^ Has seen it probably as many times as I have < Has started writing TF fanfic V Also writes fanfic
^ Is wrong (loves TFA Ratchet) < Ratchet and Jazz from G1; Ratchet and OP from '07 movie, Hot Rod and Kup from the '87 movie V has no idea what we are on about
Is a faster poster than me!
Has a huge yacht
^ Until all are one! < Prefers Ratchet to OP V has a different fav
Drives a truck
Has been here less time than me
People like to pigeonhole others and say hurtful things to make themselves feel better and more superior. Racism sucks and I totally disagree with it. I couldn't care less where someone comes from, what they believe or what they look like. If someone accepts me then I accept them. Simple as that. People who deride others just to make themselves feel superior are sad.
Lives in a cave
^ Doesn't know I have Inu DVDs and manga < Is a BIG TF fan V Has no idea what TF is
Loves playing forum games
Is a stalker on the forum
Is that zombie O.o
Wants a big sig!
Has pink hair
Eats kittens for breakfast
Bye Sara. We didn't really talk but I respect and like you, and this site will be poorer with you gone. Have fun and hope life smiles on you!
Is actually Johnny Depp
I wish! Is a big Demsy fan
^ Doesn't know me < Is British V has no idea where they are from