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  1. Cookiie
    Day 3OOTD ♪ Mood: Frustrated ♪ OOC: n/a

    "Ms. Andrews."

    Emalynn was woken up by a nurse in the morning. She had been called a couple of times, but the girl had ignored the first few. It wasn't until she was poked on the shoulder that she woke up. The cold touch sent a chill down her spine. Emalynn's eyes opened immediately.

    "Ms. Andrews, the taxi's here," the nurse informed her. Sitting up, Emalynn looked at her arms. The IV had been removed and replaced instead with cotton and medical tape. She sighed of relief. At least nothing happened to my hands or wrists. . . She wouldn't know what to do if she couldn't play piano.

    Emalynn nodded at the nurse. "Thank you for letting me know," she told her and with a smile the nurse left. Emalynn grabbed her few things and headed to the washroom to get changed out of the hospital gown, back into her outfit from yesterday. She hated wearing the same clothes two days in a row, but she had no choice. Ugh. I guess I'll change when I get back to camp . . .

    When she exited through the hospital doors, she quickly checked in with the counsellor that was sent to pick them up. Emalynn then stood and waited until they could leave. There were quite a few campers there around her. She didn't know all of them, but she could recognize some familiar faces. Namely the blue-haired girl as well as a blonde boy who were conversing normally right next to her. They seemed extremely chirpy for people who had just gotten discharged from a hospital. Emalynn shrugged. I guess there are people like that.

    When it was time to leave, Emalynn just stepped into one of the taxis with a few of her fellow campers. She didn't know them so she didn't want to talk to them. If she wanted to hold a conversation, she would have ridden in the taxi with the blue haired girl and the blonde, but she didn't. Emalynn spent the entire ride back to camp looking out the taxi window. The camp counsellor had told them earlier that they would be sent home early, which was frustrating. Emalynn was looking forward to the musical aspect of camp to boost her career. She didn't even get to play a piano once at camp yet. She sighed and continued staring blankly out of the window.
    Post by: Cookiie, May 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Cookiie
    Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: Exhausted ♪ OOC: n/a

    When Emalynn opened her eyes again, she was staring at a different white ceiling. She had fallen asleep sometime during the ambulance ride to the hospital, so she wondered how long she had been knocked out for her. She was still wearing the oxygen mask. The girl turned her head to the right and saw an IV bag attached to its stand. The tubes exiting the bag led to her arms. Of course. She sighed and slowly sat herself up on her hospital bed. She leaned against the top of her bed.

    I must be in the emergency ward. . .Emalynn concluded. There were curtains surrounding her, probably for separating each patient. It made sense. The hospital wasn't going to give each camper their own private room. There was a chair in the corner of the separations, with her clothes neatly folded. She had been changed into the ugly hospital robe. How do people even wear these . . . From the other side of the curtain, she could here the doctor talking to the nurses.

    "Ms. Andrews had nothing wrong with her except oxygen deficiency," she heard him say, "It will be fine if she is discharged tomorrow." Good. She hated waiting in hospitals. It was boring and tedious. She also disliked all of the wires that were attached to her. Emalynn knew how important they were, but still, she wanted to rip them all off. She stopped herself before she could do so, however.

    Emalynn wondered about Jenna. Sean better have led her out of the forest. If he didn't, I'll never forgive him. And then there was Erik, who she had volunteered to go back for. That never got to happen because of the fire, but she hoped that even he made it out safe. The girl remembered about James, who she had met not too long ago. I wonder if he made it out alright . . . She frowned. Emalynn was tried to reach for the curtain, to see if he was on either her sides, but the IV restricted all of her movement. She just gave up on looking and laid back down on her hospital bed. Still fatigued from earlier, she closed her eyes and let sleep take over, again.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Cookiie
    ooc: what i get for falling asleep while doing my homework lol; will format later

    Emalynn didn't get very much time to look around before she heard chaos in the forest. What the hell . . .? Then it she could smell the problem- smoke and where there was smoke, there was fire. What . The . Hell !? She had to run. She wasn't prepared to be burnt alive. Not today.

    Everything after that point was a blur. She remembered telling James to run, and then running herself. And she remembered the internal panic attack she had, when she looked back James wasn't following close behind her. She remembered running back to grab his arm and dragging him along . . . but nothing after that.

