[/url]♪ Day 1 ♪OOTD♪ Mood: Doubtful ♪ OOC: roomies ♪ Everyone moved closer to each other, and eventually stood shoulder-to-shoulder, huddled in somewhat of a circle. Feeling uncomfortable, Emalynn slipped out to the back and listened to what the camp leader, Kevin, had to say from there. It wasn't like he was mumbling, she could here perfectly fine where she was standing. In fact, she found it amusing that everyone was willing to sacrifice their own personal space. When it came to choosing letters for their cabins, Emalynn wasn't particularly enthusiastic. There were people who rushed closer to the box to pick their cabins first. She was glad that she had stood in the back because the people in front of her were just being shoved aside. It was ridiculous. Not like what order you choose your cabins affects anything. What are you even wasting your energy for? After a few minutes, the box made its way to Emalynn and right away she reached her hand in to pick out the first piece of paper she touched. Before looking at it, she handed the box over to to the person on her left, then stood up, grabbed her bags and started walking. Now outside, Emalynn paused and took a look at the small slip of paper. D. Cabin D. The girl walked over to the line of cabins and searched for the one she was assigned to. When she found it, Emalynn took a moment just to observe the outside. It wasn't very different from any other cabin. Not like she was expecting anything particularly different. They were camping after all. Typical. The girl sighed and stepped into Cabin D. From the door, she could see someone else in the room. Because he was sitting on the twin bed, Emalynn assumed that he was a counsellor. First impressions were always important, especially if they were of someone of authority, so she quietly fixed her hair, before he noticed that she had entered. "Hello, I'm Emalynn Andrews, and I was assigned to this cabin," she introduced.
♪ Day 1 ♪ OOTD ♪ Mood: Hopeful ♪ OOC: yay c: ! ♪ The bus ride was not enjoyable at all. Emalynn could think of three words to sum the entire journey: long, loud and cramped. Normally she was not the one to complain about these sorts of things, but the ride was just ridiculous. Perhaps it was because everyone was excited, but all you could hear on the bus was yelling. Emalynn couldn't understand why it was even necessary to yell. The bus wasn't even that big to begin with. To drown out the irritable yelling, she decided to listen to some music. She put on her headphones, went to her Coppelia playlist and then just looked out the window. At one point, the girl sitting next to her tapped on her shoulder and attempted to make some small talk. She wasn't very good at it. She stuttered and struggled to find conversation topics. Emalynn wanted to go back to her music, but the girl seemed promising. Instead she smiled and went along with the conversation. They ended up talking for the remaining duration of the journey. And now that they were at camp, Emalynn wanted to leave that annoying bus ride behind. She took a deep breath in and then out. The air here was noticeably cleaner than the air in the city, not saying that she liked it out here better. Emalynn was not the biggest fan of camping, but her purpose for attending the camp was not for the wilderness aspects. This camp was very prestigious and in order to pursue a serious career in music, Emalynn felt that coming here was an important step. So she was extremely hopeful, and with those hopes, she also wanted to make sure that people did not get in her way. She came here for a purpose and a plan that she did not want to change. The girl grabbed her duffel bag and hung it on her right shoulder, holding her carry-on in her left hand. They were told to head to the Camp Circle, so Emalynn followed the group of people in front of her.
❥Full Name: Emalynn Andrews ❥Appearance: Here ❥Age: 16 ❥Likes: Success, Money, Good looks, Piano, Composing, Sound of rain, Babysitting ❥Dislikes: Distractions, People who waste talent, When things do not go as planned, Tears, People who are spoiled, Sympathy/Pity ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Supernatural, Horror movies, Large amounts of blood, Too organized ❥Strengths/Talents: Piano, Composing, Planning ahead (anticipation) ❥Personality: Emalynn is self-confident, shallow and will do anything she can to get what she wants. Because of this, what she says and what she really thinks are often two very different things. However, you can always count on her to work hard at whatever she does. She has a soft spot for children. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Lavender ❥Instrument(s): Piano ❥Crush?: Could you please assign me one. ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: My timezone is GMT -5, but I’m almost always on in the evenings from 7-12 on weekdays. On weekends I’m normally available after 3 PM. ❥Other: -
Favourite show at the moment? What's the last song that you listened to? What object would you say represents you? I'm starting to outgrow the treehouse, are you going to build me another one and can it be made out of rainbows and unicorns? I'm with Dinny, can we go out and get ice cream? c:
i know o: i'm alright, it's almost spring break here c:
haii c:
After much deliberation . . . 1. My J: I think it's sweet, peppy and a great debut for our subunit 2. Etude: Another peppy song, but I think this will sound better once we have more members 3. Day by Day: As much as I love this song, it's too ballad-y imo (even though I suggested it...)
I can find instrumentals for both of these, so that's a good sign~ Just back with another suggestion. Etude ~ Spoiler: Etude We also need to figure out how we decide which song we're going to do. I was thinking that we could rank the songs from 1 to however many suggestions. 1 being the song you would like to do the most. If all of us have a different first choice, then we can look at the second and see which song got the most votes for 2nd. Any thoughts on this? We might do all of them in the future though, and once we get more members, we might even do some of these again c:.
@HoT: Meant to say this earlier, but WELCOME <33 and thank you for joining KHVG OKAY SO instead of waiting for all nine member spots to fill up, the plan is to start a something like a sub-unit. Something like TTS, but not official. This way we can start singing, and sort of promote our group/family at the same time! WOO! But for now we should start by suggesting songs for this sub-unit. Any SNSD song will do as long as it is not one of their promotional singles (i.e. no Genie, Gee, Run Devil Run) because we'll save those for when we have a full group c: SUGGESTIONS GOOOOO~ My Suggestion: So I'd just like to suggest this song. I think it's really pretty, and it can be easily split into parts c: Spoiler: Day by Day
Go check out KHV's Generation in the Forum Families' section c: !
