Say "How do you do?" You are now sent to five weeks in solitary confinement... Solitary - With a rabid hamster. WHAT DO
Welcome back, Roxas. Another thirteen year old has joined us.
Three years? Wow... So you joined when you were ten, or something... Interesting... Banhim Hope you stay around a bit longer this time around, and I hope to see you around!
You didn't give me credit for this quote. You are no longer my mother.
Me? It's 4:28 AM here. Reasons? Why da fuq not?
Revenge - CaptainSparklez
3 out of 22 Nope.
Raging Serpent
Truthfully, you're pretty cool. Christian. As Makaze said, loyal.
GLAD TO BE OF SERVICE Clever Man - Awaaaaaaaay
Eternal Zangoose Rival
This pretty much sum it up.
Did you experience your very own Deep Dive? Were you standing on a large platform with a picture of something you care about dearly adorning it? Were you asked by a mysterious voice, to choose Power, Magic, or Defense, and discard of one? Were you told to press the Triangle button? Nope.avi