[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: filling out tons of paperwork for tomorrow, sorry ;~;] She looked around the hallway but there was no one there. The girl shrugged it off and walked towards the vending machine. For awhile she just stood in front of the machine, scanning through her options. All of her choices were junk food, and would not be very filling. But then again, she knew that the vending machine would not provide a full meal for her. Cristina sighed and just bought a bag of chips as well as chocolate and candy for later. She walked back to her room and ate what she bought. With nothing left to do, she just decided to go to sleep. The girl laid down and closed her eyes.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: sorry ;~;] Cristina had not heard her alarm go off so she ended up sleeping in. When she looked out the window, the snow had stopped, but the snow that had fallen the day before was still piled high on the ground. There was no way that she was going to walk through all of that. She was hungry though, and if she wanted food, the only way to get it was to walk to the vending machine at the end of the hall. Cristina was in one of her lazy moods and did not want to walk outside, but she somehow forced herself off of her bed. She threw on a hoodie and her slippers and walked into the hallway of the dorm.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: none] Snow...It was late now and it was still falling endlessly. She had sat in her room all day because she could not leave the building and it wasn't like she wanted to to walk into the hallways where all of the girls gossiped. No way. The girl just found herself keeping herself busy in her room, which seemed to be quite effective. There were times that she was bored, of course, and then there were times where she was distracted. Then this. Cristina looked outside her window again. It was the same as what she had seen before except this time there seemed to be something else there. A crimson-coloured spot in the sea of white. Cristina froze. It was the same colour as blood. She found herself paralyzed as her mind brought her back to the memories that she did not want to remember. Spoiler: FLASHBACK "So those stain glass mirrors," Cristina's father started, "what colours should we use?" Her parents and herself were in the middle of driving home from the church that they had just visited. It was dark outside, but she could see the snow falling gently. Young Cristina was beginning to feel tired. She could feel her eyelids becoming heavier, but the girl tried her best to keep them open. "We can talk about this another day. Your daughter is getting tired," her mother stated, gesturing for Cristina to fall asleep. She leaned on the window and closed her eyes. Her father chuckled and agreed, "Haha okay, we wi-" "HONEY LOOK OUT!" Her mother screamed. Cristina immediately opened her eyes, only to feel the car spinning out of control. She held onto the seat in front of her, moving away from where she was previously sleeping. The vehicle was rocking from side to side, and eventually, it flipped onto one side, the left side. Cristina's head smashed against the window she was leaning against. It suddenly got hot in the car. For the second that she could open her eyes, she could see blood in front of her. Her parents were just lying there, not moving. There was red everywhere. The windows had broken and blood was leaking onto the white snow that had just fallen. She could hear the sirens ringing in the background. Cristina closed her eyes. Cristina realized that the crimson-coloured thing outside of her window was Carmine. Without realizing, she had fallen to her knees and was trembling. It took her awhile before she could actually stand up, and when she did, she had to grab onto the edge of her bed for support. With that she decided that she was done for the day. Without doing anything, she felt that all of her energy had been drained from her. Cristina climbed into her bed and did her best to distract herself. It took a long time but eventually she fell asleep.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: none] When Cristina woke up, she could hear the wind ferociously blowing against her room window. She sat up to see what was going on outside. Snow. Snow everywhere. She couldn't see her little bird friend, Carmine, which caused her to become somewhat worried. The girl just hoped for the best. She was snowed in. There was no way she would be able to leave the dorm anytime soon. Looking outside, it didn't seem like the blizzard was planning to stop anytime soon. Perhaps the storm would go on until tomorrow. Then I wouldn't have to go to school. The thought of this made her happy. These days Cristina found herself tired all of the time. All she really wanted to do was sleep and eat. Speaking of eating... The girl grabbed a bag of candy out of her school bag and started devouring it. For some reason, she had a bad feeling about today. Cristina looked outside again. Snow...
