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  1. Zeonark
    Brooklyn, that's not the point.
    That would only give us more reason to leave it banned and not have any discussion on it at all.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  2. Zeonark
    If he's quitting, he's giving up on the Arena. Something that, thanks to his dedication, has made it to version seven. That's at least 30000+ posts

    I know he's still dueling, and I know he'd come back eventually. But why let him leave just as simply as that anyway? Eliminate the problem that made him even think about it completely.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. Zeonark
    Well yeah, Super Poly rapes everything.

    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  4. Zeonark
    My point exactly.
    In non-random, "How do I beat it?" is the question for LaDD.

    Nothing you can do or say? Nothing?
    I did something. What's your actual excuse?
    Also, if he decided on suicide, would you support that?

    I do admit, it is fairly easy to make it with LaDD, but it's still not flat out unbeatable. We've successfully established this.

    But the same could be said for Quasar.
    It's up to you, but I still say we should just limit LaDD instead of completely banning it.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  5. Zeonark
    Dodger Dragon can break that whole combo with the example I used with Brooklyn.
    Summon Dodger
    Use 2 MST
    Kill LaDD

    Look, I should apologize for coming off as an ass, but I've seen a lot of people who get much more aggressive when someone speaks their mind in opposition. I don't want to see you turn out as someone like that, and I don't want to see you go over something silly.

    I wasn't going to butter you up with nice words and encourage your leave like Axel with a promise to duel you again one day, I wanted to make my point and keep you here.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  6. Zeonark
    That's why we love you though.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. Zeonark
    I could care less if the discussion was to try to get it unbanned. I just wanna get it into Jaden's head that he doesn't need to rage when someone counters his logic.

    That was four. Still, I don't know why Droid thought that was a good idea either.
    In fact, LaDD + a bunch of sets is idiotic.




    I am using my head, thank you very much. If it's no big deal in random draw duels, why would it be more powerful in a place where you can pick any draw you want?

    Um, bro, if someone set 5 Counter Traps even without LaDD, that should be considered cheating on it's own since you set up a "Negate Everything" play.

    Oh, and


    Also, I'd appreciate if you don't say:
    My friend, I go into arguments knowing what I'm saying.
    Otherwise, I'd keep my mouth shut and let you leave without a word. But that's just it, I'm not letting my friend leave for such a stupid reason.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. Zeonark
    Goddammit, why are you people even putting face downs into the LaDD discussion?
    Someone, please tell me.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  9. Zeonark
    Brooklyn did nothing wrong here though.
    ... Except if he was the one to bring up LaDD again to begin with.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. Zeonark
    Yet if people come up with combos to defeat it and come up with multiple reasons why it shouldn't be banned, what then? You're proven wrong. Konami goes through the same silly discussions and somehow ended up unbanning Black Luster Soldier. It's painfully obvious why THAT needs to be banned, but you don't see Konami losing their cool over it, do you?

    People aren't ganging up on you. There are just more people with differing opinions. You're stubborn about keeping it banned, some others will be stubborn on proven how it could be fair at say, limited.

    Yes, people can see what you're talking about. But I, for one, don't think it's totally banworthy. The banlist goes for the most unbeatable of cards and requires at least a -5 to be defeated(... I question why Konami limited Librarian/Formula instead of Quasar). I've seen LaDD killed lots in random duels, so it should be even easier in a place where you can freely pick what you draw.

    And for the umpteenth time, the whole "drop ladd and set a bunch of cards" doesn't work because LaDD also negates the controller's stuff and then pops EVERYTHING they control when it dies. Not only that, but dropping a beatstick with a power that exceeds LaDD's after it has negated something is even simpler.

    If you're really leaving, I won't stop you. Just know, you're leaving for the wrong reason.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  11. Zeonark
    We present counterarguments and discuss why the card is banworthy/not-banworthy. It's normal card discussion. Honestly, it sounds like you're angry just because someone doesn't agree with you.

    Besides, I don't know why you're quitting. This discussion has been brought up at least three times and not a single time has LaDD been used on you again. Not only that, but you love the arena, so quitting for something as stupid as this is just idiotic. You banned it, so why even keep getting involved with the topic if it's only going to bring this out of you? Not like anyone defied you and dropped it on you again.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  12. Zeonark
    Your signature is hypnotic.
    Profile Post by Zeonark for Laurence_Fox, Dec 5, 2011
  13. Zeonark
    Yeah, but when it comes to a bannable card, you see Jaden is just going to flip the **** out when anyone presents a counterargument and quit for the fifth time.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  14. Zeonark
    So I come back to see LaDD discussion again.
    I didn't miss much, what happened in the RP?

    **** it, you guys won't listen to me anyway.
    Just stop having card discussions.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. Zeonark

    >Abridged Kaiba and Kaito

    Kaito turned in shock to see the stray blast that had most likely just killed someone. Before he could even begin to fathom what in god's name just took place, a man began screaming at the top of his lungs. The person's voice was familiar... it was probably just a poor fool who lost a comrade.

    Unfortunately, the hunter didn't seem to give a damn in the slightest. He was more concerned with the army coming at them, and what the hell could have even fired that shot.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  16. Zeonark
    For the record, I blame Axel entirely.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  17. Zeonark
    Unless it was done before Sephiron's summoning even began to take place, he would still be summoned.
    If it hit the field, then putting those cards back in the Deck wouldn't matter.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  18. Zeonark
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. Zeonark
    >back in the day
    You're... not 16.

    >Don't even know slang
    You're not a teenager.
    Post by: Zeonark, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: The Playground