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] Cristina had her phone in her hand, ready to reply to Quin, but in a flash, she found herself in a different room. She could tell that it was still in the same hospital. The layout of the room was very similar. Had she switched back to her own body? Cristina ran her fingers through down her hair, moving the last few strands forward. It was indeed her blonde hair. She found Quin's phone beside her, looked at her reflection in it. She was indeed back in her own body, but were her eyes swollen? Had Quin been crying? It was most likely her own private matters however, so Cristina just shrugged it off. One of her fingers had a heart rate monitor attached to it, on her arm there was an IV tube and, honestly, she was tempted to rip both off. Now that the girl was back in the right body, she was ready to leave. I need to get out of this place... Everything that had happened over the past couple of days was driving her insane, and being kept in a hospital room was not helping the cause. When she had switched bodies, she was stressed. When Harley came to take Quin away, she felt lonely. When she heard about the snakes, she was cautious. When the helicopter came crashing down, she was in shock. And now, sitting up on the hospital bed in the room, she felt trapped, lonely and stressed all at the same time. She also felt somewhat sick, but automatically assumed that it was a result of the pregnancy. She had been away from it for a few days and returning to it would require some adjustment. She rubbed her hand on her stomach. You're okay, right? Being back in her body, she tried to keep her past memories of hospitals away in the back of her mind. It was difficult though. Fragments of her worst memories kept appearing and they really bothered her. Thinking of them now would do her no good- the heart rate monitor would have probably increased and alerted the doctors. They wouldn't let her leave after that, and that's not what she wanted. I have to keep calm. Maybe I should dr- Cristina remembered that her sketchbook and her entire bag were back in the other room. Quin's room. And Quin's phone was actually with her right now. She decided to head over to her roommate's room, return her phone and retrieve her bag at the same time. But first she would have to ask for directions. Cristina opened her mouth to call out to a nurse, but remembered that she had gone back to a world where speech was impossible and frowned. Instead, she waved her right hand in the air, hoping to catch a nurse's attention. It did. When the nurse walked in, Cristina looked around for her keyboard. She was sure that it must have been there somewhere, but she couldn't find it at that moment, and instead used a notepad she found beside her. Do you think I can go visit my friend? Her name is Quin Lein. The nurse thought for a moment. She looked over at the wires connected to her as well as the tubes and frowned. But Cristina needed something to distract her in order to maintain her sanity. She needed her sketchbook. Cristina added to the note, on the next line: Please??? The nurse sighed, nodded and detached the heart rate monitor as well as some of the other less important wires. The IV understandably had to be kept on, so she would have to roll the stand holding the IV fluid along with her. Cristina held Quin's phone in her hand. The nurse helped her stand, as well as navigate herself to Quin's room. Standing at the door, Cristina looked over at Quin, and then walked over. The nurse stayed by the door. She bent her knees to pick up her bag, held out Quin's phone for her to take.
86 [ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] Cristina woke up to a nurse bringing in a tray of breakfast for her. The girl sat up adjusting the position of her pillows so that she could sit in a more comfortable position. The food wasn't exactly appealing, but she was hungry, so she did not complain. Before the nurse left the room, however, Cristina decided to ask about Quin. "Umm...About a friend of mine...Cristina...is she here? Is she alright?" she asked. "Yes, her room isn't too far from here. Would you like me to take you to see her after your breakfast?" the nurse offered. She needed to thank Quin for saving he- Spoiler: Six Years Ago "Do you want me to take you to see your parents after their surgery?" NO! Cristina shook her head and lied, "No...It's okay, that's all I wanted to know. Thank you." The nurse raised her right eyebrow at first, but then smiled and left the room. Cristina searched the area around her bed to see if she could find the bag with her cell phone. It was left at the foot of the foot of the bed, so Cristina reached down and grabbed it, pulling out her phone. She dropped the bag back down on the floor. She decided to text Quin. With that done, she put her phone in her lap and decided to start eating her breakfast.
