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  1. Kayate
    You have pretty eyes o:
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Kayate
    I've decided to make a REAL thread about my return to KHV.
    Calm down, damn. I know you're all excited, but keep calm. I'll take autographs at the end of the post.
    But yeah. According to Jayn, I'm a ghost, man.
    I come when I want, I leave when I want.
    It's my life, I do what I want.
    Yep. I'm back.

    Now, I have multiple headshots.

    Two dollars for each picture.
    Four if you want it signed.

    If you're outside of the United States area, you'll be paying the shipping.
    Thread by: Kayate, Apr 9, 2012, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Kayate
    My eyes are all green an' stuff.
    In the right light, they're a light blue! Many of my friends actually thought my eyes were blue until I'm like "Lolwtf they're green."
    True story.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Kayate
    Hey there!
    Welcome to the place. This place. KHV. That place.
    Try keeping your lungs from cancer. I hear cancer's bad. Y'know. For your body.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Kayate
    My hair is quite troublesome. I usually keep it a bit long. Light brown, always at least covering my eyes if I have a say about it.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Kayate
  7. Kayate
    I'm trying to become more active, so why not?

    Participating for: All 'o 'dat stuff.
    Absolutely Cannot Sing: I can't really do rap, but hell, I'll try. High notes aren't really my thing if I'm not allowed to do it in my own octave... And languages - I can do...anything, I suggest, as long as I can pronounce it. :T
    Anything Else: Put in Jayn's own words, I'm like a ghost. I'll be here for a time, but then be gone for a good month. I'm trying to stay around longer though. I really enjoyed the chorus back when I actually tried to stick around.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  8. Kayate
    OCC: I am extremely sorry </3
    I keep failing to respond and am taking forever...
    "Huh?" Kayate forcefully shakes his head clear of his thoughts - the girl was gone. "Hm. What a shame." he often became lost in his thoughts like this, becoming suddenly unaware of his surroundings. "Well, no point in staying here..."

    He lazily collects his guitar, putting the strap around his torso with the guitar hanging behind him, he slowly turns the doorknob, listening to the delicate 'click' that sounds, before going his way.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 9, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Kayate
    He looked to the girl's eyes - which were sadly hidden, as she completely avoided his gaze. "Hey. I don't bite." he calls to her, a small smile on his face. Hm, she's actually a little cute - that silly smile on her face and all.
    He begins to stand up off of the desk, placing his guitar onto the desk, he slips his hands into his pocket, as they had nothing to occupy themselves with. "I'm Kayate."

    [OOC] Sorry for taking forever to reply </3
    Post by: Kayate, Mar 21, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Kayate
    Kayate continued run his hand over the strings of the guitar, when a small noise caught his attention - someone was finally entering the room! He realized it to be a girl, maybe another student... He tilted his head, catching her eye. When a squeak escaped her lips, a small smile sprouted from his own. "Hello." he called out to her, quickly going back to his business, strumming his guitar.

    [ OCC ] Wooh, uncreative RPing.
    Post by: Kayate, Mar 9, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Kayate
  12. Kayate
    Kayate sat atop the large desk set in the front of the rather small classroom - the teacher's desk in the music room. He sat with an acoustic guitar propped upon his leg, strumming delicately at the strings upon the body of the guitar. "Where the hell are they...?" he muttered to himself, subconsciously having his speech mirror the beat made by his guitar. He slowly took his left hand from the neck of the guitar, running it through his brown hair with a small sigh. The teacher of the class is strangely late, which is all the more pleasing to Kayate. His hazel eyes glint against the piercing sun peering through the windows, which gives him an excuse to slowly lower his head, his hair masking his face from the outside world. He places his hand back to the strings, once again beginning to play, his fingers delicately pluck the strings individually, as if each one had a magnificient tale to tell the world.
    Post by: Kayate, Mar 4, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Kayate
    Username: Kayate
    I am here to: Roleplay! Chat! Meet new people! All 'dat ****
    *Rep-Card: Rep-Card!
    Anything Else: No!

    Username: Kayate
    Grade: Tenth
    Classes: History!
    Anything Else:

    Username: Kayate
    **Alias: I don't have one... Kayate
    Applying For: Bus Boy! (( Also, Jayn - I noticed that on "Bus Girl" is says this ❤ Bus Girl: Open | Male ))
    *Rep-Card: Provided above!
    Anything Else: Nothing really. Nope.

    If I did anything wrong, please tell me, as I feel I did D:
    Post by: Kayate, Mar 4, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Kayate
    Welcome back to the forum! I'm sure you've missed quite a bit in the goings of this place.

    Make sure you refresh yourself on the rules, which it seems you've already done, of course.
    Have fun and all the kind of jazz!
    Post by: Kayate, Mar 4, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Kayate


    Didn't plan on leaving... ;~;
    Just kind of happened.
    Post by: Kayate, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Kayate
    I find it very possible to be close friends yet not be quite... 'attracted' to them. The line between friendship and relationship is purely emotional, in my opinion. Although the dive into relationship may grant you more of an opportunity for a more physical passion, like they say, it's 'the thought that counts.' You reach the line of relationship when both you and your partner feel that you are in a relationship, and think of each other in that newfound light that is love.

    I suppose I don't know too awful much about this kind of thing, for I'm newly fourteen and have yet to quite experience a real relationship, but that's my two sense.
    Post by: Kayate, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  17. Kayate


    Honestly, I just kind of...Left.
    Haven't been anywhere.
    Didn't go an some amazing adventure.
    I just kind of... left the site.
    Post by: Kayate, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Kayate


    Of course! No homo

    Hell, obviously.
    Post by: Kayate, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Kayate


    I give you all of my hate.
    All of it
    All neatly wrapped in a gift basket.
    Post by: Kayate, Feb 23, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Kayate
    Saxxy! It's been too long -w- <3
    Profile Post by Kayate for Saxima, Feb 23, 2012