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: Short post b/c Chinese New Year] Cristina had finished her sketch before the boy had left. Now that she was done that, she could go back inside and fix some of the details. She was sort of surprised that the boy did not notice her, but didn't really care. It was more convenient because it would save her the trouble of typing her responses. She stood up off the bench and started walking to her dorm. The wind blowing on her face stung her cheeks. Perhaps I should have worn a scarf or something to cover my face...I will remember that for next time. When she made it back to her room, she got ready for bed. Quin was not back yet. The girl frowned. Before lying down on her bed, she looked out of the window, to see Carmine, the cardinal that she named, sitting alone on the branch. Cristina sighed and then went to sleep.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: none] Cristina was glad that it was the weekend because she was exhausted. When she woke up it was already mid-day and Quin had already left the dorm. The girl wondered where Quin always went to because she had rarely seen her around lately. Sometimes Cristina even wondered if her roommate was purposely avoiding her. The girl shook her head and decided not to think about it. She has her own life too... She decided to go out for a walk to get some fresh air. Staying inside all the time was not something she enjoyed doing, so she got changed and got ready to go out. She threw on a warm coat over her blue dress and headed out the door. Walking along the path, Cristina hoped to come across something interesting to sketch. Being outside was great for those sort of things. She carried her sketchbook and pencil in one hand being careful not to drop them in the snow. It was cold outside so she did not expect very many people to be taking strolls outside, let alone be running. There was a boy running around in the cold. Does he know that it's winter? And that there's probably a gym in this school? Regardless, when he ran past Cristina, she felt a spark of inspiration. For a second she had captured what she thought would become a great drawing and that image was saved in her mind. She sat down on the nearest bench and started drawing. She hoped the boy wouldn't mind.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: busy with homework and family things ;~;] Cristina sneezed which was a signal to her to get inside where it was warm. She packed up her things and then walked back to her dorm room. Before going to bed, she finished the math homework that was assigned in class. It was actually classwork, but she was too busy doodling in her notebook to work. Once she finished the girl got ready for bed. She packed her textbook back into her backpack and placed it on the floor beside her bed. She then tucked herself in and went to sleep.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: none] Cristina decided that her favourite time of day was definitely after school. She never had one before, but for some reason at this school she did. The school day was agonizing and the students in it were agonizing. The Academy kids are all spoiled rotten. Walking down the halls she could hear everyone of them talking about how they got the newest phone, or complaining how their parents wouldn't buy it for them. They were all lucky. Everyone of them. Stepping out of the building, Cristina took in a breath of fresh air. No matter how large the school was, with the two student populations occupying one building, it was bound to get stuffy in there. It was nice to breath clean air, especially after her last period class. She could tell the the guy she sat next to was an avid smoker. He reeked of cigarette fumes. It wasn't good for her. Or the baby. Rather than heading straight back to her room, the girl decided to take a walk around the school grounds. She decided that her destination would be the Heliocanthea. A walk sounded like something pleasant to do after eight hours of sedentary work, and she had her art materials in her bag, so she could take time to relax in the Heliocanthea. The walk there was more peaceful than she thought it would be. It was somewhat cold, so a lot of the students, the girls especially, took shelter inside one of the heated buildings. The cold didn't bother Cristina at all, as much as the snow did. She did her best to keep her mind off of it, however, and it succeeded to a certain extent. She had distracted herself long enough to make it to the gardens. Finding a seat on the bench, Cristina sat down and pulled out her sketch book. It's pretty here in the winter. It's a shame so many people are taking shelter inside.
Ah! This is such a great idea. Why did I not see this thread sooner? Username: Cookiie Guardian Nickname: The Peppy Personality A silly picture/GIF: Spoiler Because Dera is fabulous c: .
