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  1. Crumpet
    Oh gosh, I just realised that I put Dead, instead of Dear in the title. Silly me~! I wonder if anyone else noticed.

    Yep, I remember LilBueno. Hi Alex!
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 13, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Crumpet
    I actually remember you all, except the for last guy... unless you got your name changed or something! I'm still getting used to this forum layout. Took me 10 minutes to find out how to post haha!! Thank you all so much for the welcomes!
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Crumpet
    Atlantica... no action... just really... REALLY crappy singing. It's basically DDR and Singstar put together.

    Sora's air-headedness pissed me off, I guess he had an excuse. He was sleeping for a year, but still, he seemed more determined and knowledgable in the first game.

    Easier than KH1

    Donald and Goofy still are brainless in combat. Some reason during the Demyx fight at HB, Goofy thought it was funny to aim at me. Sure, it didn't affect me, it did distract me though and I lost a bit of health coz Demyx showed a bit of brains and took advantage.

    The Demyx water challenge. I never died at all during the game, but I lost to that challenge once. I do not count that as dying and apparently neither does the game because it didn't come up as a death at the end.
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Crumpet
    The new girl looks wierd. Her hair is crazy. Why is it that the starting water pokemon is always the cutest and the grass one looks wierd?
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  5. Crumpet


    Being sixteen here made you feel more like an adult, I guess it's coz when you're eighteen, you are an adult here, but yeah, don't know about overseas. You can drive when you're sixteen here. Happy birthday by the way!
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Crumpet
    Oh my god! The movie was amazing. Spanish Buzz was the funniest thing I've seen all year! I had to hold back tears at the end. I loved the little girl, I wish she was my sister! I wish I had a sister!
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. Crumpet
    Hi Hayley, Hi Chevalier!

    I don't think I could forget your username The Fuk?

    I'm hoping to at least kill the final boss before the end of my winter holidays, thank god Uni holidays are longer. >: )

    I'm happy that I was missed! Thanks to Uni, I'm a lot happier, which is wierd! xD

    I'm looking for a new avi. More Happier. My siggy dissapeared too!
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Crumpet
    Bagpipes might work.
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Crumpet
    Likes.... giant birds?
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  10. Crumpet

    It's nice to know that I was noticed. I was kind of expecting, "OHMAHGOSH, you left"? I can just talk to you though! xD
    Post by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Crumpet
    Profile Post

    Hiii! .

    Hiii! .
    Profile Post by Crumpet for Dinny, Jul 12, 2010
  12. Crumpet
  13. Crumpet
    Profile Post

    I'm sooo sorry.

    I'm sooo sorry.
    Profile Post by Crumpet for Catch the Rain, Jul 12, 2010
  14. Crumpet
    Hello again,

    I must apologise for my second dissapearance. To those who know me, I apologise, especially to CtR, for leaving before your reply. To those who are new, it's gonna take me some time to get used to you, which I apologise also. I'm not good with names.

    The reason for my dissapearance was my constant freaking out. There was a lot of changes, most good, but I had to get used to them. I got into the University I wanted (BTW, I live in Australia), and I am becoming Australian in two months in order to afford it. If any Aussie's are out there, please help me with choosing between Liberal and Labor. I offically hate both parties! I'm the youngest in my classes, which is good and bad in some ways, good that everyone seems impressed by my age, (which to me is odd, I am 17), but bad because the legal drinking age is 18 and all my friends go out and I can't go. I just learnt that I passed my first semester at University, which I'm very proud of, I'm also planning on moving onto campus, so I have to get fees sorted out for them too.

    I've been trying to finish FFXIII for a while, and my save got deleted at Chapter 12, so I've been busy these holidays wanting desperetely to finish.

    I hope that the members I was close to before I left don't hate me! I do apologise again, and in good time, I still hope to get the question time! Haha. I also have to get used to the layout! It's confusing!
    Thread by: Crumpet, Jul 12, 2010, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Crumpet
    Profile Post

    we have no feet haha!

    we have no feet haha!
    Profile Post by Crumpet for Princess Luna, Jan 10, 2010
  16. Crumpet
  17. Crumpet
    For the first and only time, the local toy store "Mr Toys" (creative huh?) was advertising a game by hanging up posters and stuff. Seeing as it was released just after my birthday, I didn't get a pricey present from my brother as he decided to save up for it. Of course I play any game of his that intrests me, and the day he got it, I was at my friends so he was at Destiny Islands when I first saw him play. Didn't know about BIGGIANTEVILSHADOWHEARTLES!
    Post by: Crumpet, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Crumpet
    I'm at dad's I'm safe now xD
    Profile Post by Crumpet for Dinny, Jan 9, 2010
  19. Crumpet
    3 + 3 - 3 x 3 / 3 = ?
    Post by: Crumpet, Jan 9, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Crumpet


    I'm doing the same... except I'm in Australia... gonna be hard ignoring you guys when you're playing it.
    Post by: Crumpet, Jan 8, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone