Ok, first things first, you say she is trying to kill herself, do you know for definite fact she has attempted it? If yes, how has she tried to achieve this? And how many times? With what you have told us, I am inclined to think that she is acting out for attention. I'm not neccessarily saying she is an attention seeker, its entirely possible there is an underlying problem and she is acting out because she actually DOES want help, but is unsure how to ask for it. But the multiple failings at killing herself, the fact that her self harming is in such an exposed place, that she has told you bits and pieces and told other people other parts. It all makes me think that she is looking for help/attention. As for what you should do, to be honest there isn't a whole lot you CAN do, unless you are willing to let her know that you know. And I actually think that might be a wise thing for you to do, but I can understand if you are wary of it because of causing trouble for other people. Arrange a sleepover or a girls only day with her and some other friends, go watch a movie or something, and at some point just let her know that you are completely and totally there for her if she ever needs your help. Other than that, you're just going to have to monitor the situation. Since your Year Advisor seems to know what is going on, I would seek further advice and help from them, they're trained for things like this after all. Good luck, I hope the situation improves <3
Hello <3 Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but http://www.kh-vids.net/member.php?1452-Gravity can you de-prem this person please? And re-prem this...
No, no it is not, go away >:C
These are gorgeous <3 2nd, 4th and 5th are my favourites. As for whether you should be playing with curves or not, its entirely up to you, its about what you're confident with etc. However, they can be a really great tool, I use them a lot when I'm editing my photos, if you're serious about going with editing in general then I'd suggest looking into at least. Even if you decide you're better off not playing with them, at the very least you'll know more about it and expand your knowledge.
To be honest, I tend not to get scared when gaming. I'll get freaked out/creeped out by games but never scared and/or terrified. I think it is because no matter how creepy it gets, I know that ultimately its just a game, and none of them are ever realistic enough to really get to me. For example, I love SH games, but they don't scare me, the film however, scared the absolute **** out of me, because it was much more realistic, and I could imagine it as being real. That made sense in my head. I think the one thing that creeped me out the most in a game ever is quite embarrassing Spoiler In Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal when Ratchet and Clank go to find Qwark on his hideout and there are the Qwarkbot things that act like the Terminator, idk why but the way they were clawing across the floor etc trying to get to me really creeped me out
Welcome to the forum YayitsDre, I hope you'll stick around~ Cute name btw
I thought it might be a good idea for prems/staff who don't always check the prem section ^^ You're very welcome, I hope you like your message,...
Happy Birthday <3
Hahaha, I thought the same thing recently :b
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Hello there, just to let you know a messages have been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
Hello there, just to let you know messages has been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
I LIKE cutscenes in games, it annoys me more when people skip them ¬¬ so that was never an issue for me. I don't play as much as I used to because my gamereplay obsession is Odin Sphere, but every so often I'll think "Damn I really want to play KH right now"
And now for my actual VM <3 You'rewelcomeyou'rewelcome <3 It can be nerving at first, the RP section is quite a daunting one to have, but its...
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