The last twenty people to visit me... -Xero- adamboy7 Alex856 AndrewTemari101 Anti ☢ Sora+ axel. Britishism Cookiie Daxa+ Firekeyblade Ienzo Kingdom Hearts530 Maki+ Marushi+ Maxgen+ miaulement+ Rhiscx Smurfasaurus+ SonGoku tummer I only know of a few of these... Temari, Gabr, Britishism, Cookiie, Daxa, FKB, Ienzo, KH530, Maki, Marushi, Miaulement, Smurf...
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
Under the "Last 20 visitors" thing at the bottom left of your profile.
I merely have... 1,207... I expected so much less. Five-Hundred at max.
How sad. No Australian wedding for Sabby. lolwut
...True. I fucking love cheese brocolli
I interpreted as, the closer you get to the end - To peace - The greater the opposition becomes, or the cons of peace rise. Like the cons of peace for Ventus, Aqua, and Terra was losing Terra and Ventus. Kingdom Hearts I was Riku and Mickey locking the Door to Darkness from the inside. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories' turned out to be losing Sora's memories. Kingdom Hearts II was... That was probably the most peaceful ending. Etcetera
Oh? I hope you know this from where I do... Check out the pic with all this - All the ones that SHOULDN'T be hot, are hot.
Lolwhynot Name: Kayate Favourites: The Legend of Zelda Assassin's Creed ( Ezio Auditore da Firenze ) Minecraft DragonBall ( Gohan, "Teen" Trunks. Preferably both during the "Cell Saga" ) Angel Beats! Super Smash Bros. (Link, Ike, Pit) Kingdom Hearts Pokemon (Fire/Flying/Electric are my favorite types. Johto) The Beatles The All-American Rejects (Gives You Hell, Dirty Little Secret, It Ends Tonight) Naruto (Itachi, Deidara, Neji) Portal 1 & 2 (Wheatly, Cave Johnson, GLaDOS) Yugioh
I've known this for yeaaaars. Spoiler Tummer, you wouldn't happen to frequent LOLbot, would you?
Fusing two keyblades together... Oblivion and Oathkeeper... I shall call it... Oathlivion. Oblivion's Oath? Yep. I think it would be a pretty good idea, actually. But used only like a Drive Form. Where you have one certain moment you can do that sort of thing.
Welcome! I'm surprised you haven't dropped by sooner. Make sure to read the rules, all that jazz. Make friends, have fun, hope to see ya around!
Oh, man... Well, I haven't really interacted with you often on KH-Vids, but I'll miss a bit of the antics we've had on here. Hope you return sometime soon, Autumn.
I believe my favorite is indeed, Dual Stance. Along with... Berserk? That one against Saix and his Nobodies that you can utilize to use their weapon against them.
Welcome to KH-Vids! 'Bout time we've got someone new... Or maybe I missed all the newbies on my week long absence... Anyways, welcome to KHV! I hope to see you around sometime!
I couldn't pick out my own voice either, xD But it's quite alright, as long as we all had fun with it~
Oh the brilliance. I enjoyed Krowley's parts... Those were great!
Great job with the Postbox, Ienzo! Hope you run it long and well.
Sexiest image I've ever seen. EVER. And by ever, I mean that's the closest thing to sexy I'll ever see.