    And now she was lying down in an ambulance, with an oxygen mask attached, being brought to the hospital. Emalynn stared at the roof of the ambulance. It was plain white, and pretty boring, but there was nothing else to look at. She was instructed not to move, and so she did what she was told. What else could she do?
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Cookiie
    Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: Eager ♪ OOC: n/a

    Before starting the scavenger hunt, Emalynn's cabin had received a new member, James. He was apparently around Jenna's age, just a year older. At least now there was someone to keep the lonely girl company. Other than that, Emalynn wished that James could have joined after the hunt. He was on the chubbier side of the scale, and if she were to judge by appearance alone, she could conclude that he would not be much of an asset to this camp event.

    Once everything was handed out, the campers seemed to be more enthusiastic about the hunt. The camp counsellors, especially, seemed extremely excited. Even Emalynn was somewhat eager to start, probably because whatever they found tonight, they would be able to keep. Who knew how great those items could be; she wanted to find whatever she could if it was to her advantage.

    When they got to West Woods, Erik started explaining the plan and a strategy that they were to follow. Throughout the briefing, Emalynn just nodded. It was her first time participating, so she decided that it would be better if she listened to someone with more experience. The plan was sound in her opinion so she did not question it either.

    "Jenna, you're with Jughead over here. James, you're with Emalynn. Stick together," Erik delegated. The girl bit her bottom lip. Emalynn was rather confident in her stamina, She had run long distance races for her school track team since seventh grade. What she was worried about, however, was the boy that had to follow her around. There's no way he's going to be able to keep up if we end up running and searching for the entire time.

    Erik then went onto explain what he would be doing and where he would be. "Do any of you have a watch? In half an hour I plan to move, so I need one pair to come back here and meet me so that I have defense," he explained. Emalynn sighed. She didn't wear watches because she normally had her ipod or phone with her.

    "No watch, but I volunteer us to come back," she started, "We just won't walk too far away from here, I guess." Someone has to do it. Might as well be us. In an event such as this one, she had no choice but to trust her team mates. She (to an extent) had faith in Jenna and Sean's stamina. Sean exercised all the time and Jenna was young and hyperactive.

    She watched as Sean and Jenna started walking away, and then turned to James. "We should get going, too. Let's go."
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Cookiie
    Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: Indifferent ♪ OOC: n/a

    Everything got quiet once Alexandra and Shouta left. Emalynn wasn't complaining though, some quiet time was rather nice after the morning of odd events. She sighed, Maybe I'll finally get some time to think to myse-
    She spoke too soon. One girl nearby decided to turn to Emalynn for conversation. She introduced herself earlier, and Emalynn believed that her name was Alice, but she wasn't all that certain.

    "Excited as much as I am for the scavenger hunt tonight?" the girl asked in a somewhat sarcastic tone. Before continuing the girl made some over-exaggerated facial expressions. Completely unnecessary; thank you very much. "I'm probably going to die," Alice stated. Note to self: Do not rely on Alice for anything like this.

    Before Emalynn said anything, Alice seemed to be lost in a daydream. The girl shook her head and resorted to playing with her food. How immature. She would never say this aloud, of course. After all, it was just their first conversation. Instead, she just replied with a smile by saying, "Just as excited as everyone else in this room." She gestured to the rest of the Mess Hall.

    Emalynn took one last bite out of her apple and waited to see how Alice would reply.


    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Cookiie
    Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: Amused ♪ OOC: n/a

    Emalynn sat listening to the morning performance, which wasn't so great. It was a bunch of girls singing some pop song by a boyband named . . . One Dimension . . . ? That didn't sound right; not like she cared. Emalynn wasn't interested in pop music anyway.

    It wasn't until she was halfway done her apple that someone in the group noticed her sitting there. Feeling like she was being watched, Emalynn turned her head in that direction. "Um...Would you like to come with us?" the boy asked. Emalynn had to bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing. You're kidding me, right? She smiled at the boy.

    "No it's fine. Maybe some other time," she replied. You know, when there isn't a huge event planned that will drain all of our energy. She took another bite out of her apple. Now that she was actually acknowledge she decided to converse with them for a bit. The boy asked what instruments they played. Emalynn waited to finish chewing before replying.

    "I play piano," she explained, "and am working towards composing." She was about to take another bite out of her apple, when she remembered that she hadn't introduced herself yet. That redhead's habits had rubbed onto her already. "Oh, I almost forgot. I'm Emalynn."
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Cookiie
    Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: slightly annoyed ♪ OOC: n/a

    Emalynn stood for awhile, waiting to see if anyone would say anything. She hadn't asked in a particularly quiet voice- it should have been audible. But even if they didn't hear her, wouldn't a hovering shadow above them catch their attention? Whatever. She had to refrain herself from rolling her eyes. In her head she was reminding herself that first impressions were important. Emalynn sat down in the seat, considering their silence to be consent. She took a bite out of her apple and chewed quietly.

    "What are we gonna do today?" the boy at the table asked. There's a scavenger hunt planned for today, genius. Kevin had made such a big deal out of it and everyone was groaning about it yesterday. It was sort of hard to forget. "I'm going to the beach for a walk. Would you guys like the come along?" he was addressing the other two girls, obviously. Naturally, because he didn't even notice her sit down.

    We have a scavenger hunt today. Even if we have time between breakfast and then, you're really going to waste your energy? At this point, Emalynn was curious as what the other two girls would say. Are they really going to go with him? She wasn't eavesdropping, of course. She was sitting right next to them. Who wouldn't be able to hear their conversation when they were talking so freely?

    She took another bite out of her apple, looking straight ahead, but curious to hear what the other girls would say.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Cookiie
    And as of now your sleepover is Cookiie-ful c:
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Cookiie
    [/url]Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: Indifferent ♪ OOC: collab with Sebax

    "What do you say? Partners for now?" the redhead asked with one hand out for Emalynn to shake. Partners? Ha, yeah right. Like I'm going to let you drag me down with you. Emalynn decided that the best way to handle situation was to play dumb. This way she could find out more.

    "Partners for what? You still haven't told me what happened," she replied. You haven't told me your name either. How disorganized must you be to forget to introduce yourself. "At this point all I really know is that you're looking for Sean," Emalynn explained.

    "Even then, the most I could do is show you to our cabin. What more could I possibly do from there?" Emalynn continued. That was a lie. There was much more that she could do to potentially help the girl, but she wasn't willing to, that's all. Why would I dirty my hands, when you're already willing to yourself? "I'm going back to the cabin now, you could come with me if you want to," she offered, "but in that state, I doubt it." She gestured to how the girl was 'dressed.'

    "Look, we're going to be late for breakfast if we continue talking here. We can continue discussing this at the Mess Hall, or you could just stop by our cabin later, okay?" And with that Emalynn walked out of the washrooms. She imagined that the redhead with go with the latter option. It would take real courage to discuss something like this with so many people around in the Mess Hall. If she did, it would surely be impressive. Back at her cabin, Emalynn dropped off her bag and left again to breakfast.

    Once at the Mess Hall, she quickly grabbed an apple and looked around for an empty seat. The first open seat she saw was one by a group of campers, one guy and two girls, one of which was sporting outrageously blue hair. Regardless, Emalynn walked up the group and pulled the chair out. Before sitting down she asked the group politely, "Is anyone sitting here?"
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Cookiie
    [/url]Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: Satisfied ♪ OOC: collab with Sebax

    Before Emalynn could put a hair tie around her half-bun, she could see the girl came running towards her in the corner of her eye. She quickly wrapped the elastic in her hair and slowly moved her hands away to make sure it stayed in place. She was glad that it did because if she had to do it once more, she wouldn't have been the happiest person at camp.

    "I need to find someone, Emalynn. Do you know a huge musclehead about as big as a train with brown hair? Kind of sounds a little Irish," the girl described. Emalynn could only think of one person that could fit into that description, and that was Sean. Judging by her tone of voice, the girl must have despised him. Maybe this girl isn't so bad, I could probably use her to get back at him. Not like I would have to do much, since she seems to hate him so much already. Great. She smiled.

    "Does this huge musclehead happen to be named Sean?" Emalynn asked, just for clarification. She continued, "Because if he is, then you're in luck. He's assigned to my cabin. Cabin D." Revenge must have been what was running through the redhead's mind because she looked furious. Not one to hide emotions, I see.