[Tumblr ❀ OOC: none] Am I dead? Aileen opened her eyes. The ceiling was white. Beside her she could hear beeping, so she turned her head and looked in the direction it was coming from. A heart rate monitor? She tilted her head downwards to look at her hands. There was a clip-like object on her index finger that she assumed monitored her pulse. She sighed. Not dead, but in the hospital. Great. She had probably fainted sometime during all of the chaos. Aileen felt that Crestatia was responsible for all that happened that day- beginning with the snakes. She might have just been paranoid, but she just felt so sure about it. Though it was her own fault for even stepping on that helicopter in the first place. Aileen turned her head the other way and looked at the clock on the wall. It was getting late and she was still feeling drowsy. She decided to sleep until morning. [ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] When the same nurse walked by her room again, Cristina called out to her. The voice came out quieter than she had expected, so she was worried the nurse didn't hear. The nurse did, however, and walked in. "Is there anything wrong?" "My legs," Cristina began. Well, actually, Quin's legs. "Are they okay? You said that what happened didn't help my legs, and now they sort of hurt. What did you mean?" she questioned. These legs weren't hers. Cristina was just about equally worried about something happening to Quin's legs, as something happening to her voice. "Oh, did it really sound that way? I didn't mean anything had happened to them-nothing did actually. You've just over-exerted them with all that running you did today, that's all," the nurse replied. That's it? Not like I would know. I hate running. "That's all I wanted to know...thank you," Cristina said. The nurse smiled and quickly walked out of the room. Looks like she has something to do. She sighed. Maybe I should get some rest. She slowly laid herself back down and closed her eyes.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] Cristina did not remember much of what happened in the wretched helicopter. Soon after it had all happened her world went black, and now awake, she found herself in another hospital room. The first thing she did was test if she could still speak- well if Quin could still speak. "Hello?" Oh thank god. The events during and after the helicopter ride were all so frightening to her. In the past she had told herself that if she were to die, she would reunite with her parents again. Death would have been good for her. However for some reason, during the discovery of the snake on the helicopter she froze in fear of death and not because she wanted to die. The same after the helicopter crash landed. She just stood there. It was Quin who ended up pulling her out. Is it that I'm really afraid of death? Regardless, Cristina would have to thank Quin for pulling her out of the dangerous situation. As she sat up, she could feel her head pounding. Her back and neck were also hurting. A nurse who was walking past the room ran in. "Ah! Please be careful!" she said as she helped her sit up, "You might hurt yourself if you move around too much! What happened didn't exactly help your legs either!" The nurse then told her to stay in bed and then left the room. Her legs? Did they get more scarred? Oh no. No. She pulled the blanket up so she could see. The scarring didn't seem to be any worse than it had been before, but Cristina could feel a stinging sensation coming from them. Oh my god.
BOI PLS respect your elders >:c
[Tumblr ❀ OOC: none] Aileen followed Olivia up the stairs where they ran into a short, blonde girl. She was using some sort of device to speak, so Aileen assumed that she wasn't physically able to. Was she victim to the body switching as well? She seemed to know Olivia. Aileen listened into their conversation. She didn't consider it eavesdropping, as she was already there. It turned out that the girl was actually Quin. If Aileen remembered correctly, her last real interaction with Quin was at the auditorium during the flood... She wondered if Quin remembered. Just this once, Aileen was relieved that she had switched bodies. This way she wouldn't be able to recognize her. There was also some talk about escaping on a helicopter. Helicopter? There were a bunch of other students here as well. [ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] When Cristina received the text from Quin, she quickly got ready to leave. She chose an outfit from Quin's closet that would cover skin. The girl would have to walk there, and not only was it cold, but there were now snakes around. This is all crazy, I swear. In a hurry, she almost forgot to lock their dorm room door. She really hoped she would make it in time. She wasn't normally a very good runner, but she hoped that changed when her body did. Cristina tried to run to the dining hall as fast as she could, trying to ignore the pains in her legs. Inside the dining hall, she slowed down to give the scarred legs a break, but still tried to make it up the stairs in time. Please. Please. Please. Once on the roof, she scanned the area for Quin, specifically looking for her own blonde hair. She found her near two other people. Cristina walked over to her, trying to catch her breath. She tapped Quin, in her body, on the shoulder to show that she was here.
