wat. how did that even work out? and did they eat your leg.
Karukuris are borderline broken, what are you smoking
And isn't stupidly situational and a massive lucksack card? Yeah. 8D
Lucky Stripe is awful... Why go for it when Big Eye exists?
That's not the dub, that's both versions. And Bruno is also a codename. His real name is Johnny, as revealed in one of the Books, I believe.
Have you ever even heard anyone call him Dark Glass? I mean, it was a badass nickname and all, but I don't think I ever heard anyone say it.
The music that plays during Clustering Wishes hax is Yusei Theme. Still should've been Junk Warrior finish, then go to 5D's credits. Oh well, Yusei vs Jack Finale made up for it wonderfully.
But it was still versus Nightshroud during those fights. It was still the man himself, he was just the man behind the man. He was still the Big Bad/Final Boss while being one of the first bosses. >Yami Bakura >Actually Die wat. >Yusei WHEN? Both times were thanks to his father, and need I remind you that the second time was the most outstanding thing that the man ever did in his short bursts of screen time. Bitchslap
Hold on now, you can fight the final boss of a game as a first boss. They just undergo their One Winged Angel transformation during the final fight. Even though he wasn't the first boss, Nightshroud is a perfect example. So is Bakura.
It's not really situational. I mean, for the thing for a card being okay to discard in your hand... Summoner Monk still got hit.
Axel: Forever AFK
Kinda part of the Evil Overlord character's job to sit back and relax while other villains do things. I mean, you think because Oda Nobunaga was too busy drinking sake out of skulls while Mitsuhide was killing people means Mitsuhide was the real villain? Noooooo. He was called the Demon King for a reason, broham.
Ooooh, that's why. Thought this was for something else lol. I mean, Woodsman's effect. Huh, guess our decks do work differently then. I use Prisma...
Since when?
Go ahead. Parallel World Fusion isn't really as useful since it kinda stops Fusion Spam for that turn, soooo... yeah, put in the Super Polys....
Christ, you should've told me sooner if this was giving you health risking problems, Jaden. I apologize, seeing as both times were my fault.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn't mean it to come out as lashing at you or making you look like an idiot, relax! And the others are right, if the stress nearly gave you a heart attack, you really should stop for awhile.
Because I play the game and used to main Blackwings back before and two formats after they sucked?