It's all right. I know you're busy, being an admin and all. I'm all right. Still a little tired from my prom that I had Friday night.
Hah hah. xD Yeah, same here. Thanks, and trust me, that was the first time that either one of us had slow danced. Thank you. <3 I just realized...
Oh, that's lovely. My friends I get along, yet we're not friends. It's weird and I don't like it. I can't really change it though. I tried once,...
Kay kay. Oh...weird. Well, I can't dance either, so...xD Mark and I were winging it last night. xD Did you want to see pictures?
You are definitely invited. <3 You sound like you're going to dread it. Don't dread it! I bet you'll have fun. Thank you. <3
I was wrong; the song that we danced to was "Amazed" by Lonestar. Mark and I were singing "I Don't Want to Miss A Thing." xD
I bet it will be amazing. I was wrong about the song. The song was Amazed. Mark and I sang "I Don't Want to Miss A Thing" right before we danced....
That's so pretty! <3
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing ~ Aerosmith <3
It sounds really pretty. <3 Ok, that works. ^^
Yeah, it was awesome. Oo, what does it look like? 8D
Yup. I saw all of the popular girls waving at me and giving me a thumbs up. It was awesome. And my friend Chris was waving at me the whole time....
Hello, how are you doing?
Yes. <3 And we were the only ones dancing, not including the king and queen.
Thank you. <3 Hey, he's my cutie pie! Rather, he's my prince. <3 That dance was amazing.
Good you're still on. <3
It was so amazing. It was the best night of my life. I'll show you pictures once you come online. <3
xD Kk, have fun!
That'd be a good idea. Yeah. xD
That would be horrible. Hopefully, it won't happen. Yeah. There's is the 21st though.