    "Well, if that's all that you wanted to know, I'm going to head off first, okay?" Emalynn said, checking her hair once last time in the mirror. She put her brush back into her bag. She then picked it up and hung it on her shoulder, waiting a bit to see if the redhead would stop her from leaving.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Cookiie
    Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: Slightly annoyed ♪ OOC: collab with Sebax


    Hearing this ear-splitting cry for help, Emalynn stopped fixing her hair and went to investigate. She sighed. If this is for one little girl problem, I swear . . . She continued walking in the direction in which she heard the voice. There's no one here? Emalynn looked around a bit. If this was just a prank- The girl opened a door. Oh. Found her.

    "What's going on here?" Emalynn inquired. Not like I want to know. Asking was more of a formality, and there was nothing else she could really say in a situation like that. It was just extremely awkward. She waited for the girl to reply.

    The redhead squirmed around a bit, and it wasn't until a little while later that she responded. "My bag." A pause. "Towel." Another pause. "Please...?" Okay. Whatever.

    "Your bag? Where's your bag?" she stopped to think for a moment, "Never mind. Just wait and let me get you a towel first." Emalynn turned around so the girl couldn't see her expression. Emalynn rolled her eyes, and walked back to her bag by the mirrors. She reached inside and grabbed the beach towel that she had packed for, well, the beach. The girl walked back over to the showers.

    "Here," she said, handing the towel over to the girl, "Just return it to me when you're done with it." As annoyed as she was, Emalynn tried to sound as nice as possible. And if you're smart, you'd wash it too. She was about to walk off, but then remembered something, "Oh by the way, I stay in Cabin D. Emalynn Andrews." With that, she walked back to the mirrors and went back to fixing her hair, which was now somewhat of a mess because she wasn't finished with it before. She frowned and grabbed her brush out of her bag.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Cookiie
    Murder of Crow vigor from Bishock Infinite. Crow murder hehe c:
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Cookiie
    Day 2OOTD ♪ Mood: Indifferent ♪ OOC: n/a

    "Rise and shine."

    Emalynn opened her eyes slowly to let daylight in. She sat up and stretched her arms upward. Taking a deep breath in and then exhaling she let her arms down. She looked around the room below her. For a moment, Erik was standing in front of Sean's bunk, but after saying something he left. Looking over at the top bunk beside her, Jenna was just waking up and rubbing her eyes. Emalynn climbed down her ladder and grabbed her things, putting them in a bag. Walking over to the door, she slipped on her flats and stepped outside.

    There weren't as many people outside as she thought. Must still be sleeping. Lazy. She, herself, wasn't much of a deep sleeper, and the idea of wasting precious time sleeping while she could be doing something productive, just wasn't right in her mind. There were things to do. Today, the campers were to start the treasure hunt, whatever that was. She sighed. Everyone seemed so unenthusiastic about it, so it must be a waste of time.

    Once at the washrooms, Emalynn took the opportunity to shower right away, since it was practically empty. There would definitely be more people later and she wasn't particularly patient, especially because some of the girls took forever. Afterwards, she got dressed, brushed her teeth and went through her morning facial routine. The girl then went on to blowdry her hair, as more and more girls filed into the building.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Cookiie

    Day 1OOTD ♪ Mood: Tired ♪ OOC: n/a

    Emalynn nodded. However, there was no way that she was getting changed in the cabin. Even if the guys stepped out, she was not comfortable with the idea at all. Not when there were windows in the cabins. The washroom was definitely a lot safer. Much safer. So once Erik left, Emalynn grabbed what she needed from her bag: pjs, toiletries, etc. She looked over at Jenna who seemed somewhat confused as to what to do. "Hey, Jenna, want to come with me?" she offered. The younger girl nodded. Emalynn started to head out and Jenna followed beside her.

    Once there, Emalynn got changed, brushed her teeth and applied moisturizer to her face. She let down her hair from her half bun an combed it out with her fingers. Looking in the mirror, Emalynn could see Jenna patiently waiting for her to finish. She's extremely obedient. Emalynn noted. She quickly packed her things. "Sorry to keep you waiting," she apologized.

