That movie was fucking brilliant. Better than things I've seen in theaters.
Be happy it was a girl. Do you know how many times I've had guys ask me if I wanted to dance on their disco sticks?
Earth Defense Force GO GO GO!
I'm upset I didn't get trash talked.
You have as much of a chance of being a staff member as I do. Scratch that, you probably have a slightly higher chance. Either way there's a staff application form in the premium zone.
So now instead seeing you log on and play DAO for the hundredth time I'll see you play DA2!
It's the television version of Twilight that they can get while waiting for the next hilarious film to release.
This entire fucking level. Fuck it And this part of the final boss. This part was dildos.
Looks like the zombie apocalypse came early.
Alistair's a little whiny bitch. My arcane warrior is rollin' with Sten, Oghren, and Zevran making money all day erry day.
I fucking hate all of the people here who doesn't know who this is.
I was hyped up when I heard it's 300 mixed with owls, but then my friend told me all the badass deaths are implied and not even shown. So fuck that noise. I want owl decapitations.
I didn't get the hate either, until I saw a few interviews. The kid is seriously an ignorant ****** who's got a bloated ego.
That's pretty cool.
Worst secret ending out of them all. Plus either both of them or just one of them will be master and the other will cry for the rest of the game. Nomura please just release KH3 and end this abortion of a story.
Guys I'm pretty sure the beta is going to go up on the PS store tonight, don't succumb to writing silly essays!
I have the perfect video to summarize that plot of bbs.
Just a second, let me one up your offer. khv, I have FOUR spare beta keys to the superior Dead Space 2 closed beta. What should I do with these?