The writer is back in action and with three stories going all support is greatly appreciated.
I'm in writer mode nothing can scare me right now.
Hello there Matt what can I do for you?
I decided to start my own pokemon based story so here is my opening chapter so enjoy Prologue: A Journey begins On a beautiful Sunday morning a young red headed boy was running down a field heading to a small town called Pallet Town. The boy had a smile on his face because today was the day his life would change forever, the day he gets his first pokemon. He had been thinking about this day for so long he knew instantly which pokemon he would pick when he gets to the professor's lab. After running for what seemed like hours Pallet Town ws in sight. He didn't waste a second as he sprinted straight towards the town butwas going so fast he couldn't stop himself when a Rattata ran into his path. Seeing a tree branch just ahead he quickly jumped and used the branch to swing himself over the pokemon and continue his run towards the lab. Reaching the town the boy slowed down and walked to the lab following the path he learned from his town map. Afer five minutes the boy was at the lab gates when he saw a man in a lab coat waiting there. "Excuse me sir are you Professor Oak?" asked the boy. The man laughed, "No I amhis Aide, The professor is out on his morning rounds and will be back shortly. May I ask what brings you here?" asked the Aide. "My name is James Pyrian, I came here from my home on Cinnabar Island for my first Pokemon" said the boy very excitedly. "Ah yes, we were not expecting you until this afternoon but please follow me" said the Aide as James followed him into the lab. The Aide took James into the lab waiting room and present him with a hot chocolate. "Thanks Sir but can we get to me getting my first Pokemon now please" said James after taking a sip of the drink he was given. "Sorry James but I am not authorized to distribute Pokemon to new trainers. We will have to wait until Professor Oak gets back" said the Aide causing a didappointed look to appear on James' face. "Your wait is over young man I have returned" said a grey hair man in a lab coat. "Professor, you are back early" said the Aide to which Oak nodded as he approached James. "You are James correct?" asked Oak to which James nodded and smiled. "I was not expecting you until this afternoon and haven't had chance to prepare Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle yet I'm afraid" said Oak. "It is alright Professor I have already decided on Charmander for my first Pokemon" said James. "I see well then, why don't you follow me to Charmander's habitat here in my lab" said Oak as James quickly jumped onto his feet and rushed to Oak's side. Professor Oak, His Aide and James then proceeded to the part of the Lab designed with fire Pokemon such as Charmander in mind. "Wait here a second while I gather the Charmander" said Oak as he blew in a Charmander Whistle and within seconds a line of ten Charmanders stood before Professor Oak. "Now then James, why don't you pick which Charmander you would like" said Oak shocking his Aide. "But Professor! It doesn't work that way! You are supposed to examine and pick which one is best suited to be a starter Pokemon for a new trainer" said the Aide. "Yes that is how things normally work but this is a special case. While I was out on my rounds a baby Rattata ran into the path of an young man running at top speed. There was no way he could have stopped himself before reaching the Pokemon and the baby was too scared to move. But thanks to some quick thinking from the young man upon noticing a tree branch he was able to swing himself over the Rattata protecting it from harm. That young man was James here and for quick thinking I believe a reward like picking which Charmander to start his journey with is only fair" said Oak causing James to Blush and the Aide to back off and nodd in agreement. "Go ahead James, pick your own first Pokemon my boy" said Oak as James gulped and walked up to the Charmander nervous about picking one of them. The first Charmander was quite shy and hid it's face behind it's tail flame. Then second one just seemed pretty normal standing in the famous Charmander pose not really standing out at all. The third and forth were in battle seeming to be trying to prove they are the strongest of the group. The fifth and sixth still seemed quite young and were distracted by the clouds in the sky. The seventh, eighth and ninth were each trying to catch James' attention canceling out each other's attempts while the tenth and final Charmander was leaning on a near by rock seeming not interested in being picked at all. With no idea which to pick James looked back at Oak and his Aide seeming to have a few things on his mind. "James if you have some questions to ask feel free to do so" said Oak which James nodded to looking at the Charmander then back at Oak. "If I am right the first Charmander is female and doesn't do well under pressure, the second is a very basic male matching the guidelines for start pokemon to a T. The third and forth are both male and are trying to prove they are strongest because they are siblings and the children of the fire Pokemon leader. The fifth and sixth are both female and have only hatched about two months ago. The Seveth and ninth are both male while the eighth is female, the three were hatched at the same time and grew up together,they most likely have seen a few contests andbelieve showing off is the key to being picked. While the tenth is male and doesn't see the point to acting so stupid, not caring if he gets picked or not. From what I can gather you would have picked the second Charmander for me. Am i right Professor?" asked James. "That is amazing!" Declared the Aide catching James by surprise. "James my boy everything you just said was completely correct. Most trainers can not tell the difference between a male and female Pokemon let alone recognize each pokemon's origin, personality or age with such ease" said Oak quite impressed. "I grew up with Pokemon and have been able to notice such things but professor I still don't know which to pick for my first Pokemon" said a troubled James. "If you can not decide with your head then decide with your heart, close your eyes and think about your perfect Charmander, think about achieving your dream with Charmander at your side. With that in mind think about who that Charmander was when you first met them" said Oak. Taking Oak's advice James did just that and within seconds he knew which Charmander to choose.
