[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Aileen's phone rang, putting an end to her dreamless slumber. Without opening her eyes, she used her hand and searched the bedside table to try to find her phone. In the process she knocked over her agenda, but eventually got a hold of it before the ringing ended. She sat up in her bed and picked up her phone. "Hello?" "Aileen, was the house alright?" It was her mother. Aileen sighed. Fine, ask about the house. It's not like I could have died in the flood or anything. "Yes, Mother." "Also, you're sister will not be able to come home for Christmas because she's working on a very big research assignment, so we are bringing home your present that she bought for you. Find some time to write her a letter or call her to thank her." "Yes, Mother." "That's it, your father and I will be back tonight. I want you to stay home today. Do some chores. Do whatever you want, but do not go anywhere today. Understand? Love you." Her mother had hung up. Now what am I supposed to do all day? Aileen decided to eat her breakfast, then spend her day watching television and going on tumblr. After putting her dish in the sink, she plopped herself on the couch and turned on the tv. She continued pressing the channel ^ arrow until she found something interesting to watch. Oooh, an All My Spam Zones marathon....[ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ] "I AM TITAAAAAANIIIIIUUUUUUUM" OH MY GOD. WHAT THE HELL. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS SO EARLY IN THE MORNING. WHY? Cristina threw one of her pillows at her rude roommate, Tamora. Singing so loudly in the morning? Was she trying to piss her off? Irritating. That's what she was. Cristina made sure that she looked angry, to get her message across. Cristina had just switched orphanages a week ago. This one was newer, and had more people her age. Tamora being one of them. Tamora was older than Cristina by half a year. One would think that it would be Cristina to bother Tamora, but it was the other way around. Moreover, everyone had a roommate. No exceptions. "Oh, my bad, Cris. Won't happen again, I swear," Tamora apologized. That's what you said the yesterday and the day before, too. Cristina sighed and nodded her head. She wasn't forgiving her. She just did not have the energy so early in the morning to cause a commotion. Cristina got out of her bed, grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom which was located in their room. She got changed and ready to go out. There is no way that I'm staying in here all day. Before walking out of the bathroom, she looked in the mirror to check her outfit. She was proud of her clothing, which were mainly from the thrift store. She had revamped most of the pieces to look more modern, too. She turned the knob and walked out. "Going somewhere again?" Tamora asked. Cristina nodded, and continued walking downstairs. Before going out, she had breakfast downstairs in the kitchen. While doing so, she pulled out her text-to-speech device to tell Ms. Kerring, the lead caregiver, that she would be going out. Ms. Kerring agreed and reminded her that she had to be back in time for dinner which was 7 pm. After breakfast, Cristina walked out of the building. Now where should I go today? The Ballet Studio again? No, wait, I'll go to that church and sketch inside...I believe it was just up the street. She continued walking to the church.
Happy birthday c: Hope you have an awesome day now pass over some food. i'm starving
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Just about everyone at the table seemed to have something to do for the rest of the day. Quin mentioned that she would go home, and Madeline borrowed Aileen's phone to text someone. Aileen assumed that it had something to do with her plans. Not long after, Madeline thanked Brian and left. "I have to return home as well," Aileen answered. She briefly glanced at Brian. "Maybe you should just get some rest, Brian. I will be alright on my own," she suggested, with a reassuring smile on her face. She walked to and from Brian's house all of the time, and the area around here was not too badly flooded, so walking would not be much of an issue. After finishing her food, she waved goodbye, smiled at the two and walked out of the door. The sky was still cloudy, but other than that, the weather was not terribly bad. It was chilly, and her semi-wet clothes did not help, but it could have been worse. As she headed towards the intersection, Aileen decided to visit her dance studio. She walked through the door, to see her instructor mopping the floor. "Oh hello, Aileen. Glad to see that you are safe." Aileen nodded and asked, "Do you need any help?" "Haha, that would be great. Just grab a mop. Oh and one more thing, there is a girl sitting in one of the practice rooms sketching. Tell her that I plan to close the studio soon." A girl? Regardless, Aileen began mopping the hallway leading to all of the practice rooms. She had to wring out the water a couple of times. As she moved down the hall, she looked through the windows on the doors. It was not until room 5 that she saw someone. Before entering, she knocked on the door. She took one step into the room. The girl looked a couple of years younger than Aileen. She was sketching so peacefully, perhaps she did not hear her knocking. "Hello, I just wanted to let you know that we plan on closing the studio very soon." The girl looked up at Aileen and did not seem