OOC: *sniff sniff* good bye old thread you have served us well. You shall be missed. *ayame from Fruits basket pose with all the flora and glitter in the background* Kade and Xeal were off to Dragon Mundo doing something involving Zepharus's soul. Ina was with Telren, no surprise there lol. And for those of you who dont know (if there are any of you) Zepharus died and his soul went into Kade and she now has a really cool intricate tattoo all over her arm, think Scar from FMA. Reon just showed up at the front doors of HQ.
OOC: I dont know.... wait for Last to make the new thread I guess...... THE NEW THREAD!! http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=59789
OOC: haha yeah lets not loose the entire rp for the millionth time lol
OOC: yeah its usually what happens lol
"Is that so? Well then It's a good thing that I'm not human. I guess none of you will ever know the connection that Zepharus and I had...... or how powerful we were together," Kade shot back at the Dragon in front of her.
OOC: Xeal and Garxena were captured by Hideo and Dexen I think. Garxena and Xeal we talking at Xeals house. Kade and Xeal are in Dragon Mundo aka Dragon land lol. Reon, a newbie showed up. Thats about it, its bend kinda dead.
"OK fine, and what do I get out of this? What's going to happen to Zepharus?" Kade asked, well more of demanded. "If I'll end up loosing him, again, becasue of this you can forget it."
"So is that what they told you? Zepharus was exiled from his home but.... it was because he lead an attack against someone, I don't know he wouldn't tell me, other Dragons followed him and were killed in the battle. So Zepharus left his home and used some sort of magic to encase himself in a crystal in suspended animation. Then I showed up and the connection between Dragon and Tamer awoke him," Kade explained.
"And why are we going there again?" Kade asked curiously. She stepped inside the portal and walked through on the other side, in Draco Mundo.
"OK fine, but i expect answers," Kade narrowed her eyes at Xeal and walked toward the portal. "And where will this lead us to?"
"Theres never a dull moment here is there?" Kade thought to herself ash she teleported to Xeal. "What's going on thats to urgent?" "Is there anyway you can help me?" Reon pleaded. "If you cant that's fine, I'll be on my way. but if you can I woudl greatly appriciate it." Ina teleported into Telren's base. "hmmm what to do now? Zepharus is gone, The organization is as weak as ever.... and yet we still havent overthrown it.....why is that?"
OOC: OHHHH ok umm well then.... everyone ignore the post i just put in lol. sry its been so dead lately i lost track of where everyone is. BIC: Kade teleported to the roof of the organization, she looked up to the sky to watch the clouds go by.
Kade got up off her seat on the couch. "Garxena, you want to get out of here for a while? Theres a town near by and we need supplies."
Ooc: No!!!!!! Is It Being Pushed Back?
Kade sat on the couch while Yeifou talked with the stranger at the door."That guy.... he's got a spirit like you and I. Except he doesnt have a Dragon, its a Wolf," Zepharus called out to her from inside her head. "Well well, looks like we might have some fun," Kade smiled. "The Wolf is a physical being, hes not in a Spirit form like I am, be careful," Zepharus warned.
"I was told that this place was where I coudl find anybody, even those who have gone missing....." His speach broke, he put his hand over where his heart should be. "..... missing their hearts....." Kade sat on the couch as Yeifou delt with the newcomer, "We might need to get a new HQ before too long is more Nobodys show up like this."
Reon rode ontop of his giant wolf like beast through the forest. He lightly pulled on the fur near the shoulders, signaling his wolf to stop. 'Good, my friend,' he pat the wolf on its shoulder as he dismounted. "This is the place." SLowly we walked up to the doors of the Organizations headquarters. Taking a deep breath he banged his fist against the door. Kade sat with Yeifou, her head resting against his shoulder. "It's nice to finally relax after all thats been going on."
Kade caught Salix's expression, 'Dont worry, I knwo the feeling. I dont know how he can be so trusting either.... especially since theres this vibe coming from this kid, I dont like it. So would you like to keep an eye on him or should I?' Kade looked over at Vaire, "So where have you been all this time? Riya's been with is for a while. Seems kinda bizare that you would show up out of the blue after all this time."
"Ummm.... controls fire.....usually bounces off the walls.....likes sea salt ice cream.....sry kid, er Vaire. That's all I got," Kade stated. she opened the link with Salix, 'So what you think about this?'
"Alrighty then, well the only one here who ever smied all the time was Ryxia but........ I dont know what happened to her. She hasnt been around," Kade thought about it and hte only person that came to mind was her little hyper pyro friend.