    Jenna shook her head, "No, it's okay!" Emalynn smiled and gestured for them to go. The two girls walked back to the cabin. Once back, Emalynn unpacked some of her things and put some away. Later, she climbed to her top bunk and pulled the blanket over her. There was a long day ahead of her, and she would need all the sleep she could get.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Cookiie

    Day 1OOTD ♪ Mood: Indifferent ♪ OOC: n/a

    Emalynn flipped over her sheet to reveal what she wrote:


    She looked over at everyone else's papers. Erik's read 'Air Force Reserve.' Interesting. She glanced over at Sean's which mentioned something about his smoking habit. Not like Emalynn couldn't tell from that cigarette stench emanating from him. She then looked over at Jenna's drawing, which she clarified. She smiled.

    Emalynn sighed and then took the opportunity to explain hers because she had written them in point form. "For today, I thought I would just sort of explain why I'm here," she started, "I play the piano and I'm interested in composing." It wasn't something that interesting. She just thought that because they were at a music camp, she should just start with something related to music.

    She glanced around the room once more. The other room mate that was supposed to be here, still wasn't. She wasn't really concerned for the person, but more for herself. Erik may or may not let them get ready for bed until everyone shares their 'secret.' Even so, Emalynn clarified by asking, "Is that it?"
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Cookiie

    Day 1OOTD ♪ Mood: Indifferent ♪ OOC: n/a

    Back at the cabin, Erik handed them each a piece of paper and a marker. The girl assumed that they were for 'Secret Time' what they were talking about at the mess hall. Why would anyone want to reveal information about themselves to other people? Emalynn sighed and took a seat on the floor. She watched as he wrote his name on his. Jenna was watching him do so extremely intently and copied what he was doing, by writing her own name. Emalynn smiled and neatly printed her name on hers.

    After Erik explained his version of Secret Time, Emalynn nodded. She propped her knees up so that she could use them to write on. Writing on the floor all the time was just not good for her posture. Today, she wasn't particularly worried about what secret she would put down. After all, Kevin advised them to start off small. So Emalynn decided to start off with something extremely simple.

    When she finished writing, she did what she was told, putting the cap on the marker and holding up the side with her name. The marker had bled through the paper quite a bit, but for now, she didn't really care. She was revealing secrets that she didn't mind being revealed anyway. Emalynn looked over at Jenna who was still thinking about what to write on her slip of paper. She looked like she was putting a lot of thought into it. Over something so trivial; she truly is naive . . . and adorable.

    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Cookiie
    Day 1OOTD ♪ Mood: Indifferent ♪ OOC: n/a

    After collecting all of the electronics, Erik stepped out of the cabin. Emalynn took this time to take another look around the room. Jenna had made her way over to one of the windows and was gazing outside at the scenery. The younger girl had a wide smile on her face, as if she had received a new toy or doll. Emalynn couldn't help but smile. It was cute.

    Then Emalynn looked in the other direction where Sean was now sitting on his bunk. From where she was observing, only his back could be seen. But even then, it looked he was sulking. Her smile changed into a smirk. So he was all talk, huh?

    She looked back at Jenna who had finished looking outside the window and was now sitting next to Emalynn. Jenna opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Erik walked back into the room. He looked over at Sean and then smiled at the two girls.

    "All right. We're heading to dinner after all. We all have to sit together, so lets make sure there's an open seat for the other boy that will be in our group. Come on," Erik said, gesturing for them to follow. Emalynn stood up, as did Jenna and they followed Erik out of the cabin.

    It's about time. Where could the other kid even be? Lost? Ha. Navigating around the camp was not difficult. There were clear trails, and on each trail there were signs with arrows. Even while thinking, Emalynn kept her small smile on her face. She was not going to let some tardy cabin-mate ruin her summer. Emalynn continued to follower her counsellor towards the mess hall.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Cookiie

    Day 1OOTD ♪ Mood: Content ➸ Annoyed ♪ OOC: n/a

    While Erik and Sean left the room, Emalynn watched as Jenna got up and unpacked her things. She was just as adorable as she looked. For a few moments, Jenna stared at the top bunk beside the one she had claimed earlier. Emalynn smiled. "You planning to take that one?" she asked, pointing to the bunk Jenna had her eyes set on. The younger girl nodded.

