Oh look. We fourteen year olds've got to stick together, bro.
Ezio Auditore up in this *****.
Minecraft? Let's see. Now I can vent my seething rage. >Multitude of bases across my mapped land >Believes is ready to take on Enderdragon >Gets required items >Throwing the things to find the Ender Portal >W key gets stuck >Walk into lava Oh my God. Since then, I've been trying to maneuver my way back to my main base that is like a whole map away, and it's blasphemy. I respawned back at a smaller base I made along the way.
The amount of attractiveness in this forum is unreal.
So I'm all up in the Post Your Picture thread, obviously looking for 'dem hawt chicks, and low and behold - my dear Nom Buddy is one of those...
This. So much this.
I'm not all for underage drinking, but jeez. This is pretty insane amount of drunk.
A drunk Sax is the best Sax.
Haha, too bad.
People are nearly always surprised when they learn I'm merely fourteen. Actually, I'm only two months into fourteen. :T
Just interested. Fifteen? You seem like you'd be at least eighteen, I suppose. Which, people often say the same for me.
How old are you, anyhow, my dear?
Ooh my, no, my dear. You are no old lady. xD
Homework...Pffft. You're in high school, yes? I hope I'm not swamped with homework when I get there.
So you're subconsciously painstakingly sweet?
I love it that you address nearly everyone as 'dear' or 'sweetheart' or the like, it's so sweet :T
Yesyes, thank you dearly. xD How's it goin' all up in there?
Brilliant, then! Glad I brought a giggle to you :3
Nope, I was hoping the 'Ohohoho' would be the point to make you laugh c: