" Ok well I've only got my dad's clothes to give you so....." She walked into her parents room and opened the closet and make a wrinkled face. " Ok none of these will work." Then she rushed past them and went back into her room where she kneeled down on the floor near her bed and looked under it, reached under it and pulled out a book. She opened the book and pulled out a bunch of money hidden in it. " I guess we'll have to make a quick pit stop at the nearest clothing store." She said.
Jessie rushed pass them and into the bathroom. She came out with the new clothes on and headed strait back into her room and started brushing her hair in front of the mirror. Then she pulled out her make up and added some more eye liner, eye shadow and some cover-up. Then she looked over at Eric and Jordan and Cannon. " Do you guys want to borrow some clothes?"
She didn't even look at him while yanked clothes out of her closet, throwing them on the floor behind her. Chuckling she said, " No.... no government officials, just a bunch of teens." She pulled out a top and threw it on the bed, then a pair of jeans.
" Well this is the biggest party of the year, and only a select few are invited, but then those people can invite other people and so on so Kelsi got invited and she invited me and now I'm inviting you guys." She said, heading to her room to pick out a new outfit.
" YES!" She said clapping her hands together quickly, then putting the phone to her ear again. " I'll be there!!" She said then hung up.
OOC: =] BIC: "It's a fun gathering.... lots of people, music and stuff." Jessie said.
Jessie looked back at them sheepishly, then carried on with her conversation. "Oh really? Really? REALLY!?!" She kept saying as Kelsi talked on the other end. " Sweet I'll be there, just let me..... oh wait one second." She said and looked back at them again, putting her hand over the speaker of her phone. " Does anyone want to go to a party?" She asked. OOC: hope this is ok........ =]
Just then Jessie cell phone rang, it was her friend Kelsi. She flipped the phone and said. " Hey what's goin on?" There was a girly scream on the other end of the phone. Jessie reacted by closing her eyes tight and pulling the phone away from her ear. " Ok ok, what's going on? What's with the screaming?" " You won't believe what happened!!" Kelsi yelled on the other end. " Hey I'll only listen if you talk quieter." Jessie said calmly, looking back at Eric and Jordan and Cannon for a second before going back to her phone.
Jessie went up to Cannon, " I'm sorry I know this might be a little late but you don't have to stay if you don't want to." She said.
" Oh thank you." Jessie said to Jordan.
" Yeah we can't leave him ou here wounded." She said. OOC: srry i gtg
" Oh well, I don't think it would be good if he died. Here bring him inside and we'll get him fixed up." She said stepping aside.
" Oh! Uh.. it's ok... no need to be sorry." She said putting her hands up.
" Umm.... is anyone hungry?" Jessie asked, trying to change the subject.
" Oh....no...they aren't home....and Eric.....I'm sorry." She said looking down.
You could hear Jessie running from her room. Once the foot steps where so close you could tell she was right next to the door, it flew open. " Eric I'm so sorr...... Oh I'm sorry.... may I help you?" She asked, realizing it wasn't Eric.
OOC: hey sorry I havn't been on.....
" Yeah fine with me." Jessie said
OOC: srry gtg
sorry now try