satisfied. Regardless she nodded her head slowly and started putting her things away. Aileen waited for her to leave the room, then turned off the lights and locked the practice room door. She watched as the girl went up to her dance instructor and bowed, then left. Is she new? I haven't seen her around... Aileen then put her mop away and began to walk home. Her home was dry. It was as if the flood did not even make it to her house. The garden was semi flooded, but that was really it. Maybe everyone should have just stayed at her house. Aileen took the keys out of her bag and walked inside. She took off her shoes and walked to the kitchen. She was hungry again. Grabbing a granola bar from the cupboard, she ripped off the wrapper and took a bite. She walked towards the kitchen table. There was a note from her parents. It was exactly what she expected to see. She picked it up and threw it away. Afterwards, Aileen got changed and decided to go to bed. She was still tired. In bed, she thought about what she could do tomorrow. Perhaps go back to the studio? She didn't know, as she was thinking, she began to drift off to sleep. [ Tumblr ♪ DOTD ] Cristina had spent the entire day at the ballet studio. Just having switched orphanages, she did not know the area very well and was glad that she found such a beautiful place. It was amazing how it immediately sparked inspiration. She had 'talked' to the nice instructor-lady about coming here often to sketch and she seemed okay with it. In reality, she had just used her speech keyboard. Maybe the lady was only nice to her because she could not speak, but Cristina did not mind. She wished that she could thank her with her own voice though. She was sketching in one of the practice rooms. She did not care to look at which number it was. Time was going by quickly however, and soon a girl came into the room. She spoke quietly, but it was loud enough for Cristina to hear. Why in the world are you speaking so quietly when you can actually speak? Cristina was irritated and looked up at her with a frown. Her clothes were wet. Had she been walking through flood water? Why in the world- She decided not to think about it and began to pack up her pencils. She put her pencil case into her bag and held her sketchbook. On the way out, she bowed to instructor with a smile to try to express her gratitude. She walked 'home' to the orphanage and into her room. All that walking made her tired- she was not used to walking such long distances. Maybe I should find out how to take the bus. Cristina decided to skip dinner and go to bed before her annoying roommate returned and began blaring obnoxious music.
I'm getting them fixed tomorrow. I tried them on at the store and they adjusted them for me, but I guess it wasn't enough. :/
> Glasses are for losers B-b-but I just got glasses yesterday QQ Spoiler: before Spoiler: after Spoiler: grumpy Grumpy that my glasses keep sliding down >:c Andrew made gifs look cool, so I wanted to try. c:
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Aileen let Madeline sit down and eat, as she brought the rest of the drinks over to the table. Not long after Quin walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Madeline seemed to be enjoying Brian's cooking which put a small smile on Aileen's face. When all the glasses were moved, she walked back to the table and sat in the seat she had previously occupied. " How is everyone? " Quin asked. Aileen picked up her glass and took a sip of the orange juice. How many days had it been since she had last drank any kind of juice? She lost count, but now that she had some, she was relieved. "I'm feeling...better than I was yesterday, thank you for asking," Aileen replied. Were her eyes still swollen? She wondered. "How about you? Any plans for the rest of the day?"
Full Name: Cristina Shannon Wilson Appearance: here Age: 14 Likes: Visual arts, sweets, dresses, nail art, outdoors, beach, summer, rain, conversation Dislikes: Spicy foods, sports, bullies, horror movies, staying indoors, winter, snow, liars, people who stay silent Weaknesses/Fears: Motorcycles, surgery, being bullied, physical activity Strengths/Talents: Sketching, painting, written communication Personality: Cristina is has aphonia and is not able to speak. Instead she uses her text-to-speech keyboard and notebook to communicate, and she has gotten really quick at using both. Her facial expressions are very animated, purposely, so that others can tell what mood she is in. Cristina is very opinionated, but cannot express all of her ideas verbally because of her condition. At times, this makes her extremely frustrated, and that is when people should just stay away. Sexuality: Heterosexual Contact Information: Tumblr Favourite Colour: Salmon
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Just as Aileen was going to ask if there was anything she could help with, Brian gestured for her to take a seat, so she did. He had offered to accompany her to her house after breakfast. The food smelled great. Madeline was pouring orange juice for everyone. "Sure," Aileen replied, "uh, but wait, what about your guests?" She paused to think for a second. "Ah, they can come over to my house if they want, moving houses just sounds a bit tedious to me, though..." Aileen shrugged, and looked up at Madeline, then back at Brian. "I, personally, don't mind anyone coming over." "Hey, Madeline, do you need any help?" she asked, as she stood up and walked towards the girl.