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: none] After Cristina's alarm went off, she stuck her head under the pillow. She wasn't used to waking up early quite yet, and as time went on, she was beginning to grow more and more tired each day. It took her awhile to convince herself to roll out of bed and get ready for school. Here we go... Leaving the dorm building, her first destination was the dining hall for breakfast. Now that she had lived at the Academy for awhile, she knew her way around pretty well. During the rest of her break she had spent a lot of time roaming around and sketching different scenery. The girl was glad that she no longer looked lost and ditsy walking around the school grounds. Approaching the mess hall, she could see a group of teens conversing with each other, Quin and Bronagh included. They looked like they were all occupied, so she just decided to walk past them into the mess hall. She had gone there for food after all.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: none] Cristina had exchanged numbers with Bronagh before the two parted. Nate had joined in on their conversation, but it was near the end of lunch so they did not get to interact very much. I wonder if I'll see them there tomorrow too... It would be nice to make some new friends. Though, it wasn't a huge loss if she didn't. The rest of the day was uneventful. Not like it was a bad thing. Uneventful was definitely better than utter chaos, so for that Cristina was grateful. She did not have an art class in the afternoon, which was probably why it was so boring. The girl almost fell asleep in her math class because the teacher's voice was so monotonous. He never seemed to turn away from the board either. So far, none of the teachers had picked on her to speak, nor had anybody in her classes made an effort to converse with her. It was probably because she was not from the Academy, but it was nice not to have people know that she was mute. After class ended, Cristina walked straight back to her dorm. She was exhausted. It had been awhile since she had gone to school so she did not realize how much energy sitting there for eight hours actually sucked out of a person. To think that she had to go back there tomorrow as well. The girl sighed. Back in her room, she sat on her bed and completed her homework. Once finished, she dropped her textbooks on the floor beside her and then got ready for bed. She would need all of the sleep she could get to replenish all of the energy lost today. Once in bed, Cristina closed her eyes and buried herself in her covers.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: none] It was pretty obvious that Bronagh was surprised Cristina could not talk. She was used to this sort of thing so it didn't really bother her. Meeting new people had always been like this for her. It was always awkward at first, but she always hoped that people would not judge her. "I hope I'm not bugging you, I understand the need for silence sometimes. Err I mean... ugh I'm sorry," Bronagh apologized. She's trying so hard. She could see the Bronagh's sincere effort to be polite. Cristina shook her head. The girl next to her seemed to be at a loss for words. Cristina started typing again. She wanted Bronagh to feel better. "Don't worry about it. I'm quite aware that I'm unable to speak, so you do not have to be so careful with words around me. Especially because you seem so kind," Cristina smiled, "Just act like you normally would." I hope she does. If she ends up apologizing to me every five seconds I'm going to go insane.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD ♪ OOC: none] Cristina had originally assumed that because the girl was sitting alone, she did not want to speak to anyone, but it seemed that she was wrong. They were in a similar situation after all. "Hello, how are you today? Were you one of the people from the helicopter?" Cristina put her fork down. A much similar situation. Was this girl in the helicopter with me? There were so many people and her memory of that accident was hazy. Cristina dug out her new speech keyboard that Quin had gotten her for Christmas. "My name is Bronagh." Cristina nodded and typed part of her reply, "I'm well." She paused for a moment and then formulated the rest of her answer. "I was one of the passengers in that helicopter, yes. It was definitely an unexpected experience. My name is Cristina. It's very nice to meet you. Are you a transfer student, as well?"
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD ♪ OOC: none] Cristina washed her hands in the sink. It was time for lunch. The short girl walked through the crowded hallways and made her way to the mess hall. She felt lonely. Everyone around her seemed to be walking in groups, or at least in pairs, while she was just walking alone. Her extended winter break was now over which also meant going back to school. The first days at school were always terrible. School in general was terrible, but there was just something about they day that Cristina did not look forward to. Regardless, nothing awful had happened yet and she hoped that nothing would. The mess hall looked a lot more crowded than usual, probably because all of the Academy's students had now returned. There was a longer line up for food, and most of the tables were occupied. The cafeteria ladies knew Cristina by now, as she had eaten at the mess hall many times already. When it was her turn in line, they automatically grabbed what Cristina normally ate for lunch and handed her the tray of food. The girl smiled to show her thanks and with her tray, stepped out of line. She scanned the room for an open seat. An empty table would be great too...God, I should've gotten here sooner. She noticed the lack of color due to the school uniform. Everyone sitting in the same room and wearing the same outfit created a sea of black and white. Cristina was not particularly fond of the uniform. The color and the design in general were not her 'style.' Bor-ing. The girl continued to look around until she saw a seat next to a girl who seemed to be sitting alone. Cristina walked to that table and sat next to the girl, placing her lunch tray on the table. She left her bag beside her on the seat. Cristina gave the girl a small smile and then turned her attention to her food. She took her fork and started poking at her salad.
