Oh, yeah. OK. So, do we RP? I need to do something to get over this bitter taste I have right now.
Awww, I thought it was funny. I just can't find if it was a legit interaction or just photoshop shenanigans. And if it's legit, if there are more crossover interactions. Also, darn all new D Heroes. The Ultimate D was not made for idiotic fusion things. But the other HERO things are cool. I can't believe they actually released more Vision Heroes. Am I deluded to think this could mean they will finally release more Evil Heroes? I mean, Vision Heroes had a shorter run than Evil ones, and that's saying a lot.
Is your body ready for RPs? And btw, you didn't comment on the TFS screenshots I left you.
Do we keep doing our YGO-themed RPs? Maybe we could put you in a position where you don't need to duel... But we would need for @Yakumo to come back. How come he hasn't been here?
So, do we continue having RP duels? That's the best solution I can find. For @Yakumo: Spoiler: TAG FORCE SPECIAL FUN
That's just too sad. So you won't be joining a RP if I do make one in the RP Arena? Though looking at it, the RP Arena has too many rules and would end asphyxiating us. I wonder if I really should do this.
Asking here because I don't have the slightest idea how and I don't know anybody outside this place but how would I make a RP? Would anyone here be interested in just abandoning and nuking this ghost ship and start an actual RP in the Roleplaying Arena? And a basic idea what do you want on a RP so you can stay interested since a RP that doesn't advance gets locked.
"So am I the only one that cares?"
"So I decided to make my come back, only to find that nobody is actually on! What the heck, peoples?! I thought this was the Card Games Worlds!! Why aren't there ANY card games?!" OOC: To revive this Arena!! No, seriously. Why @Yakumo and @Jaden Yuki haven't answered or said anything? Am I the only one who cares?
Hey? Why I don't get alerts about these messages.
How did you spent it? Bit of semi-useless info: Silver appears in Pokemon Generations so I could theoretically go back to RP as him some day. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you ready for You Suck Yusaku? View attachment 46128
Well, I did warn you.
You are still being mean, man.
Oh, no. Not this again. I once tried to create my own RP and failed horribly, which is the reason why I reacted poorly to Fearless suggesting this idea. That and well, the RP setting I was talking about was based on Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V and tailored for more duels. Maybe if you help me, we can build this thing off. I still need to write these two fanfics but I have got no idea on how so a RP where ideas are thrown could do me some good. Mostly the setting is the Trope Pantheon AU (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Pantheon/TropePantheons), where different characters in media are gods of some trope. The scenarios I need to write about are how Jaden, Kouta Kazuraba (Kamen Rider Gaim), Madoka Kaname, Flynn (SMT IV), Yu Narukami (Persona 4) and Makoto Naegi form a new group of hope called Kibou Go! for the Grand United Alliance of Good for moral support after the disasters of the Homura Rebellion and Project Alternate Gentaro. I still need a villain for this one. The other scenario is where the goddess of Yandere, Yuno Gasai (Future Diary) and somme friends rebel against Yuuki Terumi (BlazBlue) and join the Grand United Alliance of Chaos, but this provokes Terumi into using the Scharlarot (Arcana Heart 3) mecha Ragnarok to kill them off. I also had this stupid scenario that I did not intend to write where Vector, Vanitas and Bernkastel propose a "game" of sorts. The Numbers are unleashed in the Pantheon and anyone could be a Holder. Nobody except the Game Masters know what is going on. Duels aren't necessary because the gods of the Pantheon have different powers but Team Yuma asks for the help of the friendship asylum veterans (that is, Gentaro Kisaragi, Sora, Pinkie Pie and maybe Yugi) plus his friend Miyuki Hoshizora. Spoiler: SPOILERS FOR YAKUMO The reason for the game is that Vanitas wants to corrupt Yuma and Astral into becoming Dark ZEXAL again because Yuma could become ZEXAL Hope and attract Xehanort's attention to forge the X-blade, something Vanitas does not want because he wants to be the one doing that. Vector is actually aiming to protect Yuma (this takes place post-series) from this but knows that Yuma becoming ZEXAL Hope could lead to the end of the world as we know. He only called on this Shadow Game so he could keep tract of Vanitas' actions better. Bernkastel is an arbiter of sorts, not minding either outcome because of the suffering involved. The game consists in that Vanitas is allowed to use this Numbers Hunting scenario to try and corrupt Yuma and Vector has to try to avoid it without Yuma finding out Though we can still do your pony thing with this AU in mind, since the Mane 6, Spike, Discord and most of the villains are ascended. I don't know what you want. Though I'm not exactly interested about it right now because I have missed season 5 and most of season 6, and the movie because of darn Discovery Kids and their stupid time to air it and they air episodes randomly from all six seasons when it's not a premiere and the RNG hates me. Ha! I knew it! Told you so, @Yakumo! You really do need to stop being a jerk some times.
It's not just you. But I also think that he looks too much like Vector. I despectively call him "Discount Vector" as a result.
Oh, please don't remind me >Me after finding out that Spoiler Crow might be coming back >almost at the same time that Sora could be carded by Zarc The writers are the Grinch now. (The attachment won't appear now matter what). Spoiler It was a GIF of Yuma getting his riceball stolen by a crow, which is how I feel about ARC-V right now EDIT: Why the attachment is appearing now? (Sort of) I hate this website.
Merry Christmas. View attachment 46052
You are going to completely annihilate Sora anyways, so wait now?
Huh. So let's duel! I will be Sora and you can be Vector! But not now, tomorrow since I'm busy. Unless you are fine with waitng. And what deck will Veccy use?
Is Elder Entity Norden there? Or Zoodiac cards? Or Kaiju (like Interrupted Kaiju Slumber)? Ask @Yakumo. But which character are you gonna use?