Ayanna also flew up to the building.
Ayanna followed them.
Ayanna followed Blade.
OOC: kk thanx BIC: Jessie was walking down the street on her way home from school.
Erica was sitting in her cabin looking at her maps.
" I guess we should go see what he found." Ayanna said.
kk sounds good
Ayanna stopped and smiled at him. OOC: Srry i gtg bye
Ayanna smiled until she heard the girl part, but she put it back on and quickly caught up with him. " So who's the lucky girl? Someone from back home?" She asked with her hands clamped behind her back and a smile on her face.
" I know it's tempting to know what will happen but, the fun part is not knowing what happens next and taking that extra step forward towards something amazing."
" Yeah but things aren't really working the way they should latley, I can see only a couple hours at the most....right now that is." Ayanna said tapping her head with her index finger.
" Plans for the future? Keep out of the way as much as possible and hopefully become invisible." She said walking a little faster to catch up with him smiling.
"Same here, you're the only one." She said following him.
" Thanks." She said looking up at him.
Thanx ^_^ Just like old times :cheers:
" Thanks but..... erasing someones memories without asking them doesn't seem very honorable, it seems crule."
Name: Erica Age: 18 Gender: Female Power/Speciality: Shooting Pic: History: The daughter of a farmer, she was going to be married off but just a couple days before her wedding day she ran away. She stowed away on a ship hoping to see new lands but she soon discovered it was a pirates ship. The captian was rather nice and let her stay as long as she worked. And worked she did. Soon she became the first mate and when the captian died in a battle, she became captain. Ship Name: Deaths Angel
" He was going to get himself banished.... I couldn't let him do that.... So I took away all of the memories he ever had of me and the whole thing."
" Yeah.... and....I had to erase the memories of the only person who actually cared." Ayanna said...looking to the ground. OOC: I gtg
" Me? Well....pretty much it was pier pressure....in a way." Ayanna said looking up at the sky. " I wanted to help a group of friends accomplish a life long dream. But I was the only one that had the right kind of powers to help them. I had to kill many people and of course when it was all over I was the only one that was banished... there was only one person that didn't think it was right..."