Search Results

  1. Kayate
    Why are you so hateful?!
    Profile Post by Kayate for Amaury, Apr 25, 2012
  2. Kayate
  3. Kayate
    Profile Post

    But I love you.

    But I love you.
    Profile Post by Kayate for Amaury, Apr 25, 2012
  4. Kayate
  5. Kayate
    Profile Post

    But I can't!

    But I can't!
    Profile Post by Kayate for Amaury, Apr 25, 2012
  6. Kayate
  7. Kayate
  8. Kayate
    Yes, I would care to share.
    I am doing no sharing.

    He's quite a unique artist - here's one that I like by him quite a bit, called 'What do you Want'
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 16, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Kayate
    So how's everyone doing?
    Anyone ever heard of the musical artist "Gotye"?
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Kayate
    My Terraria character wants me dead.
    My Minecraft character is in love with me.

    I'm royally screwed.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 14, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Kayate
    Hurr hur so high-larious
    Profile Post by Kayate for Dinny, Apr 12, 2012
  12. Kayate
    Profile Post

    Zelda, obviously.

    Zelda, obviously.
    Profile Post by Kayate for Dinny, Apr 12, 2012
  13. Kayate
  14. Kayate
    "Tch...I'm wasting time here..." Kayate glances to his wrist at an all but existent wristwatch. "I should really get one of those..." he mutters to himself as he departs to a more suitable area.
    His destination ends up being outside of the school.
    As the exit doors creak open, he pauses for a moment. Inhaling deeply, the scent of nature fills he lungs with a rejuvenating energy.
    With his guitar in hand, he searches for a suitable spot to inhabit for a time.
    Eventually, settling for the shade of a tree a bit away, he takes his guitar, lightly strumming it as he slides down into a sitting position on the grass.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Kayate

    Im back


    On that note - welcome back to the forum!
    It's nice to see people returning. All day ev'rday.
    Make sure to re-read the rules and all that jazz.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Kayate
    Dude whatever I on you're want.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Kayate

    Your Theme

    My own theme?
    I'm not truly sure about my own theme...
    I barely am even sure of my own personality.
    I would be amazed if anyone took a shot at it though.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Kayate


    Why hello!
    Pleasure to have you here on KHV.
    Make sure to read the rules and all that jazz, and have fun!
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. Kayate
    I use Google Chrome.
    I used to use Internet Explorer, but after mainstreamness taught me that it was the worst, I decided to try Chrome.
    And dear lord, it's amazing. So much faster than IE.
    Post by: Kayate, Apr 10, 2012 in forum: Technology
  20. Kayate