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  1. Odamadillo
  2. Odamadillo
    Profile Post Comment

    Not got the time mate

    Not got the time mate
    Profile Post Comment by Odamadillo, Jan 11, 2015
  3. Odamadillo
  4. Odamadillo
  5. Odamadillo
  6. Odamadillo
  7. Odamadillo
  8. Odamadillo
    Here you all go my full results are ther are really weird.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Odamadillo
  10. Odamadillo
    Speaking as a Welshman I can confirm the weather here is horrid.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Odamadillo
    Impressions first and current?
    What is your most favorite game of all time?
    How is the way of a ninja warrior?
    Who are you most like Riku or Sora?
    And who would be your Sora and Kairi or Riku and Kairi?
    Post by: Odamadillo, Feb 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Odamadillo
    My vote goes to Tummer like always.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jan 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Odamadillo
    Profile Post Comment

    It was my pleasure.

    It was my pleasure.
    Profile Post Comment by Odamadillo, Jan 28, 2014
  14. Odamadillo
    Profile Post Comment

    I am fine how about you?

    I am fine how about you?
    Profile Post Comment by Odamadillo, Jan 27, 2014
  15. Odamadillo
    A new year we now reside
    So I speak here with pride
    A new rule I now create
    I no longer tolerate lyrical hate
    So rhyme here without any dark words
    And tweet along with the bird!
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jan 27, 2014 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  16. Odamadillo
  17. Odamadillo
    Been a while my friend.
    Profile Post by Odamadillo for Ienzo, Jan 27, 2014
  18. Odamadillo
  19. Odamadillo


    Phases I've gone through? Good question and for me sadly there is quite a list.
    There is the overly competative phase I went through around the age of 10 because my brother always beat me at everything.
    There was a no white clothes phase I had at 12 but that was because I wore all white when going to a water park big misake.
    There was a Rat tail phase at 15 because I hated the hair cuts my parents forced on me.
    I went through an emo phase from 13-16 because of bullying.
    And that is all I can think of right now.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jan 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  20. Odamadillo
    Sadly I have to double post this update. I hope I won't have to for the next one.

    Chapter Thirteen: Silent Victory

    As Sapphire ran towards Linkman she surprised him and everyone watching as she shoved her spear head into the floor and used it to catapult herself at Linkman to deliver a powerful kick to his gut sending him flying out of the arena into a wall making his health yellow. "Wow it looks like we have a winner. Lets hear it for the Jeweled Dragon better known as Sapphire" said the annoucer as he saw Sapphire take her spear and walk off the stage then jumped back to the roof to watch the up coming fights.
    With her good seat Sapphire had a good view of Bloo, Joser and Joy as they won their battles without much trouble. As the next few fights took place she fell asleep while the other met Xan for food leaving the cloaked one alone.

    "We have see thirty of our contestants fight so it is time for the final battle of today's battles give it up for The Mime and The Sensei" said the Annoucer as a boy ran onto the arena. The boy looked about 15 with black hair. He was wearing civillian wear which were plain white. As he took a strange stance his weapon, a pair of nunchucks appeared in his hands. "The Sensei has arrived to clean house!" Said the boy. The clocked player from the inn walked onto the arena and just stood still causing the annoucer to speak up. "Are you the Mime?" He asked which was responded to with a nod from the cloaked player who didn't remove their cloak.

    "Then let this battle begin!" Shouted the Annoucer waking up Sapphire as Xan, Joy, Joser, Bloo and Linkman returned to the stands to watch the final battle. "I'm The Sensei but you can call me Victor!" Said the boy before becoming angered by his opponent's dismissive actions. Victor ran at The Mime swinging his weapon around accidetally tripping himself up taking some of his health in the process. Everyone bursts out in laughter causing Victor to get onto his feet even more angry. "Quit laughing or I'll make you!" He yelled as he whacked the floor with his nunchucks causing it to crack. Everyone went silent as Victor began another charge towards his foe.

    Swinging his weapon over his head as he ran Victor accidentally mistepped tripping over his own foot missing his foe entirely causing everyone to burst out laughing again. Enraged for being a laughingstock Victor got back onto his feet and began swinging at his foe missing time and time again while The Mime didn't move a single muscle. "Is this kid a serious contestant? He can't even land a single blow" said Linkman. "Don't underestimate him, he could surprise us with his Sword art Ability" said Bloo. "You can't dodge my Ninjax forever" declared Victor as he kept attacking. After swinging several times he stopped to catch his breath and the laughing slowly began to stop.

    "The Mime hasn't made any attacks, that could prove a stupid move" said Joy while everyone else just remained silent. Victor had caught his breath and this aimed for the legs of his foe. He put too much weight on his right side and ended up face down on the arena floor losing about a quarter of his health. After failing to make any contact and almost being in yellow health Victor had no other choice. "Time to break out my ability!" He foolishly yelled as he began to charge with his weapon in both hands. Each end began to glow white as his entire body became engulfed in the glow. He began to take a meditive pose causing everyone to become speechless.

    As the glow grew brighter it began to change colour to red and then to blue to yellow and finally black. "The Sensei will soon strike you down. The Mime is doomed COUNT ON IT!" Yelled Victor as the glow began to fade while he returned to his feet while his right hand moved to hold the same end as is left and the other half of his weapon went behind his back. As Victor was about to swing his weapon forward the words "Ninjax blast" appeared before his eyes which he then shouted out. But sadly he swung his weapon too let as the blast from his ability flew by the Mime's left side causing no harm to him but blowing up a large section of the arena.

    "The kid wasted his ability! Wait look!" Yelled Bloo as he noticed that the attack had blown the cloak off the Mime revealing it was Oda who had fallen asleep on his feet. Sapphire jumped down off the roof in surprise, Bloo and Joser also ran to the arena too slowly followed by Linkman, Xan and Joy. "Stay back otherwise I will have to disquilify you all" said the Annoucer. Everyone stopped in their tracks but Bloo seemed angry. "Hey Kid you should quit! That guy is Oda! He is the guy who beat the Level one Boss!" Yelled Bloo which caused Joy, Xan, Linkman and Victor to gasp. "This guy beat a Boss!?" Yelled Victor in pure shock. But he refused to give up and rushed right at Oda.

    Oda was sound asleep when a gust of wind hit his face causing his hair to blow in the breaze. Sadly the breaze caused Victor's nunchucks to swing infront of his foot causing him to tumble out of the arena while going to yellow health. "W.. we have a winner? The Mime, Oda moves on to the next stage so can someone wake him up?" said the Annoucer. Xan began to whistle the tune he heard the night before which caused Oda to open his eyes as he got out his harmonica and began playing Julia from Final Fantasy eight as he slowly walked past Bloo and the group while Victor was hitting the ground in anger for losing so badly.
    Post by: Odamadillo, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: Archives