I have no doubt <3
You're most welcome :glomp: kick butt <3
Not especially nope ;-; but I now have THIS weekend off too : D
Is that a threat or a promise? <3 Seriously though, congrats to all the new Reds, well done you guys
It's ok RvR, it happens to every girl when she is going through puberty, you will be fine <3 it means you are becoming a woman
I'm so proud of you bro <3
Well done <333
This is extremely well deserved <3 congratulations
Omgosh I always hate posting in these threads because I don't know anything about the art of graphics. I always look at the threads though, and feel envious, sometimes I feel impressed. Currently I feel wow'd. You know I have always loved your work, and I have to say, this is bloody gorgeous <333
I tripped on my shoelaces, fell forward, smacked my head into a brick wall and knocked myself out. In the middle of the city. At night. When I came to, there was a crowd who thought I was a passed out drunk.
Awww don't worry about it, everyone makes mistakes :<3:
Oh gosh lawl, you're cute
Rat lives in my closet, he keeps eating my shoes
Evil I love you, I seriously do. Also, I just searched but I can't find anything about a dead Obama dude, and you have to think, that **** would be EVERYWHERE if it was true
I know that it looks like I am doing my usual jump to the paranormal explanation, but is it possible to research the property and the land its on? I would see how it progresses before you seek a doctor, all too often people are labelled as crazy in society now. It could just be a one off thing brought on by tiredness etc or your imagination.
Porn fried rice ._. poor rice
Oh god, I remember when Cloud the coder posted all those pictures of Cloud the character and Kairi doing the dirty
Ffffffffffffffffff screw you guys ;-;
Ya rly
Oh sure, anyone can double-post when the posts don't really say anything D: