lol okay Without children, there will be no reason to ex-*shot* oh lol that one was kinda emo
lol that was me being uncreative, next time I play, I'll screenshot it for you!
Damn you and these questions xDD Alice tried to avoid answering, she didn't really get a good enough look at the others before she left, instead she looked up at the sky which changed colour, making her curious.
I've been playing sims 3 today, and I'm playing on my legacy and I totally forgot that one person was an author, so when I was going through the...
Lol I like this one :3 Did you know your awesome?
Hello, my name is Crumpet What is yours?
Why did I only notice this thread now? I'm sorry Haylz, I didn't get to ask you some of my random questions yet. Since I can't think of any at the moment... First Impression Impression Now? I have a feeling Pyro has already or is going to ask this... but can you draw a portrait of me on paint... I'm starting to collect them, it's funny what people come up with.
Damn... lol... these questions are hard. Also you guys are posting at 6 am my time... I'm doing 12 pm but I can't after next week. I have school again. It took some time before she could answer, she didn't get to know the others before leaving, and she was the last to wake up, so she didn't get to spend as much time with the others. "I didn't get to speak to them before we arrived", she admitted, "There was too much going on".
I will try!!! Children keep us entertained through the power of lo-*shot*
Who bumped it, coz I can't be stuffed looking.... and it was on top of the thread list when I saw it, and I didn't realise it was created in 2008