Also, this is how we double post mushes edit: Damnit Rat D:
That is definitely the biggest one I have ever seen D: I want to stroke it
Oh god, what the hell is that? And why is it so kyoot?
Spuds couldn't care less ;-; he shall pay when we are all in therapy for our abandonment issues
Hey if I post this just right, we're managing a post a minute, thats like, more like than the forum has in the past 12 years FREE PORN
Fluck yeah change the title to "SECRET Porn section", or they'll find it D:
Haha you all got told off
I keep reading your name as Sky Car ._.
I believe that Nate got the same thing yesterday
I regularly do this, because I like keeping copies of the PMs I get for future reference etc. For those of you worried about the space it takes, it takes hardly any, definitely not enough to make you worry. Nice work P o;
I edited and deleted my own post, because I figured it was better for me to discuss my opinions on this with P privately. I am not going to lie though, I am severely disappointed with this.
Chris, go to bed >:
Oh, also, HiD is a member of the site, and a member of this group, so obviously he has the password ¬¬
You guys do know it wasn't HiD and Hein trolling right?
They say in heaven, love comes first
Ffffffffffffff I was thinking about you recently, I miss you Bivivivivivivi :glomp: <333
Looks like we have a challenge on our hands then boys and girls, lets keep it alive :ninjacat:
This thread is making me explode from cute at how excited y'all are about a plate
So far, it kind of sucks >_> I've ended up having to do a bunch of other stuff instead
Don't worry about being around here and stuff, just make sure to enjoy your summer <3 Have a really awesome time and we shall be here when you return