[Tumblr ❀ OOC: none] Walking further into the building, a boy approached Aileen. "Excuse me, but you are familiar with the . . . recent body switching, yes?" the person giggled. Aileen nodded as the person who appeared to be a boy continued, "I have not seen you, or your shell before. Are you of the Academy?" Aileen shook her head and then spoke, "I am occupying my roommate's body at the moment, actually. I am not from this Academy, and I believe that my roommate is not either." She paused for a moment, realizing that she forgot to introduce herself. "Oh, sorry. My name is Aileen. It's nice to meet you..." She realized that she would have to reintroduce herself after all of the body swapping ended. The person had no idea what she originally looked like after all.
[Tumblr ❀ OOC: none] Aileen found herself still in Daniel's body when she woke up. It was frustrating. She really had the urge to dance, but she couldn't in someone else's body. They didn't spend their entire lives training like she had. The girl sat up and stretched her arms upwards while yawning. Deciding that she would go out for some fresh air rather than sleep all day, she got ready. Originally, she had pulled out clothes from her own closet, but then remembered that she wasn't herself and walked over to pick out clothes from Daniel's. Their styles were completely different, and Aileen felt out of place while choosing an outfit. When she walked out of her room, everyone in the dorm were busy chattering away about something. Walking past a few girls, Aileen could hear what they were saying: "Did you hear about the snakes?" "I heard that Ugalavine Stalking Snakes are loose around the academy." "If you get bitten by one you could die." As she neared the dorm exit, she could feel the eyes just about every girl in the hall on her. It was making her feel uncomfortable. Aileen began to walk faster. Just as she was going to push the door, she overheard what several girls were saying about her. "Is she seriously going to go out there?" and then, "Isn't she one of the Bellhurst students? Public school kids must really be stupid." Aileen ignored whatever they were saying and walked out. The idea of snakes roaming around the Academy didn't bother her as much as the girls inside her dorm. Aileen cautiously made her way to the dining hall and stepped inside. [ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] Cristina woke up and noticed that Quin had not returned...and that she had not returned to her own body yet. How long was this actually going to last? I wonder how Quin's doing... Cristina pulled out her laptop and checked for any emails. She wasn't one to check her inbox frequently because it was normally filled with spam. There was an urgent email from the school though. She moved the cursor over the email and clicked to open it. Snakes around the campus? Cristina had never had an encounter with a snake before, but she was sure that it wasn't pleasant. Would she be safe inside her dorm room? Would snakes be able to find their way in there? She decided to stay in her room as it was probably safer in the dorm than being outside. She looked outside the window. Carmine, the cardinal that she had named the day before, wasn't sitting on the branch. I hope Carmine's okay... Had it flown out to find something to eat? Cristina was getting hungry so she pulled out a bag of cereal from her bag and started eating.
[Tumblr ❀ OOC: none] It was silent for a very long time and Aileen found it extremely awkward. She assumed that Daniel was thinking about things, and perhaps she didn't even hear what she had said. Aileen decided to let her roommate think to herself for a bit. If she was ready to discuss something, she would have spoken already. For some reason she always felt tired. She didn't know if it was a side effect of the body switching ordeal, or whether Daniel was always tired, but she was definitely not used to it. Aileen could feel herself dozing off again. The girl pulled her blanket over her and closed her eyes. These lazy days have to end. Once I'm back in my body, I have to get my dance schedule organized again.