I dislike double posting and bumping old threads but I am getting back into action so here is the next chapter. Chapter One: Scottish High Wind The world now in devastation from the diasasters declared in Nojima's prophecy. Families forced out if their homes as the ground cracked and buried everything they owned. Family pets mutated into vicious beasts determined to devour their former owners. Tragedies which resulted in a new beast rising from the graves. It has only been two hours since the broadcast but the world was already in panic. The cities were soon in ruin, the rivers died crimson and the farmlands filled with craters and beasts of what used to be the livestock. Although the world seemed lost many refused to give up and fought back with all they could. But every attack just seemed to knock the beasts out for then to awaken later on. Even knowing any victory wouldn't last people still fought on so they could protect their families and friends. On a farm in Scotland a small family who were together for the first in years hid in the cellar of the farmhouse. The parents held each other close while the youngest son curled up in the corner. The daughter was rolled up in a ball behind her parents while the eldest son stayed near the door with his dog in hand. The entire family in fear that the beasts would swarm them in seconds. They could hear the building above them caving in and the footsteps of the monsters. In a panic the youngest son ran and hugged his father tightly and the daughter doing the same with the mother. Trying to lift his family's spirit the father spoke. "We will be fine. The beasts will die and we will be back to farming before you know it. Back to watching you chasing the dog after losing the lead on your visits. Then going back to town and all your friends."The father said to his youngest son. The eldest son looked back at his family and smiled, "Dad's right it won't be long until i can get back to my dream of running this very farm to success. So don't worry everything will be fine" said the Eldest son as a very strong wind arrived causing the roof to shake and crack above the family. Noticing the cracks, "The roof is caving! Move!" Yelled the eldest son which his family reacted besides the yougest son who was frozen in fear. The father ran back and pulled his son out of the way but wasn't quick enough to get away himself. The roof caved onto his right foot making him unable to walk. The Mother quickly helped free her husband and supported him as they made their way to the exit knowing the beasts were able to get into the cellar now from behind them. The family ran out of the cellar into a powerful gust which slowed them down quite a bit. Realizing the beasts were now packed together and seemed to be following a larger purple beast which seemed to be the cause of the gust. The eldest son knew that his family was doomed unless the beasts were distracted while they escaped. The eldest son shoved his dog into his little brother's hands grabbed a near by punch and jumped onto the farm's tractor. He started the tractor and began heading directly towards the purple beast. "Mikey get back here!" Yelled the father but it fell on death ears. "Get away while you can I'll hold these beasts of while you run!" Declared the eldest son as he jammed the tractor at top speed. The tractor then pinned the purple beast again the wall of the only farm building left which was the barn. Mikey jammed the punch into the tractor engine and jumped off being caught in a gust and blown a distance away as the tractor exploded taking the barn with it destroying the last surviving part of the farm. Thinking the beast was gone Mikey fell onto his knees. "That's it the farm is gone. My dream can never be but at least my family are safe" said Mikey to himself. It was then a roar echoed out of the flames where the barn last stood as the beast came out of the flames. Realizing his plan failed Mikey grabbed a near by stick and got onto the feet ready to fight. "My dream is in ruins, my family are running for their lives while you ****ing beasts swarm the grounds! I'll kick your god damn *****!" Said Mikey as an orange light came from his chest and took the form of an orange pearl. "WHAT THE ****!?" Yelled Mikey as the purple beast let out a gust which blew the pearl against Mikey's chest where it shattered. As soon as the pearl shattered a light engulfed Mikey and he started to change. A golden ring appeared at the ground slowly started to rise, the light faded as the ring reached it. The rising golden ring revealed that his black wellingtons turned into black steeltoed military boots. His old torn blue jeans began to slowly change colour to a dark green while being repaired as the ring continued to rise. As the ring reached his waist the old grey sweater tied around it turned into a blue Jacket that seemed brand new. The ring continued to rise revealing a white short sleeved T Shirt where his old black one used to be. As his hands were revealed the gloves he was wearing became leather gloves and the stick had become a spear. As his face was revealed nothing had changed other than a pair of goggles on his forehead. The ring revealed his hair had turn blond from brown and the light faded away with the ring. "WHAT THE ****JUST HAPPENED!" Yelled Mikey in shock. The beast let out a big roar which resulted in the beasts swarming towards Mikey. Much to his surprise Mikey could now see a bar and the name "Highland Duelhorn" above each beast. As one pounched on him Mikey pierced it with the spear. He saw the bar go down from green to yellow then red. And when the bar was empty the beast faded away completely. Given some hope Mikey attacked the beasts lowing the bars with each strike but becoming more tired too. After many attacks all Highland Dualhorns were gone, Mikey then began to sit down until he heard a loud roar to the right of him. There was the purple beast and like the others, Mikey could see a bar and name but they were different from the others. The Bar seemed longer and the name said "Behemoth" but it was red writing while the others were white.
I've already been talking to Nights about this abd said i'd become Izzy if allowed but I am nit ble to change my name. Also nights is working on an avatar and Sig for me.
For the recird I didnt get an alert either. And @tummer gets my vote.
I wouldn't want to deprive the duck of the only joy he has lol.
Hello Mr Duck. Care to return to the chat?
Geez man i know your jealous but that is no reason to attack me!
My vote goes to Tummer like always.
Because you are awesome!
Why do I fear Ashwin now?
That sounds like a great idea.
Hello mr Soul.
My vote goes to Tummer yet again.
Childhood crushes? The was Jean Grey from X men, Mai Valentine from Yugioh, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny from Pokemon:(Yes I was like brock) Cassandra from the Hercules tv show, LadyDevimon from Digimon and much to my shame now but Gadget from Chip and dale rescue rangers.
Sure this sound like a great idea. And I actually found my Harmonica which means I can resume my attempts of learning to play it.
Happy new year fellow people with no life.
And now i have a new favorite christmas song. Thanks Nick Helm.