YATTA! XD I'm really bored. someone talk to me please?
no I'm even scared than before...
... O.O *ish vereh scared*
okay, I have been gone for a long while. could someone refresh for me?
okay, I haven't been on in awhile obviously.... anyone wanna recap and tell me what the crud happened here?! XD *is totally scared*
OOC: wait... is there some reason as to why she is not posting?
no, I figured it out. I was just trying to fit everything in at once to where I forgot about the comment.
I know it's a bit late, but could I claim Roxas and Zexion?
hey there Repliku-san! I've only been here for a few days. think you could give me some pointers about the site?
Of course! you guys can go ahead and start, if you want, kay?
thanks! it's weird because everyone thinks that Miranda is a common name, but it's not. there's only, like, two including myself, at my school....
that's awesome! my real name's Miranda. I'm not afraid to say it because I'm not that creative with my name. I just make stuff up. n.n
comment on my banner, please! I just posted it up!
no, I can't. Unless it's something I have never heard before... =/
sure thing Xrebma! I'm not qiute sure how to change usernames, either. Maybe if you ask Repliku. He might tell you because I want to get rid of...
nice to meet you too, Axel. Name's Haruka, but you can call me Haru or Haru-chan. n.n
Ron: dobby's sock! *everyone looks at him*
of course! please tell everyone about this. I really want it to be successful before it closes.
(DISCLAIMER: This is not original. This RP topic is from a yaoi fanfic I read. All characters mentioned either belong to Kingdom Hearts or their rightful owners meaning if someone uses their OC, someone else can not steal that character in ANY WAY! Link to fanfic: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4075581/7/Take_a_Chance_on_Me ) (P.S: This is my first RP here on KH-vids, so I hope people post. If I am in the wrong forum, I am terribly sorry and is allowed to be closed when needed to be.) Roxas's story: (make sure to read fanfic) You come home from your graduation to find that your parents have had your clothes and possessions packed and have bought you a boarding pass for a plane. Not anything new. Your parent's have always forgotten about you guys. Sora was always loved more than you. They hardly ever said your name! While heading up to your room, Your younger ego brother, Sora, jumps on your back and clings onto you. Sighing, you continue walking. Sora's story: (just so that you know his emotions. Again, make sure to read the fanfic. At least the first chapter. ;) ) You come home from your graduation with a smile, but feel bad for your brother, Roxas, because he was hoping that your parents would be there. Feeling a twinge of guilt and sadness deep down, but all of your happiness overwhelmed it and dug into it, but it seemed to be growing ever so slighty. Walking into the kitchen, you find a note on the fridge saying that you and your brother's things have been packed. You follow him up to your room and, without warning him, jump onto his back. Smiling, he carries you the rest of the way to your room. (okay, I think those are the only two characters in chapter one. Below is a list of characters in the story all together. If you are using an OC, then please give a brief overview in your post. And please, for the love of god, separate your overview and your actual post. Please, no god-moding, no leet and no *action* crap. I am a vivid RPer and I really hate reading stuff llke that. The characters will be crossed off as they are taken.) Sora Riku keybladewarrioroflegend Kairi Axelaxelforever Roxas Xx_Haru-chan_xX XIV Demyx Zexion (Please read all of these rules and have fun!)
thanks! n.n