    "Good choice," she replied. It sucks that she has to stay here with him. Jenna tried to carry a bag up the ladder, but was having quite a bit of trouble. Emalynn took her earbud out and got up. "Let me help," she offered, taking the bag from Jenna's hand and placing it on the top bunk. After Jenna thanked her, Emalynn went back to sitting and listening to music.

    Not too long afterwards, Erik walked back into the room. "We've got just a couple minutes before dinner and I need to collect all your electronics before we head over there. If I find out that you still have something on you that you didn't turn in, you'll be in trouble later. What is turned in will be locked away and only returned in the event of an emergency. If you desperately need to call home, there are phones in the main building but you need the permission from a counselor to do so. I have only ever given out two phone calls in the years I've been counselor. Keep that in mind," he told them. Emalynn took her earbud out of her ear, and gave them, along with her ipod to Erik. This was a music camp, they would create their own music. I can live without it this summer.

    He then scanned the room and smiled smile. "
    Just a heads up, we can't leave until everyone is here. So I hope you're not too hungry. That, or the last camper in our cabin shows up very very soon," he told them.

    Of course, there's always that one person that's always freaking late. She did her best to keep a look of irritation off of her face. She bit her tongue and nodded as calmly as she could. Not like she could do anything about it. That person was late and she couldn't change anything. Whatever, not like I'm hungry anyway.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Cookiie

    Day 1OOTD ♪ Mood: Annoyed ♪ OOC: n/a

    "Oh, and hey, Emalynn? 71...72... Did you want to be in cabin D? Huh, did you 78... want the D?"

    Ha! He'd better be joking! That was probably the most immature comment Emalynn had heard in awhile. I am so done with this guy! But as mad as she was, Emalynn tried her best to contain her anger. She looked over at Jenna. Hopefully she was still innocent enough to not be able to comprehend such a vulgar comment. It was: a) completely unnecessary and b) just plain disgusting. She then quickly glanced over at Erik, who she hoped was more mature than her 'cabin-mate.'

    Emalynn looked up at Sean with a blatantly fake smile without answering. If she did, she wouldn't be able to contain herself. If he doesn't get a clue, then I'm going to dub him eternally stupid! Maybe if he was better looking, and if he had any common sense, then she would be able to forgive him, but he was too muscular for her liking.

    She didn't know if he was trying to send her messages, or if just looked sleazy every time he exercised, but judging from his previous actions it was probably the former. Emalynn scoffed and smirked. Not in this lifetime!

    Emalynn decided to turn her attention to which bunk she would take. With someone like Sean in the room, she was probably safest taking the top bunks. She climbed halfway up the ladder of the closest bunk, and tossed her duffel bag onto it. "That one's mine, okay?"

    She kept her hand bag with her. It had some important things in it that she always liked to keep with her. Sitting back on the ground, she leaned against the cabin wall and pulled out her earphones and ipod. She put one earbud in her right ear and left the other one out because she didn't want to seem completely rude.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Cookiie
    Day 1OOTD♪ Mood: Unhappy ♪ OOC: roomies

    The counsellor jumped to his feet and held his hand out, smiling brightly. Eager, huh? Regardless, Emalynn followed up the gesture by shaking his hand. Before the man could introduce himself, however, another person walked into the cabin.

    "Sean. 'Sup?"

    Nice introduction? Her smile lessened. From what she could see, it looked as if he did not care too much about what others thought of him. . . which rendered him almost useless to her. Even so, it was the first day of camp, and they had just met, so she did not want to be rude.

    "My name is Erik Winst and I'm your counselor for the summer. You can call me Erik. It's nice to meet the both of you."

    She nodded, but soon afterwards Sean dropped to the floor to do his "evening exercises." Her smiled lessened yet again. If you're going to sweat somewhere, go sweat somewhere else. She wanted to say that, but she bit her tongue to hold it back. Another girl, who looked noticeably younger than them strolled nervously into the cabin. When she introduced herself, Emalynn smiled at her. She was adorable. Erik introduced them all to each other, then continued.

    "Dinner is at 5:30. We have a bit of time until then. Feel free to unpack and get settled in before we all head down to the mess hall together. Once we are all present, we can start to get to know each other a little bit."

    Emalynn put her bags on the floor beside her and sat on the wood floor. She sighed. The girl could tell that this camp would be a very interesting one with her new roommates.
    Post by: Cookiie, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home