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Aileen woke up in the same position she had fallen asleep in. She was not much of a restless sleeper, so it was not a surprise to her. Some point in her sleep, however, she moved the thick blanket away from her face. She yawned, stretching her arms above her head and arching her back. She grabbed her phone which was next to her on the bed. To get up, she used the bed as support, then proceeded to spread the blanket over it. Aileen walked towards the door, but stopped in front of the vanity. Her eyes were red and swollen, probably from the sobbing she had done the night before. She frowned. Now if only my bangs were long enough to cover my eyes. Suddenly her phone began to vibrate in her hand. "Hello?" "Hey, Aileen, Mom wants you to check up on the house after breakfast. Okay?" It was Alice again. Had she never heard of texting? "Uh, yes, sure." "That's all. Lov-" Wait that's it, why didn't Mother just call me? "Wait, Alice. Did Mother say anything about me staying at Brian's?" "Not really. Why?" Her sister asked quizzically. Of course, you wouldn't know. "Never mind. Love you. Bye." Aileen hung up and sighed. She opened the door and began walking to the kitchen, only to get wafts of a delicious aroma. The girl smiled. It was probably Brian cooking, which made her even happier. He was an amazing cook. Getting closer, she could see that Madeline had beat her to the kitchen. "Good morning you two," she greeted with a bright smile. Walking closer to the table, she observed all the food on the plates. It made her hungry, but not everyone was downstairs, yet. Aileen looked up at Brian. "Oh, and my parents want me to check on my house after breakfast, so I guess I'll just walk there..." she told him.
FINNY. FINNY. FINNY. hai. > Im-pre-ssions please c: > You're trapped in a haunted mansion, who would you want to be by your side? Rikka or Ririchiyo? > The person who you didn't choose is brimming with jealousy and is actually the witch that locked you in this crazy house. How do you feel about this? > Excited for the Holidays?
Santa U Are The One c: I really hope this instrumental is HQ enough, because it's the best one I found :/ Spoiler: instrumental
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] After she finished eating, Aileen put her plate in the sink and began walking towards the guest room. She opened the door to it. Everything looked so organized, orderly and welcoming. I guess they're always ready for guests. Aileen closed the door behind her. Suddenly her phone rang. Without checking who it was, she picked it up. "Hello? Aileen? Are you alright?" It was Alice. "Yes, I'm fine, Alice," she replied, "Mother and Father are with you right?" "Yeah, they came up here before the storm started, luckily." Of course. "I'm staying at Brian's, so take care of them for me," Aileen said as sincerely as she could. "Yup, stay safe! Love you. Bye." And with that, Aileen hung up. Since her phone was already in her hands, she decided to go on Tumblr. She scrolled down her dashboard, seeing some amazing posts. She even reblogged a couple of them. However after scrolling down a bit more, she fell to her knees. A painting that included a bow and arrow. A bow and...arrow..? Aileen gasped and nearly threw her phone to the ground. She began hyperventilating again. Abby. Aileen covered her mouth with her right hand. I'm sorry. She began crawling towards the bed. It should have been me. Tears were now streaming down her face. I'm sorry. Making it to the bedside, she sat on the floor with her head rested on the bed and covered it with the thick blanket. She did not want anyone to hear her. I'm sorry.There, alone in the guest room, Aileen cried herself to sleep. "I'm...sorry...Abby..."
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Walking out of the school, Aileen had calmed down a bit. To keep her mind off of what had just happened, she looked down at the flooded ground and counted the steps it took for her to get to Brian's car, but lost count after realizing how difficult it was to get there. During the car ride, she just stared through the window observing all the damage that the storm had done. When the four of them entered Brian's house, there was no one there. Did everyone evacuate? I wonder if Mother and Father did, too. She decided to call her home to see if they were there. Aileen pulled her phone out from her bag, dialed and pressed the green call button. She held the phone to her right ear. While the call was connecting, Brian spoke to the group. "There are a few places you guys can sleep. There's my bedroom, the guest room, and the living room right here." Aileen nodded. Dial tone. Dial tone. Dial tone. Dial tone....She then heard her sister's voice. "Sorry that we're not here to take your call right now. Please leave your nam-" Aileen hung up the phone. Her parents not picking up the phone was enough to tell her that they had evacuated, or at least went to visit her sister again. She sighed. "Is it alright if I take the Guest Room?" she asked the group, but before they could reply, she added, "Oh, and also, let's make something to eat. I can't be the only one that's starving..." She started walking towards Brian's kitchen. She practically knew where everything was. Now...what to make... Aileen yawned. Maybe I'll just stick with toast, and then go to bed... She grabbed a slice of bread and put it into the toaster.