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] As Quin was about to leave the room, she turned to Cristina and told her (via keyboard), "I shall return, soon." Cristina put on a small smile and nodded. Quin walked out without Harley. Was she unhappy about going with Harley? Cristina was very confused about their relationship. Perhaps she would never understand it. She let out a sigh. "Actually, I might not bring her back tonight. But don't worry, I'll take good care of her, and your body," Harley told her as he was leaving. That changed the way Cristina thought about the situation a lot. She wasn't worried about her body, but about Quin. If she were to feel ill, would Harley make a big deal about it? Is it too late to change my mind? But it was, as Harley had already walked out. She was going to run and tell him that she wanted to tag along, but noticed a bit of pain in her legs. Was it a result of Quin's scars? Cristina gave up on chasing them and went to close the door. She walked back to her bed and decided to sketch before going to bed. She had her sketchbook out all day, yet had not drawn a single line in it. She looked outside the window for inspiration again. On the branch outside, a cardinal was resting. Cristina was almost certain that it was the same one that she drew the other day. Why is it always alone? She flipped back to the drawing of the bird that she had drawn the other day and decided to work on the smaller details now that she had the chance again. Since the bird seemed like a frequent visitor, Cristina had an urge to give it a name. It would give her drawing a title as well. Carmine? That seemed like a fitting name. She wrote 'Carmine' in the top left corner of the page and signed in the bottom right. She looked up at the window where the bird was still sitting on the branch. "Don't worry Carmine, you won't be lonely anymore," she said quietly with a smile. Cristina yawned, and figured that it would be time for her to go to bed. She laid down on the bed, pulling the covers of her shoulders and closed her eyes.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] Quin spoke out using the device, " Do not antagonize her, Harley. What are you doing here?" Harley sighed, and Cristina relaxed a bit. She closed the door, and walked over to the bed. " I only came to check on you," he replied to Quin. That's nice of him. He cared so much for her, making Cristina wonder again if they were really just cousins. For a moment, she had felt Harley's gaze shift to the scars on Quin's legs, reminding Cristina of them. Oh no. She quickly sat down on the bed and covered her legs with the blanket again. Grabbing her sketchbook from the side, she placed it in her lap. "I hope I'm not treading on anything private. I was just wondering if I could steal Kallisti for a little while. Only if it's okay with you, that is. It is your body after all," Harley asked. Cristina didn't have any problem with it, but she was a bit worried about Quin. Would she be okay? Even if she was to accompany the two, Cristina would not be able to prevent her from feeling ill. "I don't mind, but Quin, what do you say?" Cristina asked.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] The boy looked around her. What is he looking for? If he wasn't acquainted with Quin, then was he looking for Cristina? After looking around for a bit his attention went back to Cristina in Quin's body. "Hey, Cristina, long time no see. Do you mind if I come in? " He knows?! Who exactly is he? The boy walked past her into her room. He didn't seem like he wanted to do any harm, so she didn't stop him. She was sort of shocked that he knew that she wasn't Quin, though. "I see you two have done the little switcher-roo." Was he a victim to the body-switching as well? Quin, in Cristina's body, was glaring at the boy, but it didn't seem hateful. It was definitely someone that she was familiar with. Cristina observed her own face, as Quin glared. Was that what she had looked like when she was arguing with Tamora? It was an odd expression. Maybe I shouldn't do that. The boy apologized as he sat down, "Oh, sorry. It's me, Harley. We met on the train, you and I." Ahh, so it's Harley. Body switched as well, huh? So Quin and I aren't the only ones... "Looks like I was right; roommates with my cousin." Cristina smiled and nodded. She wondered if Quin smiled very often while she was around Harley. "How are you doing?" he asked. "I-I'm doing well....except for the entire body swapping situation, of course," she replied. She was hesitant on replying. What does he think of me using Quin's voice? Does he think I'm taking advantage of this situation? Please don't. I don't want to... He seemed to care for his cousin a lot, after all. She looked over at Quin who was still glaring at Harley.