Talk Talk Talk by Girls' Generation
So Andrew (Beau) came up with this idea for a project that I think is going to awesome. It's an audio project, 'KHV's Generation,' based off of South Korean girl group, Girls' Generation. What this family will be doing is covering Girls' Generation songs, like a chorus. You don't have to be an amazing singer. You don't even have to have a high quality mic. If you like singing, I would say "Go for it!" When you sign up, you will also choose a member that you want to be/sing as. There will be no auditions or casting for positions, so members will be chosen on a first come first serve basis. You are free to sign up for which ever members are left. I suggest familiarizing yourself with the songs to see which member you would like to sing as. c: Again, you don't have to be an outstanding singer, but the girls do have positions (lead vocals, main vocals, vocalists) so some members sing more lines and more difficult parts. In the end, it is entirely up to you which member you would like to be. We also need volunteers for mixers/animating. We're going to be singing songs that need to be mixed (obviously) and we need an animator to help us with the videos that we will put up on our very own Youtube account. You're help is greatly appreciated and we love you <33 This thread will be used for sign up, as well as, general discussion about what songs we'll sing next as well as anything interesting c: YOUTUBE "So what the heck is Girls' Generation?" Girls' Generation, as I mentioned earlier, is a South Korean girl group consisting of 9 members. The group debuted in the summer of 2007 and since then have earned the title of "The Nation's Singers" and "The Nation's Girl Group." Not only that but they have branched out of their own country, promoting in Japan and even hosting their own Asian tour. In 2011, they released an English and Korean album simultaneously titled, "The Boys," their first English album. Members of Girls' Generation (Still Available): Taeyeon (main vocalist 1) Jessica (main vocalist 2) Sunny (lead vocalist) Tiffany (lead vocalist) Hyoyeon (vocalist)* Yuri (vocalist)* Sooyoung (vocalist)* Yoona (vocalist)* Seohyun (lead vocalist) *These members are the dancers of the group (are pretty freaking awesome at what they do). You don't have to be an amazing dancer for these. ♪You don't have to be a fan of Girls' Generation to join. Maybe you'll become a fan after joining, but if you love singing, join c: ♪First come, First serve. Since there are only nine girls, this is really limited (I'M SORRY GUISE. WE'RE NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN). Look to see if the member you want is taken, if she is then go ahead and choose a different one. That being said, if you REALLY want a particular member PM me and I'll create a waiting list c: ♪ You don't have to be an amazing singer or have an amazing mic. If you like a member, and you think you want to sing as that member go for it. No one is judging you. (If they are come tell me and I will beat them u- I mean talk to them for you c; ) ♪ Please stick with deadlines. It's unfair to others if you delay the release dates. :/ ♪ If something urgent comes up, or if you think you will be inactive for awhile, please notify Andrew or I about it.PM, Tumblr, Skype, anything. If you're going to be away for a long time (ex. a 2 month hiatus) tell us whether you want to have someone already in the group cover your lines, or if you want to drop out completely (find someone else not in the group to take your place). Form: For Singers: For Mixers/Animators: Username: Cookiie Member You're Applying for: Jessica Favourite Colour: #82CFFD Contact info (anywhere outside of KHV?): Tumblr ; Twitter ; Skype: oneandonly_judycookiiesung Anything else?: Let's goooo~ Username: Beau Member You're Applying for: Yoona Favourite Colour: lighter shades of blue and purple Contact info (anywhere outside of KHV?): tumblr, twitter, skype (tesori.the.artist), facebook (only important stuff), cell phone (only SUPER important stuff) Anything else?: super excited for this project! <3 Username: The Hero of Time Member You're Applying for: Tiffany Favourite Colour: lime and silver Contact info (anywhere outside of KHV?): Skype. (theherooftime108) Anything else?: Let's do eet!!
aww good luck c: ! you can do it ! I cant really say anything new happened :/ just same old same old i guess (im boring lol)
I'm alright c: Anything new happen ?
*kissu* omg gurl HAI. HOW ARE YOU?
That was exciting c: lol I think I'm going to take a break from rp-ing for awhile. School (irl) has just been a big pain for me and has been taking up most of my time, along with skating and other things. Will probably be back with a new character around spring break though so . . .c: Will be back soon !
it won't run :/
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC:] Cristina sat in art class tapping the top of her pencil against her sketch book. She was thinking about what to draw next. The art teacher hadn't given them any specific assignment. "Draw whatever comes to mind," he said. That's the worst type of instruction. How am I supposed to... She looked around the room to see if there was anything interesting to draw or even something to inspire her. Nothing. She had to hand this in after class, but she couldn't think of anything. This is annoying. She sighed and just decided to draw the room itself. It wasn't like she was going to get any better idea before class finished. Cristina switched pencils and started drawing.
[ Tumblr ♪ OOTD♪ OOC: sick] Cristina's alarm woke her up. After several days of missing school, she decided that she would attend today at least. Not being at school meant that she probably had a load of work to catch up with. She couldn't even begin to imagine how much more work would be left for her if she missed another day. The girl sighed, pulling herself off the bed. Walking to school was a bit of a pain. The snowplows were in the middle doing their job, yes. Snow on the pathway wasn't her problem though. Cristina had been casually walking down to the main building when something cold smacked against the side of her head. She turned her head in that direction, to see what in the world was going on. It seemed that some of the other students were playing in the snow. Before they could even try to apologize, Cristina just walked away. Irritating. How old are you? When she stepped into the school, she was surprised at the fact that there were fewer students here than she had expected. I guess people are still taking advantage of the weather. She sighed and walked to her first period class.