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Everything had happened so quickly. Brian had looked over at the stage and curious, Aileen did as well. Before recognizing the person on the stage, an arrow was shot towards the group and pierced someone's shoulder. Aileen squinted to try to see who it had hit. Abby. Blood. Everywhere. Aileen's eyes widened and her hands held her head. Brian then turned her eyes away. A familiar voice boomed throughout the auditorium. Aileen turned her head towards the stage to see what was happening. It was Quin, but it wasn't. Crestatia had possessed her body of course. The witch had congratulated her on her successful kill, but suddenly the bow and arrow levitated, facing the stage. If her were to be shot, the person it would hit would be Quin. Aileen couldn't bring herself to watch, forcing her eyes closed and covering her ears. Waiting for a moment, only heard someone crashing onto the stage floor. She slowly opened her eyes. Someone had saved Quin. At that moment, Crestatia sounded extremely angry, and uttered a curse that Aileen could not understand. She did try her best to remember what it sounded like, however. With that, the witch exited and Quin fell to the stage. The doors to the auditorium flung open. Aileen knew that she should have felt relieved at that moment, but she could not. The shock was getting the best of her again. She noticed that she was hyperventilating, and for a second, wondered when she had even started to. She covered her mouth and tried taking deep breaths, but it was not helping. She was trembling and she felt to weak to stand. Was it because she hadn't eaten for days, or was it the shock? She didn't know. "B-B-Brian...?" She stuttered, "...W-what do we d-do?" Before he could give an answer, Aileen found herself slowly crawling towards Abby's body. Quin was already kneeling by her side. Quin was the one who shot her, right? Knowing that she, herself, was a potential candidate to be killed tonight, Aileen could not help but feel guilty. She could feel tears making their way down her cheeks. She wasn't even listening to anything else that was going on anymore. All she could hear, was her own voice inside her head, repeating the same lines over and over again. Abby...I'm sorry...I was wrong...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...
Here's Sora~
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Not long after 'confessing' Brian grabbed Aileen's wrist and pulled her away from the group. He was upset. He would never grip that hard on her wrist if he wasn't. Once walking a fair distance from the rest of the group, Brian sat down. Aileen remained standing. She could feel his seriousness in his gaze. "What would make you say that, Aileen?" He asked bluntly. "Brian, face it. What do I even have to offer to this group? Everyone has so many great suggestions and what have I got?" Aileen paused, biting her lip again. "Nothing. Nothing, Brian. You heard Quin. I'm a weak link. Useless. I-" Before she could finish, Brian spoke. "If anyone should die from here, it should be me. It's not like anyone besides you would care anyway..." Tears streamed down his face. No. No. No. Seeing her best friend cry made her teary eyed. It hurt her heart. Aileen walked closer in front of him, knelled on the ground and hugged him. "That's not true," Aileen started, speaking in the most reassuring tone she could speak in, " You have your family. And me. You have something to live for, Brian- your little sister." She let go and looked him in the eyes. She could feel her own tears making their way down her face. She wiped them away "I on the other hand, have...nothing."
[Tumblr ❀ OOTD ❀OOC: none] Hunger. Migraine. Death. Those were the three things on her mind. Quin had asked the group who they would "dismiss." Brian had also mentioned making confessions, but she was so speechless from Quin's question that she decided to leave his idea for another day. Kill someone. Her, kill someone? She could barely bring herself to dissect a frog in Biology class, let alone kill someone who was living. This was a very sensitive topic, but they had been talking about it for a while. Hugging her bag tightly, Aileen scanned the faces of each member. She did not know everyone well enough to even have a clue about who would be useful in the future, and decided to stop thinking about the next potential death. Cherno seemed utterly disgusted by what Quin had asked and Aileen could see why. It sparked a lot of controversy, and he did not seem like the type to kill. A peacemaker and a germaphobe put into one was what he was. A peacemaking germaphobe. Quin defended herself by stating who she would get rid of. Her idea of the 'weakest link' included Abigail, Brian and Aileen. Aileen frowned and clenched her fists which remained by her said. She was frustrated but did not intend to hurt anybody. In her mind, 'the weakest link' was a euphemism for the word 'useless', a word that Aileen hated hearing. Her mind went back to all of the times her parents had called her, or something she loved 'useless', beginning with when they called dance useless and ending with when they called her useless for the fiftieth time. With each memory, Aileen bit her bottom lip harder and harder, causing it to eventually bleed. So Mother and Father aren't the only ones that think like that... But Aileen had to think about it from Quin's perspective. If she were Quin who would she think would be the weakest link? Aileen was not as knowledgeable as Cherno, or as confident as Madeline and Temperance. She was not a strategist like Anthony, or as physically strong as Altair. She was useless, after all. Aileen turned her attention to Cherno once again, as he spoke. He re-suggested confessing something, so Aileen did. "This isn't really a confession- but it is. Quin, honestly, if I were to kill someone in this group, it would probably be me as well..." she said quietly to herself. She wondered if anyone even heard her.
OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY , FATHER c: !! isaidhappybirthdayplsdonotsendmetothetreehouse