... I'm looking forward to this. The chance of getting Fusion Gate/Terraforming in your hand is ridiculously high. Any deck that runs 3 Terraforming and 3 of a Field Spell is very likely to get it in their opening hand. This is from personal experience.
Guys, it's a viable deck. It's Heavy Bomber Phoenix OTK. Without the Phoenix. Also hell no @ stories i hate that one especially D:
Have you tested this? ... depends what bedtime story
Anyone? Phantom Of Chaos would stay removed.
Ooooh, I've never seen him in a shade of blue. xD Kinda looked like Kaito. Nice find. Pffft. Fien. I'll get some pics. >/ Also, thank you...
Seriously, these are nice. Who's the third one? I'm thinking Izaya but I can't tell. o_O Couldn't find Hiruma/Agon pics to use, btw? Don't mind...
LP: 8000 Customs: No Anime Exclusives: Up to you Video Game Exclusives: Up to you God Cards: Up to you First Player: You Number of Cards per Deck: 40-60. This option is stupid for non-random. Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None Using my Disaster Dragons to see how ******ed they are in non-random.
Ditto is genderless and rapes everything in Day Care though.
... love you forever bro.
konami what the hell are you doing
Order Of Chaos Page, but you already found it. Yeah, it's real. We're ****ed. Just. ****ed. Stupid Dragonic Legion. >_> Broke Dragons more than they even had too.
I couldn't help but just laugh at how Aporia accepted everything was over with the most horrified and hilarious tone of voice possible. Love how he lampshaded 4kids' end of 5D's with that immediately too.
No one likes 4kids because they assume that we're all children. Yugioh is NOT a kids show. Zexal is debatable, but it is most certainly not. Season 0, DM, AND 5D's all prove this. The lines are idiotic, the name changes just make no sense half of the time, and a stupid amount of stuff is skipped. Don't call me a weeaboo for this, but I greatly dislike 4kids dubs because they turn an Anime for men into a cartoon for six year olds. THAT SCENE LOL "NOOOOOO. THE ARK CRADLE IS DISAPPEARING. I HAVE FAILED, THE CITY AND IT'S PEOPLE ARE NOW SAFE!"
YOU BEST MAKE ME PROUD KAIBABOY. /pegasus incredibly. good job sir.
You must watch Sengoku Basara. It's so manly and badass. FFFFF- DOOD, I DEMAND A LOAD OF THESE and i will be surprised 8D
wat. um err uhhhh My favorite anime character... there's a lot of options. Every character in Sengoku Basara, especially Masamune. Sena...
... um i think you're overexaggerating a tiny bit earthbound + uria + god card wouldn't work at all... it would be incredibly inconsistent also, someone duel me on dn EDIT: never mind...
Oooooh. dammit fred, you and your confusing posts Dx