[Tumblr ❀ OOC: none] "I wonder why taking our own lives is against the rules..." Aileen woke up to her roommate's mumbling. She couldn't tell if Daniel was talking to her, or herself, but Aileen decided to open her eyes and sit up. Maybe her roommate had more questions to ask. She, herself, didn't know all of the answers, but she had known about the game long enough for her to answer simple questions. Aileen yawned before speaking, "The game probably wouldn't last very long if that wasn't a rule. A lot of people probably would have killed themselves. If I knew that I was inevitably going to die in less than a year, I would, too. But with that rule in place I didn't." This game had given her a lot of stress ever since it had started. The events that happened in the auditorium during the flood still frightened her. If she had a choice, the girl would have killed herself that night. Aileen added, "Crestatia would probably just bring you back to life...and then kill you later. Then you would have to die twice, and that...why would you do that to yourself, right?" [ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] The familiar robotic voice greeted her, so Cristina turned her head in the direction it was coming from. She smiled at Quin. Her roommate had also suggested that they go out today. Cristina was hesitant, but perhaps fresh air would be good for them. She hated being kept inside anyways. But before Cristina could reply to her roommate, she heard someone knocking on the door. She placed her sketchbook aside and stood up to walk to the door. Quin expected her to, which was understandable considering she was in a body that did not allow her to speak. I wonder who it could be. She slowly turned the knob and opened the door. It was boy that she did not recognize. Who is he? Does he know Quin? Does he know what happened? How should I greet him? "Umm...Good morning..." she ended up saying. Cristina almost asked for his name, but she stopped herself. If he was acquainted with Quin it would have been incredibly awkward. She stood at the door waiting to see how the boy would respond.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: ] When Cristina woke up in the morning, she immediately went to the restroom and looked in the mirror. She was still in Quin's body. She turned on the tap and splashed some cool water onto her face to wake herself up. It still hasn't ended yet, huh? While in the washroom, she decided to brush her teeth. Out of habit she went to grab her own toothbrush, Cristina's, but caught herself while doing so. She sighed. If I'm going to make small mistakes like this, I should probably stay inside until all of this is over. Finished, she walked out. Before sitting back on the bed, Cristina had a sudden urge to draw so she went to grab her sketchbook and pencil case. She sat, leaning against the backboard of the bed, and propped her knees up high enough so that she could draw. Remembering how Quin felt about her scars being exposed, Cristina pulled the blanket over to cover just above her knees. Don't want her worry her right when she wakes up... She quietly tapped her pencil on the sketchbook. What to draw?
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] When Quin suggested that they sleep, Cristina nodded. She didn't realize how tired she was until she had mentioned going to bed. Before Quin closed her eyes, Cristina whispered a, "Good night." She stayed awake a little while longer after her roommate had fallen asleep. A lot had happened today. She had met with the person behind all of the crazy phenomena that had been occurring lately, as well as the whole body switching situation. There's going to be more things like this, huh? Cristina wanted to believe that she was prepared for all of this, but she wasn't. The body swapping ordeal was already taking a toll on her emotional health. Being given a voice, only for it to be taken away again later? Was the Coordinator trying to bully her? Tease her? She had to stay strong. Cristina closed her eyes. She just wanted everything to be normal again in the morning. Please.
[Tumblr ❀ OOC: none] Aileen didn't really expect much of a reaction. Daniel was probably in shock. Who wouldn't after being told something like that? If it hadn't been for the body switching, she was almost certain that Daniel wouldn't have believed her. "Yeah, I got that email," Daniel stated. She thought that much. Her roommate let out a small laugh. Was it out of confusion? After a couple of moments, she continued with a couple of more questions, "Is this going to wear off? And wait...you met her you say? How did that go?" "It would probably wear off. Crestatia, the person behind this, will probably keep this up until she's bored with it. Myself with a couple of others involuntarily met with her. She placed us around a table to see if we had any questions. Apparently this 'game' is headed into a draw. She's going to change that though, and this," Aileen gestured at their bodies, "is probably one of the ways." Aileen yawned. It seemed as if it was getting late. Perhaps she should go back to bed. After all of this confusion she could use some rest. "Sorry, I'm getting rather tired. I think that I am just going to go to sleep... maybe you should, too. Take some times to think things over. Hopefully this will all end by morning..." she said, lying back down in Daniel's bed and closing her eyes.
[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ♪ OOC: It's alright, Saxima c: Don't worry about it!] Quin tested out the device. It seemed like she got the idea of it. As Quin began typing something else, Cristina watched. Is that what I look like to other people? The familiar robotic device caught her attention. "Take no offense," it began, "but how is it having a voice once more?" How do I feel about this? Cristina had spent all this time worrying about the body swapping. "Honestly...it's nice to be able to speak again, but.." she paused trying to gather all of the right words, "It doesn't feel right. This isn't my own voice. I'm not supposed to be able to speak again. I'm cheating the system right now and I don't like it. I've basically stolen your voice and I know how it feels to have your voice stolen..." Her voice drifted on the last word. If she were to continue her ranting, Cristina felt that she would reveal too much about her past. She decided to wrap up her answer. "Anyways, I don't think I'll ever truly enjoy speaking unless it's with my own voice." It's just how things are meant to be.