" No problem." Jessie said closing the window once he was inside.
Jessie stood up and opened the window for blade.
" Yeah I'm awake." Jessie sighed, she was so embarassed for falling off the bed, she had hoped that maybe she fell off hard enough that she could smash her head and just die right there.
Jessie tossed a lot when she went to bed, and it just so happens that she tossed even more that night, so much that she fell right off the bed and landed on the floor with a loud thud!
Jessie was asleep in her bed. OOC: srry gtg
yeah I know....
OOC: Don't matter to me either ^_^
" Of course." Jessie said.
Yo!!! Just came to say HEY!!!!!! so HEYY!!!!! rofl
" Alright then...." Jessie said.
" You can stay if you want.... I've got a walk in closet and my parents are gone most of the time so we'll have the house mostly to ourselves during the day and stuff." Jessie said.
" Thanks..... I think." Jessie said as she sat down on her bed. " Ok so.... since we only live in an apartment it's going to be kind of hard to hide you.... but my parents don't come in here unless they knock first.... soooo...."
" What have I gotten myself into? Jessie asked herself. She led them all into her room, once they were all inside she shut the door and turned on the light.
" Alright..." Jessie sighed, " Follow me."
" What are you doing?" Jessie asked whispered loudly.
OOC: Sorry was completley loaded on homework BIC: Jessie was lying in bed, she had just gotten yelled at for being almost five hours late of curfew. She wanted to wait just a couple more minutes before she got up and got everyone. When 5 minutes past she slowly crept out of bed and headed out of her room.
" Ok so I'll be back in like 20 minutes." Jessie said as she took out her key, unlocked the door and opened it. As soon as the door was even the slightest bit opened you heard her mom yell her name. " Hey mom." Jessie said nervously as she walked in.
Ayanna sighed.
" Uh yeah." Jessie said as they turned up to her apartment building. " Ok so once we get up to my aparment you guys will have to stay behind the corner until I can come back out and get you.....if that's ok." She said.
" As long as you don't squirm." She said.