Haha, your name is highly amusing~
Hello! Just to let you know you have been left a message on the Premium Postbox!
And this is my favourite post in the entire thread
Sadly, being a superhero doesn't pay very well, especially since I have to keep my identity secret from the rest of the world D: I am...
ikr? This and :glomp: were my babies I don't want to go to work ;-;
I am not sure if I want to know how that happened ¬¬
It sounds cute I'll admit, and the art style looks lovely, but I don't think I'll be checking it out as top priority, it sounds kind of cliched and switch-off-to entertainment, if that makes sense?
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox!
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox! Also, hello Camacaroon <3
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox! And again
Hello there, just to let you know a message has been left for you in the Premium Postbox! Again :b
I've not heard of this one I don't think, but it sounds ultra-cute so I'll check it out. I'm in need of new at the moment.
Desperation is no excuse for stupidity, and I do apologise if I sound harsh in saying that. If you're unsure of it, then do not do it, that would just make things worse. You're 17 (I think) America isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so it isn't like you have a time limit, it would be preferable to take things slower and do it the right way, than rush and end up landing yourself in trouble.
Can I just say, I think this is a really, really bad idea right off the bat. For one thing, talking to someone on MSN/SKype/KHV etc you cannot get a good idea of whether you'd be able to live together. Plus it is actually quite dangerous to do what you are doing which is basically offering yourself out. You seem set in your decision to move to America, and thats great if it is what you really want to do, but I would suggest going about things a little more legitimately and safely.