I dunno. The laugh's not bad. :3
:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
I'm kinda wondering what I should do for my next update for Wedding. For the Sora's allies vs. Org XIII, I don't know whether to try and do a super-mega long chapter (that I've been unsuccessfully able to finish since April) or split it into shorter (but more managable) chapters so at least it's finally updated. If I do the long, bulk chapter, it'll take me longer to do because of not having enough time to focus on it. If I split it into parts, then I'll have at least one update done, but it just won't have as much impact as if I had done it all at once...
Heh. The guy who did the English dub of Keitaro Urashima in Love Hina is playing Vexen? I still would've preferred Mark Hamill (for the laugh), but Derek's cool too. :3
After seeing a drawing, yes. :p
Ah. Well, I wasn't sure. :huh:
A bit miffed that I've been replaced as Namine, but I understand. :3 And unfortunately, this is only temporary. University homework takes up a...
Switched has been updated if you hadn't already checked. :)
I'm survivin'. :p Just trudging along with university stuff. You? :3
Aww...:glomp: My wisdom teeth have fully erupted (I think). My top ones are coming straight down, but my bottom ones are going straight forward which might push the entire row out of whack if it continues like this. It doesn't help that food particles get stuck more often back there as well. :sideways: I'd get mine taken out, but I don't have dental anymore. :dead:
*watches from afar* :ninjacat:
Switched is updated. :)
An Intermission... "And so I said, 'Attention duelists!' Man, you should've been there..." With a serene grin, the guard looked over at the silver-banged girl that he was leading. She hadn't said much other than "Mm-hm" and "Nuh-uh." It was quite clear that she wasn't really paying attention to his bravado, but he was so absorbed in spurting out his ego that the man didn't notice. Their footsteps echoed throughout the hallways as the pair walked along the eerily quiet corridor. Riku's eyes constantly soaked in the environment expecting to see wooden doors plastered with huge, styrofoam stars and stage hands rushing around like Chocobos in heat. Instead, he was met with disappointment as bundles of pipes and heating tanks began to steadily increase in quantity as they walked further along. This began to nag at him, like an itch that couldn't be scratched. "Wait a minute..." The feeling of suspicion became greater until he found himself face-to-face with a wall of pipes. "Wait. This doesn't look like the backstage area!" Realizing that he had been led straight into a dead end, Riku yanked his arm from the guard's grip. "Where are we?!" The man chuckled lightly, but there was no humor in his voice. "Don't worry, little missy. You won't be harmed or anything. But the Mistress ordered us not to let anyone interfere." "Wh...'Mistress?'" Riku's eyes narrowed, mentally slapping himself for falling into such an obvious trap. "You're working for Natalia, aren't you!" "Forget about her! You're still going to be in the middle of the action!" As the guard began to inch himself closer, Riku felt himself being forced back against the wall. "Come on, don't be shy, pretty lady..." "But this is...an abuse of power!" Riku cried in a shrill voice. Even in his state of panic, he forced himself to stay in character. His mind was reeling from this surprising turn of events. "Then what was all that about helping me before? Was that all just a ruse?" "So is that a no?" Suddenly, Riku felt his heel strike the wall behind him. He was cornered. The mischievous grin plastered on the guard's face creeped even Riku out. And after seeing the Cheshire Cat, that was saying something. As the guard crept closer, Riku noticed that the wild-looking smile didn't seem to reach his eyes. The pupils were dull and lifeless, almost as if they were... The "girl's" gaze raked itself down to the guard's neck where he could make out a single purple eye peeking out from underneath the uniform's collar. Riku had hoped to avoid resorting to violence, but there didn't seem to be any reasoning with this guard. "Before this goes any further, I've just got one thing to say," he said, voice shaking with tension. Riku could almost feel the guard's stingy breath huffing down the front of his neck and down his "cleavage", sending shivers down his spine. "And that would be?" the poor soul asked with a hungry look on his face. "LOOK OVER THERE!" Naively, the guard turned his head to look and in one fluid movement, Riku summoned his Way to the Dawn and slammed the handle dead center into the back of the guard's skull, sending him reeling. Before the man could get back up, Riku snagged a fistful of his dress, stripped it off and threw it in the guard's face, giving the Dawn wielder time to bolt. By the time the officer was able to throw the enrapturing dress off of his face, the silver-haired "girl" was nowhere in sight. "Hey! Where'd she go?" Reluctantly, the guard quickly reached up and tapped his earpiece. "We've got a security breach..." * * * As soon as the red velvet curtains spilled out over the stage barring the audience's view, the contestants let out a collective sigh of relief. 'So it wasn't just me then,' Sora thought. 'Are pageants always this stressful?' 'We just started, Sora,' Naminé replied. 