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  1. Toon-Girl-Abby
    I'm not angry. Somewhat annoyed, yes. But not angry.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  2. Toon-Girl-Abby
    You just had to re-open that wound, had you?

    This isn't a formal RP. Just an excuse (plot) for more duels. Everyone who post here knows that.

    Now we would be getting more duels started if @Jaden Yuki answered to solve our dilemma.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  3. Toon-Girl-Abby

    @Yakumo : Zarc.

    @Toon-Girl-Abby : Yuma Tsukumo.

    @Jaden Yuki : ???

    Given my game master status, I wonder if I will have to two-time and be Academia characters too to keep the RP in check.


    I wonder where @SirFred131 , @Brooklyn and @StardustXtreme are. I know @WhiteRose-Aki is still active, I wonder if she would join in.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  4. Toon-Girl-Abby
    I need to know who everyone wants to be so I can properly construct the RP.

    I can't assume that Jaden wants to be Haou or Jaden or a pony, because that would influence how I write the scenario.

    Or you got super sensitive when everyone assumed you were a villain in a previous RP.

    As a placeholder, everyone assume I'm gonna be Yuma.

    Alright, but I wish more people participated.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  5. Toon-Girl-Abby
    You also didn't reply if you would be Zarc.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  6. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Will @Fearless join our RP?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  7. Toon-Girl-Abby
    So you are gonna be Zarc?

    If yes, then I only need to wait for @Jaden Yuki to tell us which character he wants to use.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 20, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  8. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Hoverboards, yanno, hover.

    Anyways, it's FUSION INVASION. An AU take where we can pretend that Leo is not a Gendo ripoff and they are actual card game nazis. AKA mixing Academia with Dark World.

    If @Jaden Yuki still wants, he can be Jaden and Academia will hunt him down for refusing to join.

    Or he can be Haou Mk. I and be the main villain.

    Though I do wonder if someone would want to be Haou Mk. II (aka Zarc) and what would happen if both Haous met...

    Or he can be a pony and we move the invasion to Equestria. It doesn't matter since it's an interdimensional invasion quest.

    You can choose your character. Will you be part of FUSION MASTER RACE ? Or from GLORIOUS MOTHER ZEXAL/XYZ/HEARTLAND? Or a neutral party?

    (If you do pick Vector, he can be turned into evil versus evil or Vector can be a very murderous Anti-Hero or whatever flavour you want)

    Depending on who you choose, I'll pick my own character. It may Yuma, Vector (if you pick Fusion), the Sisters or Sora (either of the latter two if you pick a heroic/neutral character).

    If someone else joins this thing too, I might even be KH!Sora and use a LIGHT deck.

    It really depends on who you choose, Yakumo, and who Jaden chooses. The context/storyline is there at least.

    So, what do you say?[/I]
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 20, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  9. Toon-Girl-Abby
    That's not a hoverboard.


    So, is everyone OK with setting for the RP?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 18, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  10. Toon-Girl-Abby

    So long as Ono is fired and/or Yoshida is back and put on a leash, I'm fine with this. Heck, I still believe that Ono and Yoshida working together would be fix their mutual mistakes with the franchise. Their best pretty much cancel the other's flaws.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 17, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Toon-Girl-Abby
    @Jaden Yuki was back and I missed?! GOSH DARN IT!

    Why I didn't even get a notification? TT_TT

    This just gets worst and worst.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Dec 14, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  12. Toon-Girl-Abby

    I just wanted to give more life to this place.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Aug 18, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  13. Toon-Girl-Abby
    "Heck with this, why don't we do RPs anymore?"

    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Aug 11, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  14. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Yes, @Yakumo but what happens when Jaden comes back and thinks the same I did?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Aug 4, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  15. Toon-Girl-Abby
    But that is usually used for the dead.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Aug 4, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  16. Toon-Girl-Abby
    He is not dead, you fool!
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Aug 4, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  17. Toon-Girl-Abby
    This is @Jaden Yuki right now.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Aug 4, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  18. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Yeah. So? You could post something better tan that.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jul 28, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  19. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Who cares.

    I understand but Sora's deck used to be kill or die so having a bog-standard piercing monster would help a lot.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jul 27, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  20. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Piercing would be useful for Sora's deck. None of the Frightfurs have that effect.

    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jul 26, 2016 in forum: The Playground