For those of you who aren't familiar with this project, me and VGN have been working on an "Abridged" type series involving the anime "Negima! Magister Negi Magi" or usually known as "Mahou Sensei Negima." In layman's terms, a condensed fandub that actually has humor in it. And for those of you who're either involved or been interested, don't worry. We're not dead. :p Most of the pilot episode has been done. We're just waiting for certain voice clips before it's officially ready. In the meantime, here's something to keep you occupied. ;)
Episode 1 Teaser Since most of the episode is pretty much done with, me and VGN saw no point in not at least putting up at least ONE part. Just to show what's coming up. :) Oh, and in case you're wondering...Asuna said, "Oh, bite me, pedo." :D
Let's face it. I haven't been on as much as I used to. I've got papers due every week. I haven't been able to work on Wedding or Switched for awhile because of that. No new avys or sigs. The Negima project's been stopped to a dead halt because of lack of interest. The RPs that I'm in can get along without me for a little while. The Cookie Castle has been able to create its own...status. And my friends...well, I'm not going to get into that. I'm spent. Emotionally and physically. Change has happened and I need time to adapt. This is where I would usually list all my friends/acquaintances/etc... ...but I'm not going to do that. Let's face it. I know I have a purpose here. So I'm not going to say goodbye. More like a "Catch you later" and such. And so I leave you with this: In other words... I'll be back around my birthday. Maybe by then I'll have been able to find the balance that I need. I'll still be on MSN for those who I've been in contact with. So this is DF saying "Catch ya later!" -Destiny's Force has activated stealth mode-
*picks up Roxas and dark portals him and Kairi to Destiny Islands* *places Roxas on the beach* It's only temporary. Hopefully when you pull yourself back together, you won't be so angry. -Namine logging out-
*narrows eyes* You leave me no choice. *Mind Crushes Roxas to a halt*
*narrows eyes* This isn't you and you know it. But if you're going to continue to do this, you'll leave me no choice.
ENOUGH! *Namine jumps in front of Kairi and blocks with Kairi's Keyblade* What is wrong with you, Roxas?! And in case you're wondering, I grabbed the Keyblade from that guy over there. *jerks thumb in random direction*
I kinda disagree on that second point. If you've been talking with the person for awhile in real time (i.e. voice chatting, web-cam, telephone) then it COULD work given enough time. However, if it's just via PMs or Visitor Messaging, then the chances of the relationship working out are even lower because both parties might get frustrated with the lag in the conversation. As for understanding how the person truly is, yes, it's hard to figure someone out virtually, especially if they're both not being totally honest and open to each other. But over time, trust builds and eventually, it's kinda easy to figure someone's personality by the way they speak or word things. But like I said, it only happens over time and both parties actually have to be willing to work toward it.
I sincerely HOPE that long distance relationships work. I mean, if you're voice-chatting or webcamming with them face-to-face/voice-to-voice/any other combination and you both feel the same way, then I'd say it should work as long as both parties keep working at it through thick and thin. Sure, it'd help if you were in the same time zone, but trying to get together with someone who lives three time zones over could work too. It'd be a strain on the person who lives in the earlier zone, but it could still work out if they work at it. :) ...or I could just be fooling myself...:sideways:
Well, I dunno. Things seem to be going fine without me. I mean, I'd love to, but I haven't exactly been keeping up to date, unfortunately. :sideways:
[IMG] *Matrix glomps before going to work*
Wow. I mean, wow. I've got complete confidence that he'll be 100% in due time. :)
Heya, Cait! I'm Destiny's Force, aka DF. And a random person, eh? <_< >_> O_o *tickle glomps*
"So, are you satisfied?" Zack asked the psychic. "If so, then the defendant may step down." He glanced warily at both sides of the court. "Unless the Defense has any objections or other witnesses, the debate for the charges may begin."
Actually Destined, I was leaning more towards the one big, bulk chapter myself. And Jiku, yeah, you're right. In order to have more of an impact like the last chapter did, it'd have to be all in one go than trying to break it up. After all, one giant laser beam is more effective than small, puny rounds. :3 I guess it'll be another few months before I can get cracking on it...
RRMS' is 6 days before yours. Let's make it a trio. :p
PM'd you just to see if it still works. :huh:
No worries. Just a friendly reminder. ;)
You know, I just realized that the Court RP is actually waiting on Axel's response. :3
Er...yeah. I know. :3 I'll see you in a bit. ;)