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  1. no-reality_allowed
    I fuckin' love caps lock
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. no-reality_allowed
    To the DS players in here: how's the online community so far? I only played a review copy before it came out so I only had other journalists to play with, but now I want to replay it and my copy shut down saving/online after a month.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. no-reality_allowed
    Have fun in 5-1.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 11, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. no-reality_allowed
    They wouldn't have put Chris in there if Wesker wasn't the major RE villain. It's basically mandatory to pair Chris/Wesker up since Wesker isn't really a main villain for Leon.

    Already got my SE preordered off the Capcom store and you all should do the same for that sweet shuma/servbot shirt you get. Also my new team is going to be Dante/Deadpool/Wesker when I'm bored but MODOK/Haggar/ and either Sentinel, Shuma, Super Skrull, or Zero for 'SUPAH SRS PLAYTIME'.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 11, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  5. no-reality_allowed
    Don't mind me, just being a superior game over here.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. no-reality_allowed
    If you really want to waste your time playing that game then just make a female character. Sad lonely people who play that game will start giving you stuff for free just because they'll think you're a girl and might give them sex.

    Or you can take this wonderful piece of advice.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. no-reality_allowed

    True Grit

    Fantastic film and miles better than the original. Old people who prefer the original can go and suck it.

    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 9, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. no-reality_allowed
    I think Joe is an uptight child with a huge ego and a joke of a 'journalist'. You shouldn't really take anything he says for granted.

    I think I'm going to go through his points for fun.

    1: Sanctuary
    It's not tedious at all, Joe just has ADD of course and can't handle 3 button presses. His sadness is further expanded when he's upset he couldn't surprise his NPC girlfriend with a gift and even more when his character doesn't do an animation of giving it to her.

    2: Navigation
    Once again Joe makes himself look like an idiot since it takes a simple glance to see which direction the 'breadcrumb' trail his headed, hell you could even see it using peripheral vision. I used the button in Dead Space that points you towards your objective all the time (I really liked the animation, judge me go ahead) but that didn't stop me from enjoying the wonderfully done gray corridors. The lack of a map is bull though so I'll give him that.

    3: Loading Screens
    Deal with it, they don't look that long at all.

    4: Co-op
    "People want to co-op meaningfully".
    No Joe, people just want to co-op to have fun. The point of co-op is to jump into my friends game and wreck stuff with them. Now having the second character get to interact 'meaningfully' with the hosts world is a nice bonus, that's all it is, a bonus.

    "Fable 2 was promised co-op and you bring it in Fable 3".
    Man for a 'journalist' Joe sure is surprised at how Molyneux works. He does that a lot with his games Joe, once again deal with it.

    5: Co-op Restrictions
    Ok that's a legitimate complaint, congrats on it Joe.

    6: Black Dye DLC
    Yea dlc sucks, but you don't have to buy it. Although I bet he bought all of it.

    7: Melee Combat is Useless
    I guess another legitimate complaint. I can't tell since when I played the game I only used guns since they were sweet.

    8: Magic is OP
    OH NO, MYSTICAL POWERS LIKE SUMMONING FIRE FROM MY FINGERTIPS AND BRINGING DOWN LIGHTNING BOLTS IS OVERPOWERED BAWWW. People expect magic to be powerful in their games because it's a god-like power. It's actually surprising to see a game where magic sucks. Plus combining spells is badass, why the hell would somebody complain about that?

    9: The Game is too Easy
    This one could be a genuine complaint but it's a pretty minor one since the difficulty doesn't matter as long as the game itself is fun. I played the shit out of Godhand which was ridiculously hard but I had a blast every moment. Also the comment about if there's no tension in the combat then the combat is pointless is one of the most ******ed things I've ever heard. Maybe the game wasn't made for you to have your ass beat in every moment? Plus I felt no tension while playing games like Republic Commandos and Epic Mickey recently so by his reasoning the combat in those 2 games should be taken out because it's pointless.

    10: Dumb NPC Interactions
    Fable had shit interactions since the first game, your fault Joe for expecting better.

    I can't be bothered for the 20+ other things, but I lol'd pretty hard at the amazon thing. Oh wait no the fact that he's made the game killed his NPC family is even funnier.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 9, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  9. no-reality_allowed
    Enviro-Bear obviously.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 8, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  10. no-reality_allowed
    The fact that Jeff Bridges basically played his role as The Dude made this movie amazing.

    I think landing on anything is more dangerous than landing on air.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. no-reality_allowed
    Sully 'Goddamn' Sullivan and Nathan Drake.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Jan 5, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  12. no-reality_allowed
    Profile Post

    What cnc ?

    What cnc ?
    Profile Post by no-reality_allowed for Chevalier, Jan 5, 2011
  13. no-reality_allowed
    Mafia 2.

    It's probably one of the biggest disappointments of this generation.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Dec 6, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  14. no-reality_allowed
    Not very polite to ask for our levels/psn when you don't provide your own.

    Either way, I'm at 46 and the psn is no-reality_allow.

    Protip for zombie mode: Please don't be an ass and open doors when nobody is aware that you're doing this. Wait for somebody to be near you and SEE that you're opening the door. It's a pain in the ass to not worry about a door because we think it's closed but some fuckhead decided to open it and now we've got a horde of zombies coming through it.

    Also don't hog the Mystery Box. It's not going to stay there for very long so let other people get a chance at it, ESPECIALLY if it's during a fire sale.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Nov 30, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  15. no-reality_allowed

    halp guise

    Get Defcon or Multiwinia.
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. no-reality_allowed
    What annoys me about yaoi is how ecstatic/obsessed girls/men get over it. You don't see yuri lovers go nuts with pictures, fanfictions, etc over their favorite pairs but then you see yaoi (usually girls doing this of course) going nuts writing stories and drawing out scenes. They're like furries; they obsess over their fetish and try to toss it in your face, then when you call them out on it and tell them to stop they go "WHY DOES NOBODY UNDERSTAND THIS IS WHO I AM? LEAVE US ALONE!".
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. no-reality_allowed*****1.jpg
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. no-reality_allowed
    What's the matter? You insecure about your sexuality? lol yea you SO insecure
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. no-reality_allowed
    If that blew your mind then check this out.


    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. no-reality_allowed
    Post by: no-reality_allowed, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone