You're making me think of him. D: I already miss him enough, thank you.
Aww, with your bf? 8D Awww. x3
If you do I'll hurt you. :3
<3 Yeah, it was sooo much fun. My vice principle danced with me for about 20 seconds of the last song. xDD So, anything new with you?
Oh shut up. xD
Thank you. We had a slow dance and everything. It was amazing.
How did the after party go? 8D
Misty, you have done it again. These are absolutely stunning. My favorites have to be fourth, eighth, and ninth. They are all amazing though. I think I'm going to use the fourth one.
I've been on for a while now. xD
It was amazingly awesome. Mark and I were prom prince and princess. x3
Aww, yay, that;s good. ^^ I'm glad you had a good time. x3
Weird. D: Well, I'm on now.
Doing pretty well. Prom was Friday. =)
lol. xDblahblahblah
How was the banquet? 8D
Hello. <3 How are you?
Did you forget about me on dA? D8 That's where I got mine. Hope you're able to find them.
I hate it when that happens. Thank you. <3 Prom was amaaazing~
Yeah, I know what you mean. You have a lot to do but not enough time to do it all, right? Or at least something along those lines? It was a ton...