Below's turn huh well then lets get started. Impression first andcurrent What is the best and worst animes you have seen? Did you ever get that drivers licence you wanted? Who would you say you are more like Sora or Riku Who would be you Sora and Kairi to your Riku or the Riku and Kairi to your Sora? And finally did you like any of those questions?
I got large green crystal, clothes, trainers, five dvds and a 32inch Hd ready Tv with built in dvd player.
Misty you may see something you may like in the Oda's Gifts thread in the spam zone.
I normally write these on profiles but decided to post them here instead. So if you would like one just ask Spoiler: Misty There is a girl of just twelve years Who can be any man's worst fears Shiver as you become her new toy As you bring her untold joy As a great day comes to pass A smile upon the face of that young lass To her I now say Have a wonderful Christmas day Spoiler: Llave I speak of a man with superior style Who can talk once in a while Although that may be a simple mistake Just like stepping on an thin ice lake But now I am going off the task Since this is about the man in the Xehanort mask Yes I am talking about you Have a great Christmas Day Drew Spoiler: PaW The Silent one now shall speak As I hope he gets what he seeks The red named singer I say hello The strongman of the CoM show But the trivial rhyming shall soon cease With the war and peace So my friend I deem this fate Your Christmas Day shall be great
So nice to meet you Base.
Hello Sebax I have heard some good things about you so I thought I'd introduce myself. I am Odamadillo but you can call me Oda. I have seen people...
Volk the wolflike man Enjoying a moonlit tan As the sky fills with many lights You enjoy the KHV sights From Misty's twelve year old smile To...
Feel free to answer either questiomn.
I just found out my parents have spent over 300 UK pounds on me for christmas and now I feel spoiled. Is that normal?
Banned because Sayu married Matsuda.
Banned because I am L.
I will give Cstar the third nomination and also nominate Beucefilous.
And once again my vote goes to tummer.
Not that much really but my adorble sister I think email chat would prove more productive.
Even this insane white faced hermit wouldn't want to relive the horror of Sonic 06
I've already burned out once before. I lost interest when Ruby and Sapphire came out and only got the passin back recently.
Haha why bother with a trivial war When things are so easy to ignore So everyone come here and try your hand Make yourself welcome in this poetic land Most lyrics here are a joy to read for all You can be part of it and stand tall It matters not if you haven't rhymed before Or have written something the masses adore This is a place to rhyme freely Whether it is s long as can be Or written very short but sweetly Just write the way you feel happy There is no one you to impress You do not need any ones approval And don't feel like a poetic mess If someone makes a bad call And now I finally state this fact I grow weary of that weakman's act Only a fool tries to make a happy man badly react Since I have a life outside of this place So get your trivial fueds outta my face You disgrace to the human race.
I vote for Tummer once more.
There is nothing to say mate. I am the same as ever.
Sounds good for you mate.