Dear Pyro It is 11:38 at night and I got bored So I made this for you [IMG] Love Crumpet x
All the ones people have given me have been 5 minute paint drawings haha! But if you don't want to, you don't have to. I'm fine xD
My washing machine sounds like the TARDIS xD
wow o.o? Can you draw my portrait haha?
It's laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate here Well not that late. I should be in bed... but I can't be bothered haha!
What came first? The rooster or the egg? Did anything interesting happen in the three months I was gone?
Hello to you too
There's reasons as to why I don't watch them shows and everyone here thinks it's so amazing. I wanna kill them more than I wanna kill the characters on the show.
How much wood would Woodchuck chuck if the Woodchuck could chuck wood? What letter comes after z?
Damn, he came back Good thing the bus was nearly here, I used it as an escape route or whatever I'm at the library now xD.
If someone came at you with a sausage to attack you, what would you do?
Nah, it'll be okay, this always happens. It started with me not saying hello to her friend who picks fights with my dad. Honestly why would I say...
been outside haha... how are you? Children are the symbol of pea-*shot*
Batman. Well I never played the last two, and I don't like Ratchet and Clank, but Batman is fun. Some of the cell mates are idiots and they are really fun to kill. The bosses are hard too... I got killed by that guy who was Poison Ivy's partner like 8 times before my brother thought it was getting sad and helped me. Scarecrow is so bloody scary!
Tired. I've just been arguing with my mum for the last two hours.
I don't watch much anime, but the last series I finished was Ouran High School Host Club. I wanna watch it again, but my friend has it and it's still expensive here. Sad.
d'aww that was cute :3
my body is tired... I hate my bed.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow", Lily shouted as she waved her friends farewell. The group had just finished their trip to the mall and had made plans to hang out the next day. Splitting from her friends meant that she still had a half an hour walk to her father's house which meant she had to pass several public places. It would normally take ten minutes, but their was a girl older than her that took too much interest in her life, and it would slow her down a lot. Passing several shops and business buildings, she started to walk past the library as she would normally, though this time a boy had left who she hadn't met. Smiling a hello at him as she walked past, she had distracted herself from the path, resulting in her tripping over a crack.
Wet Floor Signs are no match for my strange stockings.