Well that's one reason why they shouldn't be together because he's so mean to Zero but also for another reason but I don't want to give it...
oh nottin just some conflict between me and my bestie.... she's been really weird and I'm gettin sick of it, but I think it'll all get better once...
oh rofl ^_^ idk dippends on what's goin on, lots of drama so far so that's one of the reasons i havn't been on ( my friend is moving to Idaho =[...
rofl ummm what's chatango? should I know what it is? XP
oh yeah that's all cleared up now, thanks for askin rofl u have a really good memory lol ^_^
nottin much, slow here too rofl man I'm so sorry I like havn't been on
hey just came to say sup! so Sup!!!! ^_^
OOC: k then I guess I'll just pick up where u guys left off BIC: Jessie looked from Cannon to Eric then looked at Saki. " So Saki what are you doing here?"
OOC: Hey really sorry guys but I gtg really really sorry bye BIC: " yeah Blade would you like to come?" Jessie asked
OOC: That's fine BIC: Jessie looked at blade, tilting her head, examining him. " Blade? You got a haircut! I looks so good!" She said walking up to him.
OOC: That's me BIC: " Yeah, now c'mon we gotta get there." Jessie said heading to the counter to pay for the clothes.
OOC: Doesn't matter I personaly like just plain polo's with like stripes or something, doesn't matter though. BIC: " Oh wow, you both look so good." Jessie said looking at Eric and Cannon.
OOC: how bout a polo and some faded jeans
" Ok..... here take this.... and this..... oh and this too" Jessie said handing him a bunch of clothes. " Now go try some of those on."
" Perfect!" Jessie said clapping her hands together quickly then she turned to Cannon. " Would you like to buy something?"
" Here try these on." Jessie said handing him a pile of clothes.
Once she was satisfied she turned back to them. " Ok now let's get a move on." She said and headed out.
"......yeah." Jessie said, as she turned back to the mirror and started working on her hair again.