Banned for thinking I meant you and not the food.
Banned because I don't like onion.
I am same as ever.
Banned I never said I thought it was meant as a bad thing.
Banned because you never asked me not to.
Perhaps I should start trying to increase my post count.
How have you been?
Hello there old friend how are you.
Hello there Dinny.
Banned for making me sound like a god.
Banned because it is good to be back.
Am I right in guessing you are righthanded? I believe the reason for the different growing length is due to the hand itself. If you are right handed you will use it for more than the left so it uses more energy and could get hurt more often. For that reason your body sends more nutrients there causing it to advance at a quicker rate.
Banned because the ban veteran Oda says so.
This should be fun. Impressions first and current? First Mewtwo and now Team Rocket. Who is next Giovanni or the Black Tulip from Mewtwo returns? Why do you change your theme so much? Is ther any theme you would never do? Who would you be Sora or Riku? And who would be the Sora And Kairi or Riku and Kairi to your Riku or Sora? Did my last question make any sense?
This Hermit is missing his adorble little sis.
Hey Blo it has been a while. How are you mate?
Why smile when you have cake.
What is the story Yut?
I have writer's block right now.
When you spend so much time alone in a silent house even the smallest noise is noticable. So I'll let you catch your breath.