'You did just fine, though. I'm sure Kairi's proud of you for pulling it off." Sora looked slightly pleased with himself. "Ladies, may I have your attention, please!" A blanket of silence washed over the contestants as they focused on the pageant director. "We'll be starting the Evening Gown competition in 10 minutes. Please return to your dressing rooms and we'll call everyone back to the stage when it's time. That is all." As soon as the director left, the gaggle of girls began chatting randomly about unimportant stuff and scattered about. As Sora began to make his way back to his dressing room, he swore he could feel the intense stare of Natalia burning holes through the back of his head. However, when Sora glanced over his shoulder, Natalia was busy whispering into her cell phone, her hand shielding her lips and the speaker as if afraid she'd be overheard. 'Wonder what's up with her?' Naminé wondered. 'Is it just me or does she seem slightly worried?' "Too much noise around here," Sora muttered. "Wish we could get closer without being seen..." Suddenly a crazy idea popped into his head. With his trademark impulsiveness guiding him, Kairi's red hair rippled as her head quickly shuffled side to side, checking to make sure no one was paying attention. Naminé's face scrunched up in confusion in the back of Sora's mind. 'Um, Sora? What are you doing?' Instead of replying, Sora casually blended in with a group of girls who were making their way to the back. As soon as he was sure he was outside of Natalia's view, he noiselessly slipped off Kairi's sandals and doubled back to Natalia until he was inconspicuously concealed behind a rack of dresses. 'Wow. Nice Solid Snake impression,' Naminé giggled. "...don't care about that!" Natalia was saying. "You find that girl and get rid of her before she ruins everything!" Pause. "Just stick to the plan and it'll all be over, okay?" Natalia hung up her phone and sighed. "I guess money doesn't buy everything." Seeing the blonde prissy girl head out of sight, Sora's bare feet padded away back to Kairi's dressing room where Selphie was waiting for him. As soon as Sora opened the door, the first words out of Selphie's mouth were, "Took you long enough!" She placed her hands on her hips and leaned toward him. "I almost didn't think you could pull it off." Sora rolled his eyes. "Gee. Thanks for the voice of confidence, Selphie." Selphie only smiled. "I'm kidding, Sora. We did everything we could to get you ready for this day. If anything happens, it's our fault too." 'Wait, what do you mean 'too'?' Naminé snapped. Of course, Selphie couldn't hear her. "So what now?" Sora asked. "Well, the Evening Gown segment's next up and we don't have much time." Selphie leaned over into the closet and grabbed the shimmery neon-pink dress she had brought earlier. "You remember how to put on the make-up, right?" Sora nodded. "Don't worry. I won't make Kairi look like a mime again." As Selphie handed Sora the dress, the Keyblade master couldn't help but admire the sparkling sequin material. "It's so shiny..." Selphie cleared her throat. "Focus, Sora." Sora grinned at her with a sheepish smile. "Er...sorry." He began to strip off Kairi's clothes, tossing them carelessly onto the couch until he was standing in her underwear again. Sora chanced a peek at the mirror to take in Kairi's near-nude form. 'SORA!' Naminé snapped. Sora's head snapped up from her authoritative shriek and he quickly averted his eyes back to the dress. As he started to step into the soft, surprisingly comfortable outfit, Sora paused suddenly. "Do I wear a bra under this thing or do I go bare-chested?" He couldn't figure out why his question was only met with frustrated sighs from both of the girls. * * * "Kairi?" Wakka gave her a sideways glance of concern. "What's up?" He couldn't help but noticed Sora's body squirming irritably in the cushy, turquoise seat. "How do you guys sit comfortably with this..." Kairi motioned toward Sora's crotch. "...'thing' in-between your legs?" The boys only responded with awkward stares causing the blood rush to her face slightly. To relieve Kairi from the tension that she inadvertently caused, Olette quickly changed the subject. "So, Kairi. How do you think Sora's doing so far?" Kairi couldn't help but smirk. "I'm surprised on how well he's holding up. He hasn't made me trip or fall once." She exhaled. "To be honest, I'm more concerned about those judges. Especially that Duke guy. He seems a lot more perverted than Tidus." "Hey!" Tidus looked a bit miffed at the accusation. Wakka patted his shoulder heartily. "She's got you there, ya?" Tidus opened his mouth to respond, but was stuck dumbfounded. The others chuckled as Kairi said with a toothy grin, "Objection overruled." Then her grin faded as she became serious again. "So does anyone know anything else about these people?" The group instinctively turned to Pence who was calmly sipping a can of diet soda before he realized their gazes burning holes through him. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" he asked nervously. It took him a few seconds before he rolled his eyes. "I'm not a human encyclopedia, you know! What? Do you think I research everybody?" Pence jammed his empty can into his cup holder before he crossed his arms. "Besides, I don't even have my laptop with me. How am I supposed to do the research?" "You could always use Tidus' phone," Hayner suggested. But Tidus shook his head. "Sorry. Mine's charging at home." Pence raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Why is your phone at home? Haven't you been charging it up regularly?" When Tidus didn't answer, Pence added, "The only way it'd be out of power now is if you'd been using a bunch of complex programs over the past few nights non-stop." "He was busy photo-maniping Natalia's pictures onto Jessica Alba's body," Wakka laughed. Tidus' eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "How'd you...I mean, I didn't do anything of the sort!" Olette shook her head impatiently. "Honestly. How do you expect to get a girl when all you do is daydream about the impossible?" Tidus only shrugged. "Don't worry. If anything, I could always fall back on my final fantasy." Wakka slapped Tidus across the back of the head. "Dude, you mean that Yuna chick? She's a faerie, remember?" Ignoring them, Kairi tapped a finger against her chin thoughtfully. "I feel like we're missing something..." After a few seconds she shook her head and shrugged helplessly. "Oh well. I might be just imagining things." "You mean Riku, Donald and Goofy?" Pence chimed in. "Don't worry about it. Those guys are probably watching from the balconies or something." Olette patted Kairi's hand smiled gently. "He's right. They can take care of themselves just fine." 'If you're still worried, why not just call Riku's phone?' Roxas suggested internally. Kairi mentally slapped herself for not thinking of it herself. She plunged her hand into Sora's side pocket, whipped out his phone and swiftly pressed auto-dial. To her surprise, Tidus' pocket started singing "I am Sora. Here's my Keyblade..." Kairi slowly hung up the phone and stared intently at Tidus, who had a guilty look on his face. "Um...why do you have Riku's phone?" "Because I needed to borrow his for...personal reasons," Tidus replied. "I just haven't had a chance to give it back to him yet." The light, quaky tone in his voice only made Kairi more suspicious. "Pray tell, what kind of personal reasons?" * * * As soon as Riku was sure he had enough distance between him and the security guard, the boy let out a sigh of relief. He was pretty sure that the guard wouldn't find him anytime soon. "What was that all about? And more importantly..." He glanced down at his footwear. "I was SO not made to wear high heels." He groaned as he realized one of the heels had broken off. Shaking his head slightly, he kicked off the heels, reached into his shirt and pulled out the sneakers that had made up his nice, perky "rack." "Glad he didn't decide to frisk me, the jerk." Even though he was a bit miffed from being sexually assaulted, Riku was more curious about the purple eye tattoo that had been sticking out of the guard's neck. It didn't take him long to deduce what it was. "Great, mind-controlled security." Riku massaged his forehead. "What's next, a mindless zombie hoard?" * * * "So, Beca." Michael gave his sister a nervous glance. "Any new data yet?" Rebecca's ponytail swished back and forth like a horse tail swatting flies as she shook her head. "Nothing." Rachel pursed her lips with impatience. "This bites. Why do we have to wait the full three hours of the pageant to get any action?" She blew some stray strands of highlighted hair out of her face. "I personally think this is all just a big waste of time. Nearly naked girls prancing around up there while every guy's jaw drops as if they've never seen a girl in a bikini before." She glared pointedly at Michael when she said that. Michael rolled his eyes. "Always the accuser, ain't ya?" Crossing his arms, his head drooped down to his chest in thought. "It's strange. The threat happens to be in the same exact world Natalia transported to after our incident back in Ultima?" His brow furrowed with worry. "You don't think..." "That she has anything to do with it?" Rachel finished frostily. "That my cousin decided to play the 'evil boy-stealing genius' once again?" Her lip curled angrily at the thought. "We already underestimated her once. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if she WAS behind all of this." But Rebecca shook her head again. "I don't think Natalia is behind this. She's part of it, true, but not behind it." She calmly removed her librarian-style glasses and began giving it a good polish with her aqua blue T-shirt. "No, I think someone is manipulating her as well." "So, it's more than just some desperate crush?" Duke asked. "What I'm saying is that by the end of today..." Rebecca's eyes narrowed dangerously. "...there'll be a lot more collateral damage than just some broken hearts." * * * Sora looked into the full-body mirror and almost drooled at what he saw. He was staring at Kairi in a form-fitting, pink strapless dress with crystallic-blue high heels. The usual free-flowing hair was tied into a tight, little bun behind her head. Sora couldn't contain his grin. "Wow. Just...wow." Selphie giggled. "Stunning, huh?" Sora nodded in agreement. Suddenly, the smile faded into a worried frown. Selphie blinked. "What's wrong?" Sora gave her a nervous look. "Well, I..." Selphie pursed her lips patiently. "It's the bun, isn't it?" Sora shook his head and took a deep breath. "Um...doesn't this seem a little...low-cut?" It was obvious from Selphie's jaw dropping that was the last thing she was expecting to come out of Sora's mouth. "What are you talking about?" Sora looked down and motioned his hand toward Kairi's chest. "I can feel the air running across the top of Kairi's boobs." He made to grab them for emphasis, but immediately stopped himself. Selphie looked at him dumbstruck. "I think you're starting to get a little TOO comfortable in that body, Sora."
General Assistance It's under the Reputation heading. :)
Still not working?
<_< >_> *shrugs* Guess I'll just work on my homework... -Namine logging out-
-Namine logging in- Hello everyone! <3 Sorry, I haven't been on lately. School bites at times, you know? :D
...and it falls on top of a mime... [would anyone actually care?]
It's not exactly a poem, but it's not exactly a piece of creative fiction either. To be honest, I just felt like venting. I've been feeling this way for the past few months now and I just had to get it off my chest. Unfortunately, I don't feel any better. It just reminds me of how utterly pathetic my relationships have been throughout my life. :sideways: