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  1. Toon-Girl-Abby
    We can still have fun with our pet decks here!
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 31, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  2. Toon-Girl-Abby
    But I can't download them.

    I wish we could go back to duels... This was the purpose of the thread.

    As for myself... I don't know what character to pick up. I have been doing a RP as of lately where I was a psychotic obsessed boy.

    But you can choose what character from other RPs you want me to be.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 31, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  3. Toon-Girl-Abby
    In other news:

    Should I or shouldn't I? Is there any catch for this miracle of the Egyptian Gods?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 31, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  4. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Alright, then I may be Silver or my OC!!!

    Funny thing, I had an idea for a fanfic long ago for Pokémon that was essentially ARC-V before it was a thing.

    Mostly, Ash has finally become tired of always losing and finds the ball thing that contained the King of Pokélantis and decides to go evil, starting with eliminating Paul first (I made concept fresh of Diamond and Pearl, go sue me). He and the king are eventually sealed, and then the story starts with his daughter and son, ignorant of it all.

    I even had a Leo Akaba, but mine was actually evil.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 30, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  5. Toon-Girl-Abby
    OK, Yakumo will be our villain, I will be the hero (es) and who will be @Jaden Yuki ?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 30, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  6. Toon-Girl-Abby
    What character do you want to be?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 30, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  7. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Ah, alright. Just tell me who you want to be and let's see if @Yakumo comes back to have more people.

    The only constant is that this is still going to be Yu-Gi-Oh! and only Yakumo ans I will duel.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 29, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  8. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Still, I say we need to RP and possibly duel. This thread has gone on decay.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 24, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  9. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Does this mean that you want to go back to RP Silver?

    Also, I just remembered that there may be more characters in Pokemon named after colors.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 24, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  10. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Red, Blue/Green, Gold, Silver. Yellow, Black and White if you count the manga.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 24, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  11. Toon-Girl-Abby
    But I don't understand. You can post just fine now. As I said before, just use a cell phone or any other mobile you have until you can solve the problem in your computer. The mobile version seems to have improved, at least from what I can experience.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 23, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  12. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Change the antivirus programs? They might not be able to fix the problem with your computer.

    Or google your situation , god knows that there are virus that go unnoticed by the antivirus, like DRIVE.bat (that one got real annoying in my house).
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 22, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  13. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Use mobile?

    And shucks, this sucks. We have enough people but we can't make the RP anyways.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 22, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  14. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Change your internet connection or use mobile.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 21, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  15. Toon-Girl-Abby
    I guess that since you are Misawa, you will be either from GX!Academia or ARC-V!Academia, depending on how we do this.[/QUOTE]
    Very well then!

    I guess, according to what @Yakumo said, you will be Bastion Misawa from GX.

    Someone gotta be Z-Arc, who will be our main antagonist. Maybe @Yakumo will fulfill that role.

    I might RP Yuma again, from ZEXAL.

    And @Jaden Yuki is allowed to be anyone he wants so long as it's a non-action guy. He doesn't want duel anymore but he can help advance the plot!

    Plot be like: Z-Arc is once again trying to destroy the worlds! But this time, he also gets involved the different timelines/dimensions from the actual previous Yu-Gi-Ohs! (And not just the theme park versions like with ARC-V).

    Will our heroes be able to finish this menace?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 17, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  16. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Well, we were just about to create a new RP for us to duel! Wanna join?

    I guess that since you are Misawa, you will be either from GX!Academia or ARC-V!Academia, depending on how we do this.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 17, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  17. Toon-Girl-Abby
    With what evidence? Rokujurou doesn't count as he is only a nod and there is never any evidence that Kaiba Corp even exist in the first place.
    Maybe me?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 17, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  18. Toon-Girl-Abby
    That sounds like a good idea!

    Though ZEXAL might still count as a different dimension if we focus on that, but only if we focus on that
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 17, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  19. Toon-Girl-Abby
    Well, I still want to an ARC-V themed RP. The problem is that which dimension should focus on.
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 17, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  20. Toon-Girl-Abby
    So, what would we be the scenario? Or should I make it myself?
    Post by: Toon-Girl-Abby, Jan 17, 2017 in forum: The Playground