Kay kay. La la la la la~
Now, what to talk about...
*sigh* Fine. But if this is another way of making fun of me and Mark...
No, no. It's okay. You don't need to sing.
Well, that's good. ^^
Yup. xDD I was wondering if you would notice or not.
Yeah, it's been down for a while. There was no point to it since the only family members left are Tootz, DP, and I. xD I've been doing pretty...
Heh heh. >D
Yay! Aww. ;-; Well, at least you had a good time. That makes me happy. <3
Well, whaddya know? It's Moodkip. I haven't talked to you in ages. D: How are you?
Kay. I love how we are having three different convos. xD
<3 I don't think I've heard those... I'll go and look them up. 8D
Ah, kk. Still you're getting out earlier. Not fair. D:
Tee hee, I love that song. <3
Amazed by Lonestar? It's a country song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJyJwbAa1i8
At least I'm not the only one. xD ...I want to dance with him again. xD
...true. You might as well start singing "Amazed". That was the song that we danced to. xD
Yeah, but when do you start school? We start late September and end June 1st.
Only one more week? You're so lucky! D:
...awww. x3 Sorry, I'm a softy when it comes to this sort of thing. xD