aww, thank you <333
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: The "Cookiie needs sleep, but won't be able to get it" Edition] Her dorm was boring. All it really was, was girls gossiping to each other. Why did I even bother walking around here? She walked back to her room and opened the door. The girl yawned as she got ready for bed. Before lying down, she opened the present that she had received earlier. The present itself put a smile on her face. It was an art kit that Cristina had always admired at the art supplies store. She had always wanted it, but never had the chance to buy it herself. Either she did not have time, or she did not have enough money. Ending a day (that she did not particularly enjoy) on a positive note, she decided to go to bed. She placed the art kit with all of her other art supplies and then laid down and closed her eyes. My last Christmas...done.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] Cristina had spent most of the afternoon working on her 'present' for Quin. She didn't know if it could be considered a present, especially after the present that she had received, but she thought that having something was better than having nothing. The girl had originally planned to sketch the entire present, but later changed her mind. Instead, she pulled out her paints. It had been awhile since she had used them. At one point, she heard someone knocking the door, but when she answered it, there was no one there. Somebody had left a present for her though. She brought it inside and left it on her bed. I have to finish this first... It wasn't until evening that Cristina felt that she was satisfied with her painting. She tried her best to fix the little details were nagging at her. Some were covered up while others weren't. Cristina just hoped that Quin would like it. The girl left the painting to dry as cleaned up the small mess she had made on the desk. She careful washed her paintbrushes in the sink and made sure that the bristles were handled properly. Afterwards, she placed the 'present' on Quin's dresser. I need some fresh air...Cristina grabbed her long jacket and slipped it on. She decided just to stand outside the dorm for awhile. It was already late, so there was no point in walking around. Walking through the hallway, she could here all of the girls talking about what they received for Christmas. New laptops, phones, clothes, things that she expected to hear. Spoiled. But she did not expect less from girls attending such a prestigious academy. Standing outside the girl could see her breath in the air. Snow was still falling and she wished that it would stop. Snow. Cristina frowned. Everyone walking past her was smiling- she must have looked so out of place. Getting enough air, she walked back inside of the dorm where it was warm. Instead of walking straight back into her room, however, she decided to roam around the hallways.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOC: none] Snow was falling outside her window. It was Christmas. There was nothing special about Christmas to her though. The holiday was one that was meant to be spent with family, friends, or people that one was close to- none of which she had. Cristina did not hate the holiday, but she did not hate it either. It was just like any other day to her. The only difference between today and any other day of the year, was that people were more cheery. The girl found over-spirited people annoying. They were too positive for their own good. The snow falling outside did not lift her spirits either. For six years now, snowfall had only stirred up terrible memories. Memories that she would rather not remember. Especially during one of the cheeriest moments of the year. Cristina was always the spoil-sport around this time of year. One child at her previous orphanage had even gone so far as to call her a "Scrooge," but the girl didn't believe that she was that extreme. She wasn't fond of the holiday, but it wasn't because she didn't want to give out presents. Cristina sighed and sat up. Quin had gone out again. The girl knew that her roommate did not have to spend all her time with her, but for some reason, Cristina felt as if Quin was purposely avoiding her. She hated the feeling. The girl looked at the dresser, where a card and a box were placed. Cristina walked over to look. It seemed that Quin had left it for her. The card had a cardinal on it, which reminded her of Carmine, who had flown out earlier. She carried both the box and card back to her bed. The box was somewhat heavy. Cristina carefully opened it. A new speech device? Her's had been crushed, but she would've gotten a new one herself. Eventually. It was too late for Cristina to buy a present for Quin, so instead, she immediately got her sketchbook out and started drawing. She had an idea.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD ♪ OOC: none] Cristina walked around the area around the girls' dormitory. She did not want to walk too far. It was cold and she had only come outside for fresh air. Making her way along the path, she looked around at the scenery. Nothing had really changed since she had first moved it. Then again, it was already holiday season when she did. Speaking of which...Cristina took her phone out and checked the date. Christmas Eve. Christmas was tomorrow. She wondered what she would do. The girl also noted the time. It was getting late, and she had been outside longer than she had expected. Turning the corner to get back to the dorm, she could hear a familiar voice approaching. Tamora? Cristina hadn't seen her old roommate in weeks, but did not want to catch up with her now. She doubted that Tamora would as well, but regardless, Cristina pretended to search in her bag for something. Don't notice me. Don't notice me. Tamora's walked completely past her and didn't seem to notice. For this, Cristina sighed. But as she was looking through her bag, she found a strange letter. It was a strange letter. When did this even get into my bag? Why did they even deposit so much money into my account? How did they even get my bank info?! Cristina found it extremely suspicious, as it used the word 'experiment.' She was to paranoid to even think about using the money. She dropped the piece of paper back into her bag and continued walking to her room. She would think about it another time. When she entered her room, she put her bag on her bed and went to get ready for bed. Before closing her eyes, she took the letter out of her bag once again to look over. Is this a prank? It looked very real, though. She folded the paper and placed it back in her bag, then went to sleep.