Infuriating is trying to wait for an answer of a RP. Especially you already thought ahead for your character's actions. I know what I'm saying, I'm still waiting for a reply of a RPer in another thing.
Well, try to answer whenever you can.
You have to use the save option to save your post before sending it. And I'm starting to think that it's just KH Vids. View attachment 46386
(I just plain don't try because they are bound to fail! Your attack did quite a bit of damage this time, hence his anger) "You think that's gonna be enough? Let me tell you something! It's not!" "Feraligatr! Use Aqua Tail again!"
Bisharp's attack missed! "If you are going to attack, do it with an attack that doesn't have this horrible accuracy. Seriously. What an idiot!" "Now, Feraligatr! Use Aqua Tail!"
"Humph! Let's see what you are made of! Go Feraligatr!"
(OOC: I had been too much in-character for another character I guess. I'm trying to write a story. Let's just say he said heck or that he was truly weirded out by Jake) "And you think you could beat me with that? Ha!"
"You are in the world of Pokémon." View attachment 46349 "And what the hell is that thing? *pointing to Jake*" View attachment 46350 (OOC: Your images broke... EDIT: Or they just don't appear on my browser)
(A... Villain... I guess I will have to be Silver again. I will answer to Finn tomorrow, I don't have my images for him right now)
(Yeah, but I haven't RP in a while so I don't know if you want a hero or a villain here. OK, I have been RP'ing, but the character I'm roleplaying isn't exactly fitting and would be just plain random)
So, what character do you want me to be?
Oh, that's sad to hear. :(
You... You don't know? View attachment 46337
That's why I posted the link for dueling nexus, which seems to be DN's spiritual succesor. Though I still need to duel on it to know.
*sighs* I can't download that for the love of me. I don't have the space for it on my laptop or my cell phone.
Wanna duel? It may have to be today when it's not midnight though.
The worst deck is actually Neospacians+Neos. They would need to retrain Neos and find a better way around their stupid mechanic to work.
By the way, can someone recommend me some Pendulums for a Harpie Deck? I hate them with all of my being but mass-summons always benefit Harpies so I'm giving them one chance.
No, I don't have the space for that.
You know that you are better than me. Though I would still recommend trying to at least see some decks. This Kozmo archetype sounds so funny.